UK Government (NHSX) modified existing contracts to buy additional data services to react to COVID-19 -- 'The greater includes the lesser' when it comes to extreme urgency procurement?

Screenshot 2020-04-26 at 14.40.18.png

COVID-19 related procurement is the gift that keeps on giving (at least for procurement professionals and aficionados). Dr Pedro Telles has now found another emerging procurement controversy concerning the modification of pre-existing public contracts to award ‘additional services’ to mine and analyse data to inform the UK Government’s response to the pandemic—as reported by the Guardian (12 Apr 2020) and, in more detail from a procurement perspective, by the Byline Times (22 Apr 2020) . I would expect Pedro to blog about it soon, so keep an eye on

In short—and setting aside the controversy that surrounds the links of the awardees with political figures in the UK and the US, which is nonetheless also rather worrying—the situation is that, in the context of boosting the UK Government’s access to data science analysis as an input to its broader decision-making on pandemic response, NHSX modified a pre-existing contract with Faculty, ‘which had a pre-existing contract with other companies to help build a £250 million artificial intelligence lab for the NHSX.’

This is another procurement exercise where there is very limited public information, so my comments are based on the Byline story taken at face value. Whether entirely accurate or not, I think the story raises an important set of questions on the limits of the extreme urgency exemption from procurement rules and its interaction with the regulation of existing contracts.

The questions that immediately spring to mind are: why would NHSX modify an existing contract, and what are the implications of the contractual expansion? Given the extreme urgency in gaining better insights on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, which seems to me beyond doubt, would it not have been possible (as well as neater and easier to oversee and manage ex post) to directly award a new contract? Are there any particular implications of the choice to modify rather than award a separate contract?

Given the limited public information, all I can do at this stage is speculate. However, I think that some of the unanswered questions below should be added to the already lengthy list that should form the core of a post-crisis public inquiry into COVID-19 related procurement.

Rules on modification and extreme urgency

The modification of the NHSX contract would have been justified on the basis of reg. 72 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, which transposes Art. 72 of Directive 2014/24/EU. In particular, the Byline piece refers to reg.72(1)(b) and (c) PCR2015, both of which allow for a contractual modification of up to 50% of the value of the original contract. Both rules simply transpose the equivalent rules of Art 72 Dir 2014/24/EU and need to be interpreted in the same manner.

Awarding additional services in the way that NHSX seems to have done it boggles the mind, mainly because the award of the additional services to mine and analyse COVID-19 related data is unlikely to be covered by either of the two rules—which need to be interpreted restrictively [for details, see A Sanchez-Graells, Public Procurement and the EU Competition Rules (2nd ed, Hart 2015) 429 ff].

Reg. 72(1)(b) PCR2015 allows for a contract to be extended to include additional services that ‘have become necessary and were not included in the initial procurement, where a change of contractor—(i) cannot be made for economic or technical reasons such as requirements of interchangeability or interoperability with existing equipment, services or installations procured under the initial procurement, and (ii) would cause significant inconvenience or substantial duplication of costs for the contracting authority’.

To put it simply, reg. 72(1)(b) PCR2015 contains a rule concerning contract modifications for ‘more of the same’ services under the relevant contract. This is also the clear indication based on recital (108) of Directive 2014/24/EU, which states that: ‘Contracting authorities may be faced with situations where additional works, supplies or services become necessary; in such cases a modification of the initial contract without a new procurement procedure may be justified, in particular where the additional deliveries are intended either as a partial replacements or as the extension of existing services, supplies or installations where a change of supplier would oblige the contracting authority to acquire material, works or services having different technical characteristics which would result in incompatibility or disproportionate technical difficulties in operation and maintenance.’

Reg. 72(1)(c) PCR2015 allows for a non-competed contractual modification to add services to an existing contract where ‘(i) the need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen; [and] (ii) the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract’.

Reg. 72(1)(c) PCR2015 contains a rule that gets close to the general possibility to award contracts without competition (under reg.32(2)(c) PCR2015). However, this possibility is subjected to the important constraint that it cannot be used to procure something different from the object of the original contract. This is also rather clear in recital (109) of Directive 2014/24/EU: ‘Contracting authorities can be faced with external circumstances that they could not foresee when they awarded the contract, in particular when the performance of the contract covers a long period. In this case, a certain degree of flexibility is needed to adapt the contract to those circumstances without a new procurement procedure. The notion of unforeseeable circumstances refers to circumstances that could not have been predicted despite reasonably diligent preparation of the initial award by the contracting authority, taking into account its available means, the nature and characteristics of the specific project, good practice in the field in question and the need to ensure an appropriate relationship between the resources spent in preparing the award and its foreseeable value. However, this cannot apply in cases where a modification results in an alteration of the nature of the overall procurement, for instance by replacing the works, supplies or services to be procured by something different or by fundamentally changing the type of procurement since, in such a situation, a hypothetical influence on the outcome may be assumed’ (emphasis added).

We are thus in a situation where the legality of the contractual modification will crucially depend on the object of the initial contract. However, it seems really difficult to see how what NHSX describes as a bespoke data store and dashboard to monitor the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic (see eg this blog) can fit within the remit or previous contracts, not least because it is meant to ‘self-destroy’ after the pandemic: ‘When the pandemic abates and the outbreak is contained, we will close the Covid-19 datastore. The Data Processing agreements put in place with the organisations listed above include the steps which need to be taken to cease processing and to either destroy or return data to NHS England and NHS Improvement once the public health emergency situation has ended‘.

It is quite difficult to see how the services provided in the creation of the datastore and the dashboard can be additional (in the sense of interoperable or directly complementary) to what was already contracted (see eg a rather detailed description here, where there is no reference to population-wide dashboards), when the COVID-19 specific solutions will be completely abandoned and thus, arguably not support the functioning of the NHS going forward. It is also quite difficult to see how the services provided are not substantially different from what was covered in the original contracts.

Of course, it could be possible to find some compatibility if the original contracts were not for specific solutions, but rather for activities—but, even then, this seems to be a rather distorted use of the rules on contract modification.

Assuming modification was illegal, should we care?

Of course, the discussion above can seem rather academic. If the UK Government (including NHSX) was allowed to enter into direct awards on the basis of the extreme urgency procurement exemption (as I have argued myself, eg here), what difference would it make if the modifications were illegal?

I think there are a few relevant differences. The first one concerns the need to ensure that the distortions to the normal functioning of the procurement rules that ensue from their deactivation in cases of extreme urgency are contained and, mainly, result in clear and traceable creations of new contractual relationships that allow for ex post control and oversight. The second, more practical one, is that the remedies for breach of the relevant rules are different.

While a breach of reg.32(2)(c) PCR2015 in the context of the pandemic can leave disappointed tenderers and the general public without much of a remedy, other than the possible (but in my view, rather unlikely) payment of damages, a breach of reg.72(1)(b) and/or (c) PCR2015 can have more significant and lasting effects, as the remedies in that case include the potential termination of the original contracts (see reg.73 PCR2015).

Indeed, reg.73(1)(a) establishes that ‘Contracting authorities shall ensure that every public contract which they award contains provisions enabling the contracting authority to terminate the contract where—the contract has been subject to a substantial modification which would have required a new procurement procedure in accordance with regulation 72’.

Now, this opens another potentially tricky statutory interpretation issue, which concerns whether the implicit direct award of the contract for the additional services would have required a new procurement procedure under reg. 72, given that it could have been exempted under reg.32. This creates two possibilities (or perhaps there are some additional ones we could find with more time to think about it).

First, a functional interpretation along the lines of ‘the greater includes the lesser’, so that we could waive the potential termination of the contract even in case of breach of reg.72, given that the award of the implicit contract would not have in casu required a new procurement procedure.

Second, a more formalistic interpretation, under which the cause for termination could not be waived because reg.73 is meant as a safeguard against abuses of reg.72 and, thus, is unavoidably triggered the moment the boundaries of reg.72 are exceeded.

Whether one option is preferable to the other can be debated de lege ferenda. For now, de lege data, I would incline towards the second option, as I think this is the one more in line with the case law of the CJEU to date—in particular, Finn Frogne.

So, in my view, I think we should very much care that the rules on contract modification may have been breached, and this creates a risk of termination of the modified NHSX contracts.

Why would they modify rather than award fresh contracts?

The possibility and risk of termination of the pre-existing contracts must have crossed the minds of the lawyers advising NHSX. I think this cannot be a simple oversight or a massive discounting of the risk of termination. There are likely to be some reasons why the modification of a pre-existing contract was used at the same time as the UK Government was directly awarding rather substantial contracts (eg in the context of the Ventilator Challenge).

Those reasons are difficult to disentangle with the available information, but my hunch is that they relate to the intellectual property clauses in the contracts and the likely possibility for NHSX’s contractors to retain very valuable know-how and other IP-protectable outputs of the COVID-19 data store and dashboard project. If this was the implication of the decision to modify pre-existing contracts with potentially favourable terms IP-related terms, then the modification could have been used as a shield against some of the scrutiny that these contracts were known to be likely to attract.

All in all, I think there are very relevant questions on this legal strategy that NHSX needs to answer in the context of a post-crisis public inquiry.

How does the UK Government's ventilator procurement strategy fit with the Commission's Guidance on COVID-19 procurement?

© FT Montage/Ian Bott.

© FT Montage/Ian Bott.

In one more episode of this series—let’s call it #ventilatorgate already, shall we?—Dr Pedro Telles has quickly highlighted the UK Government’s response to an FT story (and twitter thread) that strongly criticised its approach to the procurement of medical ventilators.

One of the interesting parts of the Government’s (entirely predictable) response is the statement that ‘The Government’s strategy to increase ventilator capacity has always focused on three pillars: first, procuring more devices from existing manufacturers overseas; second, scaling up production of existing ventilator suppliers, and third, working with industry to design and manufacture new devices. It has also involved seeking specialist support in other areas including logistics, component and peripheral procurement, and technical expertise.’

Pedro has rightly stressed that ‘This is fascinating insight into the process. … why did the Government follow a pathway that could not (and [h]as not!) provide the NHS immediately with ventilators? The third leg of the stool is not really an appropriate answer here since they could never be approved quickly enough before going into production.’ He also added that ‘It is also a crucial recognition by the Government that ventilator designing and validating *new* ventilator designs takes years effectively meaning that there is no way the new designs could be validated and put in service in due time to deal with the current pandemic. There is an obvious consequence to this assumption and that is to clear any doubts that the Dyson contract illegal since it does not solve an immediate need.’

I fully agree. Of the three pillars of the UK Government’s strategy, only the first two are in line with the EU and UK procurement rules and, in particular, the extreme urgency procurement exemption. This is clear in the European Commission’s Guidance on using the public procurement framework in the emergency situation related to the COVID-19 crisis [2020] OJ C108I/1 (see here for comments). There is no doubt that, according to existing CJEU case law, ‘if extreme urgency is invoked, the procurement need has to be satisfied without delay. The exception cannot be invoked for the award of contracts that take longer than they would have taken if a transparent, open or restricted, procedure had been used, including accelerated (open or restricted) procedures‘ (Guidance, part 2.3.2, with reference to the Order of the Court of Justice of 20 June 2013 in Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri, C-352/12, EU:C:2013:416, paragraphs 50-52).

Therefore, if the award of contracts under the ‘Ventilator Challenge’ was justified on grounds of extreme urgency, then those direct awards are illegal inasmuch as they concern new models or prototypes without regulatory approval and that would not be in a position to obtain it imminently (which seems to only be the case of the Penlon ventilators, which only required adaptation). If an alternative legal basis was used, the Government should disclose it without delay, as the illegality of the awards triggers serious risks of legal challenge and, potentially, pay-outs in damages. The need for a post-crisis public inquiry into these awards only keeps growing by the day.

I think this analysis is uncontroversial. However, it may perhaps be useful to also point out that this is not an instance of (EU) procurement law getting on the way of the Government’s bold ambitions or innovative approaches—else, this can further fuel the claims already been made by the UK Government that now more than ever there is a need for the UK to rid itself from the constraints of EU law, as well as the PM’s bonfire of procurement rules. This is not a time to allow procurement rules to be made a scapegoat for yet another attempt by the UK Government to use procurement to seek to boost the domestic industry, much as in the case of #ferrygate.

In fact, it should be stressed that the European Commission’s Guidance endorses similar approaches and unconventional commercial strategies to react to the COVID-19 emergency, just not within the narrow confines of the extreme urgency exemption. The Commission’s Guidance stresses that, within the narrow extreme urgency exception and ‘[t]o satisfy their needs, public buyers may have to look for alternative and possibly innovative solutions, which might already be available on the market or could be capable of being deployed at (very) short notice‘ (part 1). This highlights the requirement of the (near) immediacy in the supply to cover for the extremely urgent need—such as the adaptation of existing models.

This is distinguished from non-immediate alternatives and innovations, such as the development of new (to be tested and authorised) models, in relation to which the Guidance indicates that ‘Public buyers are fully empowered under the EU framework to engage with the market and in matchmaking activities. There are various ways to interact with the market to stimulate the supply and for the medium term needs, the application of urgent procedures could prove a more reliable means of getting better value for money and wider access to available supplies. In addition: ... Public buyers may use innovative digital tools ... to trigger a wide interest among economic actors able to propose alternative solutions. For example, they could launch hackathons for new concepts that enable reusing protective masks after cleaning, for ideas on how to protect medical staff effectively, for ways to detect the virus in the environment, etc’ (part 1, emphasis added).

By the UK Government’s own admission, the Ventilator Challenge was a (sort of) hackathon. Indeed, the Government’s response stresses that ‘[n]o one was under any illusions at the time of launching the Challenge that producing new designs for domestic production would be anything other than a significant and exacting test. Ventilators are highly complex medical devices requiring hundreds of individual components. That was precisely the point of issuing a public Challenge. Alongside new devices, the Challenge has pursued scaling up a number of existing, proven ventilators…

Therefore, the adequate approach would have been to follow urgent procedures (either open or restricted), which would have required the UK Government to advertise the contractual opportunity (for 15, or 15+10 days, respectively). Given that the Ventilator Challenge was launched on 16 March 2020 and that, at the time of the Government response (19 April 2020), no new ventilators had received regulatory approval, there is no evidence that the same (sadly, so far, unproductive) result could not have been achieved by resorting to urgent (but not extremely urgent) procurement procedures.

However, openly advertising the requirements rather than holding a (by invitation only) conference call with UK manufacturers would probably not have satisfied the Government’s more veiled ambition of using this as an industrial policy opportunity. And this seems to have been an important element of the strategy too. And one that, once again, merits very close scrutiny in a public inquiry.

Drilling down on the statutory interpretation of the extreme urgency procurement exemption in the context of COVID-19


Not that we have nothing else to do, but Dr Pedro Telles and yours truly keep busying ourselves with the analysis of the extreme urgency exemption from the EU and UK public procurement rules—that is, the statutory interpretation of Art 32(2)(c) Directive 2014/24/EU and its equivalent reg. 32(2)(c) Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR2015).

To be precise, our ongoing debate concentrates on the safeguard that ‘the circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency must not in any event be attributable to the contracting authority’ [see Art 32(2)(c) in fine Dir 2014/24/EU; reg.32(4) PCR2015, emphasis added]. The specific point that keeps us arguing with each other concerns the attribution or, relatedly, the imputability to the contracting authority of (political) decisions that can be seen to have aggravated the extremely urgent need for the supplies (in the specific case, of medical ventilators).

We are agreed on almost everything else, including the illegality of a number of contracts directly awarded (presumably) by Cabinet Office due to the fact that the companies or consortia that received them were (and continue to be) unable to immediately deliver ventilators (notably, due to the need for regulatory approval)—see eg Guardian, 14 Apr 2020.

Our disagreement thus concerns the direct award of extremely urgent contracts to suppliers that could immediately deliver ventilators. While I argue that (if any) these were legal awards because the Cabinet Office was covered by the relevant exemption, Pedro challenges this position and would consider the award of all ventilator contracts illegal due to the extemporaneity of the intervention.

To be fair, the question is rather academic, but I still think it is worth pursuing, as it affects the general interpretation of the rules for extreme urgency as it concerns the impact of the prior behaviour of the contracting authority, as well as the viability or less of my proposed distinction between political and operative decisions, which Pedro rejects. So here are some additional thoughts, trying to drill down on this issue.

Who has which burden of proof?

Our positions are diametrically distant. Even from the first premises, it would seem, as Pedro says in his latest post that “Regulation 32(2)c is exceptional in nature … and as such the grounds for use need to be interpreted narrowly. This means that in case of uncertainty/unpredictability as seen in this particular situation, the benefit of the doubt does not support the use of this provision but actually forbids it.” I do not really understand what this is meant to stress. One of the requirements is for there to be ‘events unforeseeable by the contracting authority’ and it is precisely the uncertainty surrounding such unforeseeability that opens up the possibility of resorting to direct awards if the rest of the conditions are met. On that, we seem to continue to disagree too.

As Pedro puts it, in his view, “Regulation 32(2)c creates a positive obligation for the contracting authority to prove that the grounds for extreme urgency are met. I think this is crux of the difference between mine and Albert's view. When Albert states we do not know if the counterfactual of a hypothetical procedure launched in February would have been successful that is *precisely* my point. Had it been done and failed, then the Government would be more than entitled to use a negotiated procedure without prior notice. But crucial element here is that it didn’t.

I reject the way the disagreement is framed there. I do not challenge that it is for the contracting authority to demonstrate that the grounds for extreme emergency existed: ie unforeseeability of the events by the contracting authority in question; extreme urgency making compliance with general deadlines impossible; and causal link between the unforeseen events and the extreme urgency (as per the European Commission’s guidance of 1 April 2020, see here).

I also reject that recourse to extreme urgency procurement can be made dependent on the previous failure of an alternative procurement approach, as Pedro suggests. Not least, because those are two different grounds for having recourse to direct awards (or rectius, the negotiated procedure without prior publication), both under EU law [cfr Art 32(2)(a) and (c) Dir 2014/24/EU] and UK law [cfr reg.32(2)(a) and (c) PCR2015].

What I argue is that it is for those wanting to challenge the use of the extreme urgency exemption to positively demonstrate that the situation is attributable to the contracting authority, as the contracting authority cannot be put in the position of proving a negative. Here kicks in my argument that “I do not think a negative approach (not unattributable) is satisfactory at all. I think a more stringent approach needs to be taken, to at least require evidence of a positive contribution to worsening the situation by the contracting authority.”

This is the perspective from which I would assess Pedro’s additional arguments and factual statements about the way the Cabinet Office acted in the lead up to the launch of its extreme urgency procurement of ventilators on 16 March 2020.

January to March 2016: uncertain times

Pedro frames the question as “Was the Government (sorry, Cabinet Office) a reasonably diligent contracting authority in the run up to mid-March when it comes down to availability of ventilators?”. He provides links to a number of reports and concludes that they constitute “sufficient evidence that the [UK] Government knew of the need to secure further ventilators on the run up to March 16th and did not act upon it, effectively losing any semblance of protection that could be afforded as 'a diligent contracting authority'.” The difficulties I have with this approach are as follows.

First, there is no evidence that Cabinet Office was inactive all the time up and until 16 March. At least one of the reports Pedro links indicates that ‘the government started talking to manufacturers of ventilators about procuring extra supplies in February. But it was not until March 16, after it was clear supplies could run out, that Johnson launched an appeal to industry to help ramp up production’ (emphasis added). We have very limited information on the evolving analysis of the likely sufficiency of the contractual arrangements already in place, notably by NHS Supply Chain, which has a rather large framework agreement for medical ventilators in place (see for more details the 2018 contract award notice).

This could put the approach in context, as it would be reasonable for the Government to first have been in touch with the contractors within the NHSSC framework agreement to check their maximum delivery capability, and only once this was assessed as insufficient, to go out to market to try and secure the remainder of the expected needs, now extremely urgent. Without more information, it is difficult to assess what happened, but that could be understood (either within or outwith the framework agreement) as direct contacts and (potentially) negotiations of the sort that are allowed under extreme urgency, despite the fact that the contracts ended up being awarded on 16 March. This would still not justify resorting to direct awards to companies or consortia unable to deliver immediately, as discussed above, but it would go a long way to deactivate any claims of procurement passivity between end of January and early March 2020.

Moreover, second, it may be worth stressing that the existence of some benchmarks could be useful in assessing the timeliness of the intervention. Remarkably, the EU itself took a similar time to react and the EU-level effort to procurement ventilators under the Joint Procurement Agreement (JPA) was launched on 17 March, thus contemporaneously to the UK’s awards—see eg Reuters, 3 Apr 2020. The JPA will still take time to result in the effective supply of ventilators so, as of today, it seems difficult to assess whether one approach will be significantly more successful to the other in the long run.

Third, and perhaps more importantly, the modelling of the likely evolution of the pandemic in the UK was all over the place in the period in question (and only more and better data is allowing for more reliable forecasts as it evolves) and there is ongoing controversy (and opacity) on the Government’s chosen strategy and its expected/foreseeable clinical implications. Pedro somewhat agrees, but indicates that this is ultimately no excuse because “*a* demand for extra ventilators was not unpredictable in late January/early February, even for a reasonably diligent contracting authority”. He further concludes that “the Government was aware of the need prior to March 16th and did not act upon it. In my opinion this leads to the consequence of contributing towards the extreme urgency.

I would argue that this remains largely a weak claim, not least because it comes back to saying that the circumstances under which the extremely urgent direct awards were made were not (completely) unattributable to the contracting authority—or, in other words, that somehow the contracting authority could have done more or done something earlier. But this begs the question how to assess diligence in that context.

When would a diligent contracting authority with a framework agreement (directly or indirectly) in place have acted to secure additional supplies outside of that mechanism? Why roll back the decision to end of Jan 2020 and not earlier, or later? Also, what would have been the big difference between launching a procurement in early February or mid March? This is all largely speculative and would not make for a solid legal test that could withstand the specifics of a given case, much less become of general application.

tentative conclusion

For the time being and in light of the available information, I do not think there is a sufficient basis to say that the UK Government was barred from relying on the extreme emergency procurement exemption, either due to its tardy reaction to the pandemic from a public health perspective, its eminently political (and in my view wrong and short-sighted) decision not to participate in the JPA for ventilators, or the timing of its decision to directly award contracts for ventilators. None of that can be construed as making the ‘circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency … attributable to the contracting authority’.

That does not mean that (most of) the ventilator contracts were not illegally awarded for other reasons (ie impossibility to immediately fulfil the contract), or that the procurement emergency has been adequately handled. It simply comes to stress the point that, in order to keep statutory interpretation consistent and resilient to the pressures of a given case, it is necessary to disentangle the different requirements justifying direct awards under the extreme urgency exemption.

However, none of this minimises the need for a proper investigation into the whole approach to the procurement of ventilators, which seems bound to emerge as a new #ferrygate. I, for one, look forward to the post-crisis public inquiry that is being demanded—see eg FT, 16 Apr 2020 (paywall).

Some musings on COVID-19 academia & beyond

© Andy Maguire

© Andy Maguire

Like every other sector, higher education is suffering the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are still waiting to see whether the emergency transition to online teaching will work out and whether alternative assessments will deliver fair and appropriate results. This will forever be the ‘COVID-19 academic year’, but we still do not really know what it will end up looking like.

We are also yet to understand the deep implications of the pandemic on the functioning and sustainability of universities and academic communities around the world. The UK is perhaps in a particularly strange and vulnerable position due to the marketisation of its higher education sector, the associated waves of strikes over the last two years, the economic dependence on international student fees (mostly from China) and the global mobility of its top talent.

There will be temptations to go back to ‘normal’ or as close as possible to ‘business as usual’ (perhaps with an intervening sector-wide bailout). I would argue that, in many fronts, this should be resisted. The current shock to the way things were done should make us reflect upon what does not work in academia, what scrambling through the challenges of COVID-19 is teaching us, and what we want for the post COVID-19 academia. I have a few thoughts.

First, COVID-19 and the associated collective disorientation, fear and confusion in its immediate aftermath have created massive tensions in the governance of higher education institutions, with many of them displaying levels of dysfunctionality that will only be fully visible in the medium to long term. These challenges in governance and the vacuum or excesses (and sometimes, both) of decision-making and communications (with staff and students alike) have only been partially mitigated by the commitment and the collegiality of most, starting with those on the most precarious contracts, which are at the frontline of interactions with students. Only this attitude will carry us through this, for the unavoidable truth is that the worse is yet to come and it will be with us for quite some time. The sense of community that (the lucky ones, amongst which I am blessed to be) have been experiencing shows us something about the real meaning of academia. We must build on it.

However, making this commitment sustainable will require a very significant rethinking of the system of values and rewards in academia and, importantly, a levelling up of working conditions and an end to casualisation. ‘Citizenship’ is now the gold standard and the only way of keeping Departments/Schools afloat and, with them, the heavier University structures. This is a time where it may be all too easy for some to hide under the efforts of most. More than ever, keeping tabs with everyone’s contribution, demanding that senior colleagues pull our weight, and recompensing those that go above and beyond will be crucial. Only resilient institutions can get to the other end of this (and the next, and the following) crisis and the institution can only be as resilient as the worse-treated, paid and rewarded of its members.

Second, this crisis has shown how most of our lives are unbalanced from a personal/work life perspective and the fragility of the support structures that allow us to overwork, oftentimes to the point of neglecting our closest and dearest, as well as ourselves. The unavoidable ‘reduction in academic productivity’ that has come with the pandemic — except for some, specially in the fields of knowledge of more direct relevance, of course — should make us reflect on whether we are all doing too much, and also perhaps too little. We should take stock of what is it we think is at the core of our function as academics, as members of a scholar community. We should also take stock of all the things we would ordinarily be doing but cannot do anymore due to time constraints, or other reasons. Perhaps the current prioritisation can tell us how to refocus our efforts and how to reshape our jobs — and perhaps our personal lives — so we have a better balance.

Third, the crisis has grounded (almost) everyone. Yet, academic activity has not stopped and we are all getting used to a volume of online activities we would never have dreamt of. From the perspective of the need for academia to get serious about climate change and transitioning to a truly environmentally sustainable model, this can be one of the silver linings. I know it is unrealistic to expect everyone to join me in my pledge not to fly for work, and I understand that the reasons why that would not be feasible or fair remain. However, I think that now that we have all been forced into the exercise of 'trying it out’, we should collectively adopt a position of restarting as few activities requiring travel (and in particular flights) as possible. To a certain degree, this can also apply to distance learning, as we will very soon have accumulated significant experience in online teaching, which should make us rethink the traditional structure of campus-based degrees (not to abandon them, but to consider a better mix of presential and online activities, as well as broadening our horizons to part-time and distance-learning as potentially more inclusive options).

Finally, but this is less new, the crisis has once again brought into sharp relief the inadequacy of the methods of academic research publication and dissemination. When push comes to shove, peer review procedures can be dispensed with or minimised, publication is carried out in open access and dissemination is maximised as a true attempt at discharging the social responsibility of those with the relevant knowledge, a platform and available resources. It has been heartening to see so many specialists team up and work on the modelling and analysis required to inform public health policies, as well as robust scrutiny of political (in)decisions and other valuable interventions. There is plenty that resonates with what the academic mobilisation around Brexit already showed. This really seems to me to be the day of reckoning for the current model. May the movement to make academic textbooks and then parts of the catalogue backlist freely available online by some publishers serve as evidence that knowledge can no longer be kept behind the crumbling paywalls.

There surely is more to reflect upon and many more changes that are desirable for a post COVID-19 turn of the academy for the better but I would be satisfied to see an increase of the sector’s resilience by securing all its members and aligning the systems of incentives and rewards to what makes us collectively strong and puts us in a position to discharge our social mission sustainably; a rebalance of the personal and the professional in a sector where jobs tend to also be people’s passions (at least for the lucky ones, such as myself); a transition to a net zero emissions academia by 2025 at the latest; and a move to open access, agile and quality-assured publication and active and engaging dissemination of academic research.

More on COVID-19 procurement in the UK and implications for statutory interpretation


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on procurement regulation will be deep and long-lasting and will affect both general policy issues, and specific issues of statutory interpretation and regulatory enforcement. I have published some high-level thoughts on the University of Bristol Law School’s blog today. Here, I would like to concentrate on specific issues of interpretation.

Following up on our debate about the interpretation of the extreme emergency procurement exemption under Art 32(2)(c) of Directive 2014/24/EU (and the equivalent reg.32(2)(c) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015), Dr Pedro Telles has published some ‘Further reflections on the ventilators saga‘. There, he develops in more detail his arguments on the implications of government (in)action and the use of benchmarks to assess it and its implications. Pedro has argued that the UK Government cannot rely on the exemption because its own inaction—including delay in kick-starting procurement and its decision not to participate in the EU’s Joint Procurement Agreement (JPA, on which see here)—make the exemption inapplicable.

The core of our disagreement concerns whether the requirement that ‘The circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency shall not in any event be attributable to the contracting authority‘ (emphasis added) holds in the UK Government’s case. Pedro’s argument is that the extreme urgency in the need for ventilators ‘is the crucial fault with the Government approach, ie the lack of action on ventilators since the end of January/beginning of February.’ Given that the UK Government is (presumed to be) the contracting authority, that prevents them from relying on the exemption. He dismisses my earlier argument that these were political decisions by arguing that ‘the decision(s) are not only political but also technical/administrative due to the practical implications they have on operational matters.‘

As I said before, this is a rather difficult issue of imputability of decisions. Here I sketch how I would approach it, although I am conscious that I would need more time and deep-thinking to come up with some more definitive. These are thus just some tentative ideas.

I would take this issue in abstraction of the specific situation in the UK to attempt a statutory interpretation of the rule. To my mind, the rule is intended as an anti-circumvention provision to stop contracting authorities from setting aside procurement requirements that they should and could have complied with. As in other areas, the intention of the contracting authority is in my view irrelevant (see here), so the analysis should be objective. The objective analysis needs to concern whether a reasonably informed and diligent contracting authority would have been able to avoid the extreme urgency or, in other words, whether the extreme urgency is attributable to the contracting authority’ actions or omissions, and not to external factors or third parties.

I also think that the analysis needs to concentrate on what the contracting authority could have done as a contracting authority, and not in its capacity as a political entity. As I said earlier, I do not think that high level political decisions (however wrong) should deactivate the possibility of recourse to extreme emergency procurement at an operational level. Otherwise, we would risk the tail wagging the dog and procurement rules could become a constraint on legitimate political action. Moreover, I do not think that the political positions (or the time taken to adopt them) can lead to an internalisation of the extreme uncertainty in which some situations evolve, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and our understanding of it—in a way that makes reacting to those circumstances more difficult. The only exception to the general approach here would be where the political decision has as its main object the procurement itself.

Going back to the case, I do not think that the UK Government’s delay in activating ventilator procurement and its decision not to participate in the JPA must necessarily translate into an interpretation that the urgent need for the ventilators was attributable to the contracting authority. The real need for ventilators was as unforeseeable in January as it remains in April. All we can go by is some extremely complicated modelling, on which there are reasonable disagreements amongst experts—although the emergence of more data is creating more certainty and knowledge.

I do not think it suffices to say a Pedro does that ‘it was not unpredictable that PPE and ventilators in excess of current stocks would be needed since at least the end of January and early February‘. That is not the issue. The issue here is whether the volume of need and its timing was predictable (which I would argue it was not) and whether the urgency in the need is attributable to the contracting authority. On the later point, I do not think a negative approach (not unattributable) is satisfactory at all. I think a more stringent approach needs to be taken, to at least require evidence of a positive contribution to worsening the situation by the contracting authority. Again, I do not think there is information to point in that direction in a way that does not imply an ex post facto reassessment of the circumstances under which those decisions were taken.

I guess this raises the additional requirement for the analysis to be contemporaneous to the decision-making, rather than based on facts that emerged later on. In that connection, it should also be acknowledged that the UK Government’s initial reaction was based on a herd immunity strategy that had not factored in the need for critical treatment resulting from the ‘natural spread’ of COVID-19. Once again, as wrong and reprehensible as that approach may be, this was not something related to the core of a procurement decision on whether or when to buy more ventilators, but a much broader and complicated public health decision.

Moreover, we do not know and cannot know if a UK Government’s attempt to directly acquire ventilators would have been more successful in January than later on. We can also not know whether the current contracts (in the UK, but also under the JPA) will be sufficient or not.

Under so many unknowns, it seems inappropriate to me to negate effectiveness to the extreme emergency exemption from the procurement rules. Taken to the extreme, Pedro’s argument would prevent the governments of any other EU/EEA/candidate countries that had/have not signed the JPA and/or participated in it, or that may have activated ventilator procurement later than in the UK, from relying on the possibility for direct awards of that much needed equipment. That cannot be the right outcome.

A separate issue, which should not be conflated here, is that the UK Government decided to award one of those contracts to a supplier that, as of today, is in no position to deliver. In doing so, the UK Government likely infringed the boundaries of the exemption, but not due to the attributability of the circumstances, but due to the inadequacy of the chosen supplier.


I am sure Pedro will have more to say about this. So stay tuned.

The EU’s Joint Procurement Agreement: how does it work, and why did the UK not participate? [Procurement pill, with recording]

Screenshot 2020-04-04 at 10.40.57.png

I thoroughly enjoyed discussing the EU’s Joint Procurement Agreement for the procurement of medical countermeasures (JPA) and its functioning, as well as the UK’s decision not to participate in the JPA for ventilators in the context of the COVID-19 emergency, with students and alumni of the International Master on Public Procurement Management (IMPPM) of Tor Vergata University of Rome. Thanks Gustavo Piga and Annalisa Castelli for the invitation and all participants for the energetic discussion.

The slides and recording of the session are now available (both on slideshare, and as dropbox powerpoint with fully functioning links). You can also watch the zoom recording, either downloading it from dropbox (otherwise you only get a 15’ preview), or in the youtube channel embedded below. NB: As a small correction to the content of the session, please note that during the Q&A I incorrectly stated that the JPA is open to EU, EEA and countries with neighbourhood agreements. That is incorrect, as the JPA is open to EU, EEA and candidate countries. Apologies for my confusion when responding to the question off the cuff.

European Commission's Guidance on Extreme Emergency Procurement and COVID-19 -- some thoughts and a word on the Dyson contract


On 1 April 2020, the European Commission published its Guidance on using the public procurement framework in the emergency situation related to the COVID-19 crisis [2020] OJ C108I/1. In this Guidance, the European Commission explains ‘which options and flexibilities are available under the EU public procurement framework for the purchase of the supplies, services, and works needed to address the crisis‘. For a good critical first stab at the Guidance, see the comments by Dr Pedro Telles in his blog. My take on the guidance—and some of its implications in the UK are different from Pedro’s (see end of post).

The Guidance stresses that the EU public procurement framework ‘allows and encourages public buyers to pursue a multi-stage strategy. First, for their immediate and projected short-term needs, they should fully exploit the flexibilities of the framework. As a complementary tool, they are encouraged to procure jointly and to take advantage of the Commission’s joint procurement initiatives. Procedures with reduced deadlines serve their needs in the medium term, as they are in principle more reliable means of getting better value for money and [ensuring] wider access of companies to the business opportunities and a wider range of available supplies.

What I find extremely reassuring and apt is to see the Commission take the same extremely flexible and pragmatic approach already hinted in the earlier guidance issued at domestic level, eg in the UK (see here). Indeed, the Commission Guidance stresses that it ‘focusses especially on procurements in cases of extreme urgency, which enable public buyers to buy within a matter of days, even hours, if necessary. Precisely for a situation such as the current COVID-19 crisis which presents an extreme and unforeseeable urgency, the EU directives do not contain procedural constraints‘ (emphasis added).

The Commission’s Guidance confirms the view that the negotiated procedure without prior publication does not require any specific minimum level of competition between potential contractors — and should thus dispel any stringent approaches by the Member States, such as requiring at least three offers from potential contractors, as well as some negotiation with all of them.

The Guidance could not be clearer in stressing that under ‘Art. 32 of Directive 2014/24/EU (the ‘Directive’), public buyers may negotiate directly with potential contractor(s) and there are no publication requirements, no time limits, no minimum number of candidates to be consulted, or other procedural requirements. No procedural steps are regulated at EU level. In practice, this means that authorities can act as quickly as is technically/physically feasible – and the procedure may constitute a de facto direct award only subject to physical/technical constraints related to the actual availability and speed of delivery‘ (emphasis added).

The Commission also explicitly endorses ‘active buying’ techniques, which should reassure contracting authorities taking abnormal steps to try and secure emergency supplies of PPE, ventilators and any other needed equipment and consumables. The Commission Guidance explicitly mentions that: ‘In order to speed up their procurements public buyers may also consider to: contact potential contractors in and outside the EU by phone, e-mail or in person, hire agents that have better contacts in the markets, send representatives directly to the countries that have the necessary stocks and can ensure immediate delivery, [or] contact potential suppliers to agree to an increase in production or the start or renewal of production.‘ This is certainly welcome and will provide comfort to those taking a more commercial approach than they usually would to market engagement (or scouting).

Further than that, the Commission also endorses the use of urgent procurement to spur market innovation and matchmaking, thus dispelling doubts about the legality (under procurement rules) of even more active interventions in the market whereby the contracting authority is directly involved in structuring the collaboration between potential suppliers (and even potential competitors, although this will require careful competition law assessment), for example through COVID-19 challenges or hackathons.

In that regard, the Guidance is also clear that ‘To satisfy their needs, public buyers may have to look for alternative and possibly innovative solutions, which might already be available on the market or could be capable of being deployed at (very) short notice. Public buyers will have to identify solutions and interact with potential suppliers in order to assess whether these alternatives meet their needs … Public buyers are fully empowered under the EU framework to engage with the market and in matchmaking activities. There are various ways to interact with the market to stimulate the supply and for the medium term needs, the application of urgent procedures could prove a more reliable means of getting better value for money and wider access to available supplies’

The Guidelines also stress the relevance of these approaches in terms of boosting the uptake of other strategic considerations so that ‘environmental, innovative and social requirements, including accessibility to any services procured, are integrated in the procurement process’. However, it is unlikely that contracting authorities will be able to concentrate efforts on this, even if they can obtain some of the benefits due to engaging in some ‘unconventional’ procurement approaches, including more digital procurement (and innovation related to 3D printing, for example).

Beyond these general policy and strategic guidelines, which clearly convey the basic message that procurement professionals should do all they can to obtain the urgently required supplies, as well as aim to transition to a more sustainable (and planned, and hopefully less expensive and more innovative) approach in the medium term, the Commission also offers more detailed and technical guidance. Of that, I would stress the specific analysis of the conditions for resorting to the negotiated procedure without publication on grounds of extreme emergency.

It will be recalled that Art 32(2)(c) of Directive 2014/24/EU allows for this ‘insofar as is strictly necessary where, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authority, the time limits for the open or restricted procedures or competitive procedures with negotiation cannot be complied with. The circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency shall not in any event be attributable to the contracting authority’. The Commission’s Guidance offers useful interpretation on the three main requirements: unforeseeability, impossibility of an alternative approach and causal link or direct relation between the extremely urgent need and the scope of the procurement, which implies an element of temporality.

The Commission addresses each of them as follows:

‘Events unforeseeable by the contracting authority in question’

The number of COVID-19 patients requiring medical treatment is rising daily and, in most Member States, is expected to increase further until the peak will be reached.

These events and especially their specific development has to be considered unforeseeable for any contracting authority. The specific needs for hospitals, and other health institutions to provide treatment, personal protection equipment, ventilators, additional beds, and additional intensive care and hospital infrastructure, including all the technical equipment could, certainly, not be foreseen and planned in advance, and thus constitute an unforeseeable event for the contracting authorities.

Extreme urgency making compliance with general deadlines impossible

It cannot be doubted that the immediate needs the hospitals and health institutions (supplies, services and public works) have to be met with all possible speed.

Whether this makes it impossible to respect even the very short deadlines of the accelerated open or restricted procedure (15 and 10 days respectively to submit the offers) will have to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, but it is likely in most cases, at least as regards the significantly increased short-term needs as the infection curve rises.

As clarified in the Court’s jurisprudence, if extreme urgency is invoked, the procurement need has to be satisfied without delay. The exception cannot be invoked for the award of contracts that take longer than they would have taken if a transparent, open or restricted, procedure had been used, including accelerated (open or restricted) procedures.

Causal link between the unforeseen event and the extreme urgency

For the satisfaction of the immediate needs of hospitals and health institutions within a very short timeframe the causal link with the COVID-19 pandemic cannot reasonably be doubted.

Only used in order to cover the gap until more stable solutions can be found

Negotiated procedures without prior publication may offer the possibility to meet immediate needs. They cover the gap until more stable solutions can be found, such as framework contracts for supplies and services, awarded through regular procedures (including accelerated procedures) [emphases added and references omitted].

This is truly good, clear and actionable guidance by the European Commission and it should be most welcome.

A final word on the UK Dyson contract

Those following the daily developments on COVID-19 related procurement in the UK will be aware of the award of a contract to Dyson for the supply of 10,000 ventilators, despite the fact that its prototype still needs to receive regulatory approval and can thus not be immediately put into production or delivered for use in the NHS.

You will find an excellent analysis of the background in several posts by Dr Pedro Telles in his blog (starting 24 March). He has been putting forward the claim that the award of that contract (and, presumably, the rest of contracts for emergency supply of ventilators to the UK Government; although he has been trying to distinguish them) is illegal because the UK Government decided not to participate in the EU’s JPA ahead of the immediate need of the ventilators. We have been discussing this on twitter (see below), so it may be time to bring this discussion to the blog.

Screenshot 2020-04-01 at 15.34.17.png

My view is that the specific need for ventilators (and PPE, and other supplies needed in this pandemic emergency) is and will remain unforeseeable for quite a while. I do not think that high level political decisions (however wrong) should deactivate the possibility of recourse to extreme emergency procurement at an operational level. I think today’s Commission Guidance supports this view when it stresses that ‘These events and especially their specific development has to be considered unforeseeable for any contracting authority‘.

Pedro disagrees (with the Commission): ‘The Commission argues regarding the lack of foreseeability by the contracting authority that the specific needs for medical equipment and infrastructure (including ventilators) could not be foreseen and planned in advance. On this I do not agree fully with the Commission. It is true that there is a moment when the need could not be foreseen and planned in advance, but if after that moment no action was duly taken (as the UK Government did with the ventilators) then the extreme urgency was actually brought about by the contracting authority.‘

I disagree with Pedro. I think the extreme urgency procurement procedure needs to be the conduit for the first effort to address the pandemic, which will still take a long period. This is not time to engage in new theories about the imputability to the procurement function of rather complicated political calculations (I sense there is a PhD thesis to be written on that, after the dust settles).

However, that does not mean that this is a free for all. The Commission has also clearly indicated that ‘if extreme urgency is invoked, the procurement need has to be satisfied without delay. The exception cannot be invoked for the award of contracts that take longer than they would have taken if a transparent, open or restricted, procedure had been used, including accelerated (open or restricted) procedures‘ (which are 15 and 25 days respectively). That is the reason why I think the award of the contract for 10,000 ventilators to Dyson is very likely illegal (on this overall conclusion, Pedro and I are agreed) and that the UK Parliament (when out of recess, or virtually active) and the National Audit Office need to take a very close look into this award. As I said on twitter, this starts to look very much like #ferrygate.

Extreme emergency procurement and COVID-19 -- re today's UK guidance


The UK Government has issued guidance on using public procurement to respond to the COVID-19 emergency earlier today (see PPN 1/20). This follows other EU countries’ introduction of emergency legislation and guidance on the same topic (see eg Pedro Telles’ discussion of Portugal’s).

If any EU country is yet to issue guidance or legislation, they should not necessarily be expected to do so as, strictly speaking, that should not be necessary because EU law (and, implicitly, most domestic transpositions) already contains the necessary escape valve to allow for the setting aside of most constraints on the contracting authority’s discretion through extensive use of direct awards where extreme urgency makes them indispensable eg to protect human health or orderly social functioning. Domestic emergency legislation may only be necessary where domestic rules impose other constraints (eg budgetary authorisation, legal compliance checks) that also need to be waived or suspended.

From an EU law perspective, it is worth reminding ourselves that Art 32(2)(c) of Directive 2014/24/EU clearly establishes that contracting authorities can resort to the negotiated procedure without prior publication ‘in so far as is strictly necessary where, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authority, the time limits for the open or restricted procedures or competitive procedures with negotiation cannot be complied with. The circumstances invoked to justify extreme urgency shall not in any event be attributable to the contracting authority.’ That is, contracting authorities facing extremely urgent needs can carry out either a negotiated procedure with limited competition on the basis of direct approaches to potential contractors, or a direct award of a contract to a specific supplier without any competition.

The UK guidance is particularly relevant to understand the limits of this exception, as the domestic transposition had followed a strict copy-out approach and reg.32(2)(c) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 has the same content as Art 32(2)(c) Dir 2014/24. In that regard, the content of PPN 1/20 usefully explains that:

… in responding to COVID-19, contracting authorities may enter into contracts without competing or advertising the requirement so long as they are able to demonstrate the following tests have all been met:

1) There are genuine reasons for extreme urgency, eg:

  • you need to respond to the COVID-19 consequences immediately because of public health risks, loss of existing provision at short notice, etc;

  • you are reacting to a current situation that is a genuine emergency - not planning for one.

2) The events that have led to the need for extreme urgency were unforeseeable, eg:

  • the COVID-19 situation is so novel that the consequences are not something you should have predicted.

3) It is impossible to comply with the usual timescales in the PCRs, eg:

  • there is no time to run an accelerated procurement under the open or restricted procedures or competitive procedures with negotiation;

  • there is no time to place a call off contract under an existing commercial agreement such as a framework or dynamic purchasing system.

4) The situation is not attributable to the contracting authority, eg:

  • you have not done anything to cause or contribute to the need for extreme urgency.

In assessing whether these tests are met, it will be important to remember that the CJEU has not imposed a threshold of absolute impossibility of alternative procurement approaches (in particular if they are evidenced ex post). In that regard, even if the interpretation of the grounds for access to extreme urgency procedures need to be interpreted narrowly and the CJEU has stressed that recourse to direct awards need to be subjected to a strict assessment of whether the contracting authority “acted diligently and whether it could legitimately hold that the conditions [for recourse to this procedure] were in fact satisfied” (Fastweb, C-19/13, EU:C:2014:2194, para 50), which make it clear that this procedure must be understood as exceptional (Fastweb, para 106)—in my opinion, there is little doubt that contracting authorities working to react to the challenges of COVID-19 can broadly rely on this exception for the first wave of reactive measures that require emergency supplies or services, provided only that they make sure that they respect the proportionality of the measures and that they document their decision-making adequately.

In that regard, the UK guidance is once again helpful when it establishes that

Contracting authorities should keep a written justification that satisfies these tests. You should carry out a separate assessment of the tests before undertaking any subsequent or additional procurement to ensure that they are all still met, particularly to ensure that the events are still unforeseeable. For example, as time goes on, what might amount to unforeseeable now, may not do so in future.

You should limit your requirements to only what is absolutely necessary both in terms of what you are procuring and the length of contract.

Delaying or failing to do something in time does not make a situation qualify as extremely urgent, unforeseeable or not attributable to the contracting authority. This is because:

  • the PCRs expect a contracting authority to plan its time efficiently so that it is able to use a competitive procedure;

  • competitive alternatives (eg. an accelerated open procedure) can be completed quickly;

  • case law has held that knowing that something needs to be done means it is foreseeable;

  • a contracting authority’s delay or failure to do something is likely to mean that the situation is attributable to the contracting authority.

The guidance strikes an adequate balance when stressing the relevance of the passage of time in terms of unforeseeability of the need, which should make contracting authorities think about phased approaches involving eg extreme urgency direct awards for short-term supplies or services (eg the next three to six months), and urgent procedures for the following period/s. However, in the opposite direction, it could be that the passage of time and the impact of the emergency measures on public contractors trigger the need for further access to extreme urgency procedures due to the possible future breakdown of procurement mechanisms currently in place — eg if suppliers fail to deliver (eg due to lockdown of their premises, supply chain breakdown or any other problems), or demand is such that they cannot fill in the requirements of all contracting authorities placing orders (eg in the context of a framework agreement). This is also covered by the notice, which shows great commercial awareness to the fact that the unforeseeability does not only refer to the public health situation generating the relevant need, but also to the material availability of the requirement.

These are uncertain times and flexibility and adaptability will be crucial in providing the best possible responses to the mounting challenges of the pandemic and the socio-economic implications of the measures being adopted (or not) by national Governments. Luckily, for once, procurement law is not in the way. The only requirement that should currently be on procurement officers’ minds is to keep adequate records of their decisions and apply sanity checks to the acceptable default position to directly award contracts for extremely urgent needs. At least for the next few months.

As we learn more of the virus, observe the effects of the pandemic and, hopefully, start to see the impacts of governmental intervention, there will be time to start to consider the end point at which the extreme urgency procurement genie should be put back in the bottle. For now, I would not worry about that at all.

I am going on strike again -- in part, because I don't have time for blogging


Dear readers,

You may have noticed the very little activity of the blog since December, for which I must apologise. In part, this is due to the challenges of balancing family and work live, and a reflection of the competing demands on one’s time that wanting to be an involved parent implies. So, in part, this is a matter of personal choice.

However, the blogging inactivity is mainly the result of the very demanding workloads imposed on academics working at UK universities, as well as the lack of formal recognition of the value of activities such as blogging, which are not really seen as a useful tool for research dissemination and, in some aspects, co-production. The amount of work academics are expected to do in relation to teaching, marking and administration has been spiralling over the last few years. Working ‘normal’ hours does not come even close to keeping ever-growing to do lists in check, specially during term time or when working under the sword of Damocles that marking deadlines have become.

Finding time and headspace for research (or even basic continuous professional development, such as keeping abreast with CJEU case law or new scholarly papers, which I used to comment int his blog) alongside teaching is a constant challenge, except during much needed periods of research leave. And, even then, research has to be seen as productive (no space for random or even exploratory approaches that could not lead to tangible outputs). In this context, blogging is not really within the scope of the expected or ‘valued’ research activities, except as a ‘marketing add-on’ to raise the profile of one’s ‘serious publications’—which must still serve the demands of the current ‘publish or perish’ environment, and come in thick and fast.

In my view, this system not only encroaches on academic freedom broadly understood, but also devalues the role and attractiveness of an academic career. Academics should be left to carry out the intellectual activities they find most valuable, some of which are difficult to translate into measurable results (or impacts), at least in the short term.

The system is also a straitjacket that constraints creativity and perpetuates models of dissemination of academic research that are not really in keeping with the times and with the potential of social networks and digital platforms. All in all, if academics do not have time to think, research and communicate in the way they see fit (and, for me, this would mainly be through blogging), then everyone loses.

I am not advocating an academic life free from teaching or administration duties, not only because that would not be reasonable, but because it would also be incomplete and impoverishing. Teaching and research are mutually reinforcing and there are plenty positive contributions to be made by competent academic administrators. I am just saying that the current imbalance and pressures are not acceptable and enough is enough.

The excesses of workload models and the constraints of extremely rigid and poorly justified research evaluation exercises (most notably, the upcoming REF2021) are two main contributors to a degradation of the working conditions for academics employed in the UK. Such conditions are also worsened due to inequality, pay gaps, casualisation and an attack on the existing level of pension benefits. This is not the academia I want to be part of, and this is not the academia I want for future generations of academics.

I know that I am one of the very lucky ones and my complaints about workload and the dismissal of the value of some of my preferred academic activities are certainly puerile and even risible when compared to the hardship of colleagues on insecure and very badly paid contracts. There are very many fundamental aspects of the management of academic HR that need to change, radically and fast. Workload and academic freedom are however not irrelevant and, if we are not ambitious in getting all of this fixed at the same time, then we all stand to lose even more.

That is why I am going on strike again. To learn more about the UCU ‘four fights’ strike, please follow this link.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and support.

All the best,

How can we get data scientists excited about public procurement, and everyone excited about data?

This is a short reflection—or rather, a call for action—so procurement lawyers and economists start thinking a bit differently about procurement data in more exciting ways, and hopefully in a way that can excite data scientists too.

I have just read the paper by A Agrahari and SK Srivastava, ‘A Data Visualization Tool to Benchmark Government Tendering Process: Insights From Two Public Enterprises ‘ (2019) 26(3) Benchmarking 836-853 (abstract available at SSRN:, full paper is paywalled). The paper caught my eye because I have recently been thinking about the possibilities that could be unlocked by imminent increases in the volumes of procurement data publicly available, in particular as a result of the new EU rules on eForms (due to be transposed by end 2022) and the increased uptake of OCDS and similar open data initiatives—that is, once current efforts to create an enabling data architecture start to bear fruit.

Not to mince words, I was rather disappointed to read the paper and realise that there is no real data visualization tool (beyond really basic excel graphs) and that the only information the authors decided to use to support procurement management recommendations mainly concerns periods of time (for tender submission, tender evaluation, etc) as well as very limited formal aspects (such as how many different types of tender sureties were accepted). The most advanced insight in the paper concerns a trend analysis of expiry of tenders during evaluation (below), which is hardly ground-breaking (but still, of some internal use for the procuring entites in question and, perhaps, for external audit bodies, I guess).

Agrahari & Srivastava (2019: 848).

Agrahari & Srivastava (2019: 848).

The paper made me keep thinking, though. And the realisation I arrived at is that we need to get the data scientists excited about procurement because lawyers, public managers (and to a large extent, economists) will probably lack the imagination to put the vast volumes of procurement data about to be unlocked to its most effective use. I guess this goes back to general issues of inertia, group-think and professional acculturation.

To be sure, there are quite a few quick improvements to be introduced in a host of legal and economic analyses of the procurement function once reliable data is available (in particular in terms of monitoring and compliance, within the boundaries of Regtech and automated audits), but the more transformative uses of data will probably come from those that can understand the potential in the information (like the statute inside the marble block, I guess), rather than being bounded by the real-world / day-to-day problems that tend to skew our understanding of procurement.

When you look at other areas with an abundance of data, some of the data visualisations are truly amazing (a quick Google search will support this) and have the power to encapsulate the insights from unimaginable volumes of information into very powerful messages. One that keeps blowing my mind is the below visualization of New York City trees by Cloudred (it is interactive, so please go and browse the real thing).



It seems to me that this type of very visual analysis could (and should!) be applied to procurement in a myriad different forms, eg to compare expenditure per capita across different locations, to compare mix of expenditure across contracting authorities or departments, as well as to check a for a multitude of policy-relevant issues. For example, I imagine a similar interactive graph to represent the holy grail of cross-border procurement interactions in the EU single market, or in the context of free trade agreements … it should also be possible to use similar visualisations to identify different entities holding similar assets (which could then be pooled traded, etc) … and I am a rather unimaginative lawyer, so data scientists that got excited about the potential of this field could probably takes us rather far.

Now, the question is, how can we get data scientists excited about procurement?

Of course, we cannot just hope that they will one day discover the unexploited value of procurement data. And it may well be that we need to make an effort to help them understand what procurement is about and what ultimate and more immediate goals it aims to serve, so that they can start to imagine for us the relevant data expressions and the way to construct them. I guess that the first step is probably for us to get excited about data ourselves, so that we can make that contagious.

I think there is a data visualisation challenge to be launched and I would be really excited to be part of making it happen. I just need to find someone with a deep pocket willing to fund it. In the meantime, and more modestly, perhaps we can get a conversation going on what you would like procurement data to be used for and how you imagine it could be done (or even if you cannot imagine it).

I am curious to read about your suggestions in the comments section—or by email at, if you think there is some app to developed that you would not want to give away for free.

Postscript: a couple of twitter updates

Two interesting sets of materials have been pointed to me on twitter:

New lengthy reference by Lithuanian Supreme Court raises a range of difficult questions (C-927/19, Klaipėdos regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras) [guest post by Dr Deividas Soloveičik*]

This guest post by Dr Deividas Soloveičik provides interesting background and critical remarks on a recent Lithuanian reference to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling on issues concerning several aspects of the 2014 rules, in particular interesting boundary issues between qualitative selection and technical specifications, as well as exclusion of consortium partners. It will be interesting to keep an eye on the case, as it brings an opportunity for the CJEU to expand its case law.

Some difficult questions

The very end of the 2019 was highlighted by a new lengthy preliminary reference to the CJEU by the Supreme Court of Lithuania (the Supreme Court), in a case that raises a broad range of issues concerning economic and financial standing requirements, the boundary between qualitative selection and technical specification criteria, confidentiality of procurement documents in the context of ensuing litigation and the consequences of the provision of false information. This case and the initial findings of the Supreme Court will be  assessed in this “executive summary” of the references sent to the CJEU—which, at the time of writing (17 January 2020) are yet to be admitted (although the referral has been assigned case number C-927/19, Klaipėdos regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras).

Before proceeding to the analysis, it is worth recalling that, in relation specifically to the point on submission of false information and its impact on the potential exclusion of the tenderer concerned the Supreme Court was perfectly aware of the recent Judgments in Meca (C-41/18, EU:C:2019:507, not available in English) and Delta (C-267/18, EU:C:2019:826) case-law at the time of the reference to the CJEU. However, the Court extends its query and mainly is seeking to find out whether (i) the act of provision of false information by one of the consortium partners “infects” the rest of the team and (ii) what the role of the national court hearing this kind of legal case in the light of the above-mentioned Meca and Delta case-law is, when the CJEU previously specifically emphasized the importance of the discretion of the contracting authority while handling these kind of legal (procurement) situations.


The Lithuanian contracting authority started an open tender for the services of municipal waste gathering and removal to landfill treatment facilities. The procurement procedure was regulated by national and Directive 2014/24/EU. The procurement documents inter alia included the following requirements:

  • Technical specification: the service provider uses vehicles for waste management services that are in line with the requirements of EURO 5 standard; all vehicles must have installed constantly functioning GPS transmitters that would allow the contracting authority monitoring the exact location and movement route of the vehicle. The supplier must allow the contracting authority and the administration of the Neringa municipality to use its installed GPS as much as it is necessary to monitor the location and movement routes of the vehicles used in providing the services of waste management and transporting waste to landfill. If sub-suppliers are involved, this requirement is also applicable for their vehicles.

  • Technical and professional capacity: the supplier must own or lease (or possess otherwise) the necessary quantity of vehicles needed to execute the public contract and these must comply with the requirements listed in the technical specifications. The requirements for qualification and technical specification were almost identical.

  • Financial and economic capacity: tenderers’ average annual operating income from carrying out the activities related to the management of mixed municipal waste during the past 3 financial years (or the period since the supplier’s registration date if the supplier carried out the activities for a period less than 3 financial years) had to be not less than EUR 20,000 EUR excluding VAT.

There were three tenderers in a procedure: the plaintiff, another company and an awardee of the public contract, which was a consortium comprised by three individual companies. The plaintiff took second place. The plaintiff submitted the claim against the contracting authority claiming that the winner had not complied with the: (i) technical specifications – the vehicle indicated by the supplier is not for the mixed waste transportation and considering the years of manufacture – it does not comply with the requirements of the EURO 5 standard; (ii) financial and economic requirements - the average annual operating income of the supplier while carrying out the activities related to the management of mixed municipal waste during the past 3 financial years must be not less than EUR 20 000 EUR excluding VAT, but one of the joint venture partners of the supplier does not carry out waste management activities overall. The crux of the dispute was thus the following: one of the consortium partners made a statement that it had experience in management of mixed municipal waste. The claimant contended that this might not have been the truth because this partner of the consortium had never rendered any services of this type. So the claimant maintained that (a) this consortium partner did not have the needed qualification and (b) that this consortium partner made a false statement. This must have led, in the opinion of the claimant, to rejection of the consortium’s tender.

The court of first instance dismissed the claim but the appeal was successful, and the court obliged the contracting authority to re-execute the evaluation of the tenders. The Court of Appeals considered that the winner of the tender did not prove that it had the technical capacity, because the original tender did not include the information on the required vehicles, which were provided by the tenderer only after the submission of the bid to the contracting authority.

The initial awardee of the contract did not agree with the findings of the Court of Appeals and filed a cassation complaint which was accepted by the Supreme Court.

Regarding the financial and economic capacity as a qualification criterion

By raising the question on the scope of the qualification requirement to hold a relevant financial and economic capacity, the Supreme Court addressed the above-mentioned statements of the procurement documentation which required each tenderer to have an annual operating income from carrying out the activities related to the management of mixed municipal waste during the past 3 financial years or the period since the supplier’s registration date (if the supplier carried out the activities for a period less than 3 financial years) of not less than EUR 20,000 EUR excluding VAT. There were three legal aspects which triggered the Court’s doubts.

First, by reading Art. 58(3) of Directive 2014/24/EU the Supreme Court was prone to conclude that the latter limited the discretion of the contracting authority to require the suppliers to have a turnover from a very specific (niche) economic (business) activity as a sole and main financial criterion. The Court reasoned that the main goal of Art. 58(3) of the Directive was to help contracting authorities finding a financially trustworthy and economically stable contract partner. Therefore, the Court believed that, on the one hand, it allowed the contracting authorities to request from the tenderers having a general financial turnover (as specified in the procurement documentation) and, on the other hand, it left leeway to request the proof of the financial (monetary) capacity gained from a more specific business activity, because the wording of Art. 58(3) of the Directive 2014/24 contains a statement “... including a certain minimum turnover in the area covered by the contract”. However, the Court considered that any requirement for the suppliers’ qualification which is based on Art. 58(3) of Directive 2014/24 (and respectively the national procurement law) should (or even must) a priori address the general financial turnover and must not use a turnover from a niche commercial activity autonomously (i.e. as a sole requirement for financial and economic qualification). In the given case, it seems that the Supreme Court doubted if the contracting authority had a right to require an annual operating income to be received from carrying out the activities related to the management of mixed municipal waste as a single selection ground. The wording of the ruling suggests that the Supreme Court deemed that the contracting authority had a right to require a general turnover (e.g. 200,000 EUR annually) and an income from a specific activity (e.g. 20,000 EUR from management of mixed municipal waste), but not only the latter.

Second, by reading a text of the ruling it seems that the Supreme Court reasoned that if the interpretation of the Art. 58(3) of the Directive 2014/24 was otherwise, i.e. as allowing the contracting authority to require financial and economic standing on the basis of a narrow experience (like in a given case from management of mixed municipal waste), then, in the Supreme Courts’ view, there would be a blurred line between the qualification related to financial and economic standing and the one connected to technical and professional ability. There would hardly be a difference between Art. 58(3) and Art. 58(4) of Directive 2014/24. In other words, the Supreme Court considered that even if legally the requirement for qualification was named as a financial and economical one, it in fact would be the requirement for technical and professional ability when it required financial flows to be gained from a very specific practice. Therefore, it might be said that the Court’s question to the CJEU has an indirect perspective, namely the Court wants the CJEU to clarify the lines between Arts. 58(3) and 58(4) of the Directive 2014/24/EU.

Third, the Court went on to examine the CJEU case-law in Esaprojekt (C-387/14, EU:C:2017:338) and its possible application to the case at hand. It must be recalled that the awardee of the public contract was a consortium of three companies. One of these companies (say company A) constantly held that it had the required financial qualification, because it maintained that this requirement was not personal and could be relied upon as a capacity gained from the execution of a previous public contract which was executed by the consortium to which company A was a member. However, company A did not itself render the services related to the management of mixed waste and therefore it had not received any income from that.  Therefore, the claimant contended that the company A could not hold that it had received any income from the management of mixed municipal waste and, therefore, it did not have a required qualification. The Court recalled that in Esaprojekt the CJEU stated that an economic operator cannot refer to the qualification gained by the whole consortium and may only be deemed to be qualified to the extent it itself executed the relevant (part of) public contract. Therefore, the Supreme Court wonders if this ratio decidendi, delivered in Esaprojekt in respect of technical and professional ability as a qualification requirement, should be applied on the same grounds while dealing with financial and economic standing of the suppliers.

In the light of these considerations, the Court asked the CJEU to answer:

(i) if the requirement to prove the annual income of the relevant size, received from a specific commercial activity (the management of mixed municipal waste), should be subsumed under Art. 58(3) or Art. 58(4) of the Directive 2014/24;

(ii) if the answer to the previous question had any effect on the application of the rules, provided in Esaprojekt, namely, whether it is allowed under the EU public procurement law to disregard the financial and economical capacity, gained during the joint bidding and execution of the previous public contract, if this capacity in corpore is relied upon by a single member of consortium in a later procurement procedure. In other words, the Supreme Court seeks to find out if a consortium member (company A) in a present tender can rely on a qualification, gained by another consortium, to which this company A was also a member, although company A did not actually and directly execute the part of the contract to which it seeks to rely in the later (present) tender (in this case – the management of mixed waste).

Regarding the separation between professional and technical capacity and technical specifications

It is a consistent and already an old national case-law which makes a very clear and precise dividing line between the requirements of the suppliers’ qualification (selection criteria) and technical specification. The Supreme Court maintains a principle that this separation has a substantial practical implication because under the settled case-law of the Lithuanian courts each discrepancy of the tender that is related to qualification (missing document, insufficient provision of required information on qualification, etc.), may be easily rectified. This means that it is forbidden to reject the a tender without at least requesting for a decent explanation from the supplier. The Supreme Court holds that such approach is in line with the view of the CJEU, expressed in such cases as SAG ELV Slovensko (C-599/10, EU:C:2012:191) or Manova (C-336/12, EU:C:2013:647). Meanwhile, any part of the tender that is connected to the requirements of technical specification cannot be amended, rectified or explained by an economic operator at a later stage of procurement in such a way as to turn the non-compliant original tender into a compliant one.

It must be recalled that in this case the requirements for the technical and professional capacity (the supplier must own or lease (or possess otherwise) the necessary quantity of technical measures needed to execute the public contract) were copy-pasted to the technical specification. Therefore, the situation itself became confusing: if those conditions were deemed as criterion for qualification, then there must have been a possibility to provide the additional information upon the request of the contracting authority (what was one of the arguments by the respondent in a case). Meanwhile, in case of an opposite legal approach, i.e. that such requirements are a part of technical specification, any amendment to the original tender after the submission deadline would undergo a much stricter test.

Therefore, the Supreme Court cast doubts on the legal possibility of the mentioned technical and professional qualification requirement. Although the Court referred to Commission v. Netherlands case (C-368/10, EU:C:2012:284) as the one allowing “relevant similar simultaneous requirements both as a condition of technical specification and criteria for entering into a public contract or its execution”, the Supreme Court was not sure if the qualification criterion can be so detailed and exhaustive as it was in the disputed procurement. The Court went on with its reasoning that the more detailed the requirement on qualification was, the more likely it was already a condition of the technical specification and not a selection criterion. In other words, it seems that the Supreme Court was prone to consider that the requirement on qualification cannot be so detailed as it should be in case of technical specification.

Thus, the Court asked the CJEU if the requirement of the procurement documentation that the economic operator used the vehicles needed for waste management services, that were in line with the requirements of EURO 5 standard; all vehicles must have had installed constantly functioning GPS transmitters, that would have allowed the contracting authority monitoring the exact location and movement route of the vehicle fell within the scope of regulation of Directive 2014/24 a) Art. 58(4), b) Art. 42 together with the Annex VII or c) Art. 70.

Regarding the scope of obligation of confidentiality in the light of effective remedies in public procurement

Although since Varec (C-450/06, EU:C:2008:91) there has not been a major development of the concept of confidentiality in public procurement law, on the contrary, in Lithuania it is one of the hottest legal topics during the recent five years. It has been circulated in all possible layers of the legal world, starting from the legislation and ending with the widely elaborated case-law [more on this might be read here: D Soloveičik, ‘Rethinking the confidentiality in public procurement: does public mean naked public?’ (2018) 1 UrT 11-26; for comparative perspectives, see the contributions to K-M Halonen, R Caranta & A Sanchez-Graells (eds), Transparency in EU Procurements. Disclosure Within Public Procurement and During Contract Execution (Elgar 2019)). In a nutshell the current national legal ecosystem in respect of confidentiality could be described as promoting extreme transparency in public procurement and thus limiting the disclosure of competitors’ information in very rare cases, mostly related to top commercial secrets of private parties. The Supreme Court considers that the mentioned “pro disclosure” case-lawis in line not only with the requirements of the principle of effectiveness of remedies in public procurement, but also with the regulation of Directive 2016/943/EU on the protection of trade secrets.

Despite the legal ecosystem, where the transparency should prosper, paradoxically the administrative practice during the procurement procedure is usually different. The contracting authorities, albeit being precisely aware of the mentioned juridical requirements to grant access to the relevant documentation, still are very disclosure averse. In a majority of procurement cases the contracting authorities deny the tenderers their right to gain the access to the competitors’ commercial proposal by arguing that this might lead to an illicit leak of a commercial secret. Moreover, while rejecting the claims of the tenderers, contracting authorities tend to give very abstract and uncomprehensive answers.

This leads to a situation where tenderers launch their legal challenges in from of the courts without having seeing the full picture of the procurement process and, therefore, being refused  an effective protection of their rights as required by the EU public procurement remedies directives. Usually in such cases the situation is rectified by the courts, which tend to disclose the information if it is not a commercial secret. As there is a two-layer procurement dispute system in Lithuania, where access to the court is guaranteed only after the prior submission of the claim to the contracting authority itself, the Supreme Court raised the issue of consistency and rationality of such practice when contracting authorities try to hide the information (usually the winners’) and then such information is only gained at the stage of litigation in court. This makes the procurement dispute at the stage of contracting authority useless. Therefore, the Court referred to Art. 1(1)(3) of Directive 89/665/EEC, Art. 21 of Directive 2014/24/EU and Directive 2016/943/EU and asked the CJEU if:

(i) if the contracting authority must deliver to the requesting tenderer the information comprising the competitors’ tender if such request is related to a legal challenge of such tender and is needed to verify its compliance with the requirements of the procurement documentation, subject to the fact that the claiming tenderer previously asked for this information. It is interesting to note that actually the main point of that question is whether the contracting authorities should be obliged to disclose the required information in order to avoid the mentioned practice that the information is locked during an early stage of the dispute, meanwhile it will still most likely be unlocked when it reaches the court. The hidden idea of the inquiry is that if it appears that the answer to the question is positive and the contracting authorities would be obliged to be almost fully open, then less disputes might reach the courts as the tenderers, after seeing the competitors’ tender, may find out that their claim would be unfounded.

(ii) In case the contracting authority rejects the suppliers’ claim, if its answer must be comprehensive, clear and informative, even though such an answer and its wording may disclose the confidential information. In other words, the Supreme Court wants to know to what extent the contracting authorities may be reserved while replying to the disclosure requests from tenderers, on the grounds that providing a detailed justification for the rejection could in itself constitute a breach of confidential treatment.

(iii) The mentioned provisions of the EU law must be understood as allowing the tenderer to separately challenge before the court the decision of the contracting authority each time it decides to reject the suppliers’ request for access to the competitors’ bid. It has to be mentioned that it is a long-standing national case-law which allows this kind of legal action in Lithuania. So, it seems that the Supreme Court knows the answer because it gave it to all the practitioners itself a long time ago. However, the inquiry sent to the Luxembourg is more an implicit request for verification if such case-law is in line with the EU legal regulation. An additional aspect to this inquiry is that the Supreme Court wanted to know if in the above-mentioned legal situations the tenderer may claim only the denial of the access to information, leaving the rest of possible legal claims, related to the competitors bid, aside. It seems that the Court is prone to think that if the answer to this question was positive, it would most likely mean that such tenderer would not lose its right to challenge these additional irregularities of the competitors’ tender after it receives the relevant information from the contracting authority, even if it is done with the assistance of the court. In other words, this part of the question is related to possible (non)application of limitation of actions.

(iv) Another two questions were related to a procedural law. The Court asked if the national court, hearing the public procurement dispute, in all cases must require the information on the challenged competitors’ tender from the contracting authority, despite its previous actions during the public procurement procedure. And a related question: if Art. 9(2)(3) of Directive 2016/943/EU must be understood as requiring the court, which declined the disclosure of the competitors’ tender to the claimant (but having this information in a file), to take this information into consideration while deciding on a merits of the case. In other words, the Supreme Court is asking whether the courts hearing the public procurement cases and having the information on one of the tenderers’ tender and which they decided to leave locked (meaning that the claimant would not see this data), are under an obligation to examine such information ex officio and take it into consideration while deciding the case. This means that in case of a positive answer to that question, the claimant might still have a chance to win the case, even without seeing the whole materials of a case-file, if there were actual irregularities of the competitors’ tender and the court spotted them.

Regarding the legal consequences of submitting false information and the courts’ discretion to decide upon this

Under the national provisions of the Law on Public Procurement, economic operators can be “blacklisted” if they provide false information to the contracting authority during the procurement procedure. In case of a joint bidding, all of the consortium members are included into this list.

In the case before the Court, one of the members of the consortium that was awarded the public contract was presenting to the contracting authority an inconsistent information regarding its previous financial income. The Supreme Court mentioned that according to the Esaprojekt ruling (above), there is no need to identify the intentional misbehavior of the tenderer in order to reject its bid. The Court reminded that purely negligent actions are sufficient to disqualify the tenderer if such actions could seriously mislead the contracting authority and negatively affect the result of the procurement. Therefore, taking into consideration the facts of a case, the Supreme Court stated that the actions of the mentioned consortium member, in Court’s view, might be considered as negligent.

After the Court came to such a conclusion, on the one hand it most likely must have decided that the tender of the consortium was invalid and that all the members were blacklisted. On the other hand, the Court was stopped from moving towards this legal direction because of two reasons. Firstly, the contracting authority was of the opposite opinion. It did not hold the tenderer negligent and neither it considered the consortiums’ given information as false. Therefore, the Court had a doubt if it can decide on its’ own initiative completely opposite to the direct will of the contracting authority. Secondly, these doubts were amplified by the recent findings of the CJEU in the above-mentioned Delta and Meca cases, where the Court of Luxembourg emphasized that it is a contracting authority, and only it, which is empowered to decide regarding the reliability of the economic operator. In the light of these conclusions, the Supreme Court decided to stay proceedings and request for explanation from the CJEU on the scope and limits of the discretion of national courts in such legal situations.

Besides, the Supreme Court raised a question on whether in case of submission of false information to the contracting authority the consequences of blacklisting must be applied to all members of the consortium. The Court noted that it is natural to expect the possibility of legal risks, related to the participation in a tender (e.g. the need to replace the partner due to its default, etc.). However, the Supreme Court considered that any such risk should be limited to the particular procurement and not be implemented in a way of a total ban on participation for a specified period of time and for all the consortium members. Although the Court did not use this wording, but it implied that this might be disproportionate.

Therefore, the Court asked the CJEU two following questions:

(i) If, in the light of the Art. 57(4)(h) of Directive 2014/24/EU and the Delta case, the national court is allowed, despite the will of the contracting authority, to ex officio decide that the economic operator intentionally or by negligence provided the contracting authority with false information and must have been excluded from the public tender.

(ii) If, in the light of the Art. 57(4)(h) of Directive 2014/24/EU and the principle of proportionality, the disqualification of a tenderer from a procurement procedure with the possible consequences of being “blacklisted” for the specified period of time is applicable against all the members of a joint bidding consortium or just against the economic operator responsible for such misbehavior.


There is no doubt that the Lithuanian Supreme Court triggered important issues related to public procurement practice. The answers from the CJEU are much awaited because procurement professionals face similar situations daily. Some of the areas, such as confidentiality, are extremely different across many EU jurisdictions, albeit all procurers operate under the same EU law on public procurement. Therefore, the interpretation suggested by the CJEU will be used to further unify practice across the internal market.


Dr. Deividas Soloveičik, LL.M

Dr Deividas Soloveičik is a Partner and Head of Public Procurement practice at COBALT Lithuania. He represents clients before national courts at all instances and arbitral institutions in civil and administrative cases, provides legal advice to Lithuanian and foreign private clients and contracting authorities, including the European Commission , on the legal aspects of public procurement and pre-commercial procurement.

Dr Soloveičik is an Associate Professor and researcher in commercial law at Vilnius University and a contributor to legal publications. He also closely cooperates with globally recognized academic members of the legal profession. Since 2011, MCIArb. Dr Soloveičik is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; since 2016, he is a member of the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement – EAFIP initiative promoted by the European Commission and a recommended arbitrator at Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration.

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Have a good end of the year and see you in 2020

Dear How to Crack a Nut friends,

As the year (and decade) draws to a close, I hope you will all have the time to unwind and enjoy some quality time with friends, family and (why not?) yourselves. That is my plan, as I wrap up study leave and get ready to go back to ‘normal’ after more than 16 months away from teaching and other duties.

I hope to continue blogging in the new year, but perhaps not as soon or as frequently as I would like to.

For now, I just wanted to thank you all for reading and engaging, and for keeping an eye on the blog despite starts and stops, and its more ‘techy’ reorientation. Seeing that the community has grown despite the more reduced and narrower content offering is most encouraging to me, and definitely a highlight of this year. Thank you for being on the other side of the screen.

Wishing you all the best for the weeks ahead and the festive season,


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Some thoughts on the SMART project's reform proposals for transition to sustainability


The Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade (SMART) project, led by Prof Beate Sjåfjell (University of Oslo) and with the participation of many dear friends and colleagues from the University of Bristol and beyond, has published a first report presenting its reform proposals aimed to support the transition to sustainability and is encouraging feedback.

Following that invitation to engage with their proposals, in this post, I reflect on the SMART projects’ transition to sustainability reform proposals (the ‘SMART proposals’), in particular those concerned with public procurement. Everyone is invited to contribute further thoughts and to engage in the debate with the SMART project, which you can do through this online form or by e-mail to Engagement at this stage can influence the more detailed proposals that SMART will publish in the first quarter of 2020, on which they announce a further round of public consultation.

General framework

It should be stressed that the SMART proposals, as the project more generally, 'employ the broadly recognised definition of sustainability as securing the social foundation for humanity now and in the future within planetary boundaries – encapsulated in the goal of a safe and just space for humanity' (at 6). This is broader than alternative approaches to sustainability that conceptualise it as the ability of satisfying current needs without jeopardising the ability of future generations to satisfy their own, and the concept is explored in detail in another SMART document (see here).

The SMART proposals have the ‘aim to make it possible and easy for business and finance to create value in a sustainable manner, and for products to be produced and consumed in a way that contributes to securing a safe and just space for humanity within planetary boundaries. As such, [their] reform proposals concern the EU as a global actor, and the EU as a legislator and policymaker’ (at 5, emphases in the original). Moreover, it is stressed that the SMART ‘reform proposals are interconnected. The proposals concerning business are prerequisites for the proposals concerning finance and products, forming the basis also for more sustainable investments and lending, and more sustainable private and public consumption. In turn, the proposals concerning finance and products may act as enforcers and drivers for the timely and successful implementation of the changes we suggest in the way business operates’ (at 8).

The set of recommendations is thus mainly oriented at changing, but not substituting or significantly re-regulating, existing markets through a shift in incentives for economic and socio-political actors. The proposals are indeed conceived as a set of interlinked alternative incentives to what is seen as the main cause of unsustainable business practices: shareholder primacy, and the fact that ‘this norm results in pressure on decision-makers in those companies to maximise returns for investors, especially shareholders’ (at 7).

This evidences the strong influence of corporate governance scholarship and approaches on the project as a whole, with the relative exception of the international trade-related aspects, which follow a different logic of inter-governmental and multilateral negotiations. It also clearly signals that the SMART proposals cannot be seen as radical or disruptive, but rather incremental and sometimes rather modestly incremental. While this has a clear rationale in trying to facilitate adoption by policy-makers, and in particular the European Commission, the general approach could also limit the potential upside of the much needed transition to sustainability by not including more radical proposals—eg such as enacting new legislation prohibiting specific types of products or activities, or introducing heavy environmental corporate and consumer taxes, as well as sanctions for specific unsustanaible behaviour—which perhaps fall outwith the remit of the project, with the exception of the chapter on finance, which discusses ‘brown’ penalising charges against specific non-sustainable investments (at 17).

Somehow, despite framing the proposals in terms of incentives, it seems like most of the proposals concentrate on non-economic incentives, with the relative exception of trying to boost market demand for sustainable products, in particular in the context of procurement (see below). To my mind, this is a significant limitation of the ensemble of proposals, as they still largely hinge on soft incentives and do not seem to put the necessary focus on much more intense public intervention in a manner that can create effective short-term changes in consumption and production patterns. For a project that is normatively premised on market failure—in particular, in the context of the market for corporate control—such an approach is perhaps surprising. Given the repeated indications that some of the existing problems derive from limited or non-enforcement of current rules, there is surprisingly little in the SMART proposals by way of institutional development and capacity building for national enforcement agencies.

The other main shortcoming of the project is perhaps the absence of proposals in terms of public education. Most of the proposals are addressed to regulating the behaviour of corporate entities. However, and this does not make things any easier, the behaviour of those entities (particularly large ones) will only really change if their stakeholders, either in their role as (sustainable) consumers or civil society, have a strong transition to sustainability drive. More thought seems necessary around how to inform, educate and mobilise stakeholders. The SMART project seems to presume that such knowledge and activism not only exist, but are the majoritarian position. Daily events show that, quite the contrary, this is not the case and that there continue to be many a disconnect between expressed opinions and actual (private) unsustainable behaviour. This is a major challenge. Until we are not sustainability-minded consumers and citizens, we will not be able to act as sustainability-minded stakeholders able to maximise the effect of the type of soft incentives on which the proposals rely.

Public procurement related SMART proposals

The proposals concerning public procurement are mainly focused on the ‘products’ element of their triad of priorities. They are premised on the starting point that ‘products sold in the EU must be produced in manner that supports sustainable circular production and consumption. Products are the objects of the linear business models based on overconsumption, and sold to private consumers and public procurers. [Their] proposals aim firstly to broaden and strengthen the EU’s Circular Economy initiative, secondly to make it easier to be a sustainability- oriented consumer, and thirdly to reinforce sustainable public procurement’ (at 5). Therefore, there seems to be a dual lever for the transition to sustainability in procurement. First, a more general promotion of circular economy. Second, a more specific boost of sustainable procurement (on which the SMART project is working more generally).

Accelerated transition to circular economy

This first subset of proposals has the ‘aim to increase efficiencies in production systems, extends the lifetime of products, and promote sustainable consumption. To this end, regulation should enable access to repair, promote the right to repair, and ensure the internalization of the social and environmental risks prevalent in global value chains’ (at 19). The specific instruments that would be deployed to this effect are listed, although in not much detail. One that bears some attention is the proposal to extend ‘eco-design and labelling requirements to include durability, reparability, reusability and recoverability, and also to cover more product types (e.g. textiles)’ (ibid).

Along the same lines already discussed above, this proposal seems to also go down the voluntary/soft incentive road. Labelling and eco-design will only generate a significant impact if there is a significant shift in demand. And although the proposals seek to bolster that demand, both from private consumers (at 20) and public buyers (see below), the question is left unaddressed as to why would those requirements not be made mandatory? Having the opportunity of formulating ambitious proposals to significantly shift the policy-making approach would surely support a bolder take and a recommendation to ban products that do not meet specific requirements of durability, reparability, reusability and recoverability. I would have very much preferred for the SMART proposals to take that more ambitious stance.

Sustainable public procurement

The thrust of the procurement aspects of the SMART proposals has a strong environmental component, in particular in relation to (non)circular consumption, and thus closely corresponds to the formulation of the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) more closely related to public procurement, which establishes as part of the goal to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12), the aim to ‘promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities’ (SDG 12.7).

The SMART proposals related to public procurement concern three main areas: (1) professionalisation and facilitation of knowledge exchange; (2) supply chain monitoring; and (3) making the legislative environment more 'SPP friendly'. Both (2) and (3) would, in the SMART project’s view, ‘require amendments to Directives 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU. Ad hoc regulations need to be adopted to enact further sectoral mandatory legislation’ (at 22). It is worth looking at each of the three proposals in turn.

(1) Professionalisation and facilitation of knowledge exchange

The SMART proposal is for ‘the EU [to] invest significantly in the capacity of contracting officials, procurement strategists and financial auditors by (a) encouraging the institution of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) knowledge centres at EU, national and regional levels following the model already provided by virtuous Central Purchasing Bodies; (b) creating a network of knowledge centres working closely together in developing and disseminating best practices on SPP, including through training materials, and in collecting information and data on the uptake of SPP and the difficulties encountered in applying the relevant EU rules, and (c) providing financial and technical assistance targeted to specific SPP formation for ground-level contracting officials' (at 21).

The thrust of this recommendation can but be shared. There is a clear need for environmental sustainability in particular to become a core focus of public sector consumption, and that requires an investment in skills and the development of a more effective knowledge-management system. However, whether this is something that the European Commission is primarily in a good place to do remains dubious. The clear fiasco (whether temporary or permanent) of the Commission’s initiative on large infrastructure procurement evidences that such a centralised but devolved approach to the collection and dissemination of best practices can hardly work. The important barrier of language needs to be addressed in a different manner. Moreover, the initiative on procurement professionalisation also makes it clear that the Commission can only develop a relatively marginal facilitative role, but that the main changes need to be developed and implemented at national level. From that perspective, it would perhaps be preferable to address the recommendations to Member States.

There is, for example, a clear need to promote the domestic adoption and use of the already developed European Green Procurement criteria, as well as a need to educate the domestic procurement workforce and review bodies on the very significant flexibility of the current EU rules (see (3) below). Once more, then, the focus should in my view be on more specific and differently targeted education and continuous professional development proposals, rather than on proposals addressed to the Commission, which may not have the budget or be in the best position to implement them.

(2) Supply chain monitoring

The SMART proposal is that ‘the EU make it mandatory for contracting authorities to map and monitor their supply chains for risks of breaches of environmental and social rules, including those protecting human rights. That the EU takes those breaches seriously, mandating the exclusion from award procedures of those found in violation and the taking of appropriate remedial actions in case of violations during contract performance. That the EU makes it easier for contracting authorities to know about the economic operators having breached environmental and social rules, including those protecting human rights' (at 21-22).

This proposal seems to reflect frustration with the way in which compliance with environmental, social and labour (and human rights) standards is regulated in the current EU rules and, perhaps, in particular in Arts 18(2), 56(1) in fine, 57(4)(a), 69(2)(d) and 69(3), and 71(1) and 71(6) of Directive 2014/24/EU. However, the proposal is, in my view, targeting the wrong governance level.

Reading such rules and taking them into account as a whole—in particular Art 69(3)—makes it plain that the EU rules create an enabling framework for contracting authorities to engage in oversight of their supply chains for risks of breaches of environmental and social rules, including those protecting human rights. Therefore, shortcomings in this area are not a result of regulatory constraints at EU level, but rather of either a lack of political will at domestic level or, more probably, the complexity of such endeavour and the limited resources contracting authorities can dedicate to it. This seems implicit in the final part of the recommendation, which calls for the EU to make ‘it easier for contracting authorities to know about the economic operators having breached environmental and social rules, including those protecting human rights’.

I will be very interested to see how the proposal is further developed at the next stage. I think that this is setting the EU up to fail because the issue of ensuring global compliance within supply chains poses fiendish challenges and, as I have argued elsewhere, both assumes too much capability in the public procurement function and is bound to diminish its effectiveness [see A Sanchez-Graells, ‘Regulatory Substitution Between Labour and Public Procurement Law: The EU’s Shifting Approach to Enforcing Labour Standards in Public Contracts’ (2018) 24(2) European Public Law 229–254].

Related to earlier comments, I think that the extent to which procurement can be used to monitor supply chains will in part hinge on expanded skills and capabilities (as already addressed at (1) above) and, in a much larger part, depend on the development or reinforcement of other mechanisms of public intervention of horizontal application. Just like private consumption, public consumption needs to rely on a broader regulatory framework fostering sustainability and preventing illegal behaviour, rather than be tasked with those goals itself.

(3) Making the legislative environment more 'SPP friendly'

The SMART proposal is that ‘the EU makes the legislative environment more 'SPP friendly'. Contracting authorities must be allowed to require suppliers to have effective sustainability policies in place. A shift is needed from enabling the Member States to pursue SPP to requiring them to buy sustainably by increasing the number of mandatory sectoral legislation and by requiring contracting authorit[ies] to take into account the life-cycle costs associated with their purchases.’

Again, this reflects a double frustration with the regulation of sustainability-enabling mechanisms in the current EU rules and, in my view, in particular with the requirement of the ‘link to the subject matter’ in Arts 42(1) and 67(3), and in relation to the limited uptake of the possibility to rely on life-cycle costing under Art 68 of Directive 2014/24/EU; as well as in the voluntary nature of most sustainability-oriented rules, eg on technical specifications (Art 42), eco-labels (Art 43), or environmental management standards (Art 62).

Once again, this seems to me unfocused. First, because it reflects an obsession with getting rid of the link to the subject matter of the contract that risks throwing the baby out with the bath water. It seems to me indisputable that the 2014 EU public procurement rules have significantly expanded the discretionary scope for the inclusion of sustainability-oriented requirements, in particular concerning environmental sustainability through green procurement. This may not unlock maximum or unlimited room for sustainability considerations (which is debatable), but this does not constitute a main regulatory barrier to a large uptake of more sustainable procurement practices. It could be argued that it is perceived as a major barrier but, in that case, what is necessary is an effort in debunking that myth and in fostering a better understanding of the current rules, which once again goes back to (1) above.

Second, and by the same token, making those provisions mandatory at EU level would not necessarily generate practical changes. Where current structures have not moved despite increased flexibility and discretion, imposing the behaviour as mandatory without addressing the root causes of the immobility would simply result in extended non-compliance or, worse, window-dressing. Thus, in order to generate a practical effect, focusing on enabling further exercises of discretion seems to me preferable to imposing compliance.

Relatedly, advocating for more sectoral legislation imposing sustainability requirements for public purchases only (which is what I understand by the reference to ‘increasing the number of mandatory sectoral legislation’) is undesirable. First, because it generates a ‘feel good’ factor for the public sector without addressing the broader social distortions of allowing for private consumption of the unsustainable goods or services. However large procurement expenditure, sectoral legislation will only cover the smaller part of the economy. If procurement represented 20% of GDP, imposing sectoral product or service-related sustainability requirements would still leave 80% of the economy free from such constraint. Second, and also very important, the creation of such sectoral requirements will fracture (or perpetuate the fracture) between ‘public and private’ markets for equivalent goods and services. This would only result in a reduction of competition for public contracts, a shrinking of the supplier base and worse conditions (in terms of value for money) for the public buyer. Therefore, where sustainability considerations need to reduce or exclude the availability of specific types of goods or services, this needs to be addressed at an economy-wide level, as suggested above re acceleration of the transition to the circular economy.

All in all, any limitations in the uptake of more sustainable procurement seem to me mainly related to issues of procurement workforce skills, public sector dimensioning and knowledge-management. There is significant space for a much larger uptake of sustainable considerations in procurement if recommendations along the lines of (1) above are seriously implemented. In my view, this should be the focus of action in the short to medium term. Advocating for legislative change in a context where there are significant difficulties in consolidating the changes of the 2014 revision and where digitalisation is already driving regulatory and practice changes over the next three years seems to me self-defeating. As does advocating for ‘procurement-only’ interventions.

(4) Excursus: the need to include digital technologies in the scope of the recommendations

One of the aspects I have found missing in the chapter on procurement in the SMART recommendations concerns digital technologies and their potential contribution to more sustainable procurement. As things stand, improving the generation and collection of procurement data, including of the outcomes of earlier procurement exercises, in order to create an evidence base that can then enable the deployment of machine learning and other artificial intelligence techniques to promote more sustainable procurement should be a priority. These are issues I discuss in detail in a recent working paper: A Sanchez-Graells, ‘Digital Technologies, Public Procurement and Sustainability: Some Exploratory Thoughts’ (November 7, 2019). I would be happy to engage with the SMART team if the inclusion of this dimension in their final report was of interest.

Interesting paper on effects of open procurement data on outcomes: Duguay, Rauter & Samuels (2019)


A recently published working paper has assessed the impact of increased availability of procurement data on competition for public contracts and on procurement outcomes in the EU context: R Duguay, T Rauter & D Samuels, ‘The Impact of Open Data on Public Procurement’ (November 22, 2019).

Duguay, Rauter & Samuels concentrate on the increased availability of TED data in a (more) user-friendly format in July 2015 (when the data started being available for a bulk download on CSV format) to assess the effects that easier access to procurement data has on the functioning of procurement markets and on procurement outcomes. The paper is very interesting and their results are quite striking.

However, it is important to stress the important caveat that their analysis is still based on TED data and, thus, potentially affected by the quality shortcomings of that data. As mentioned in other occasions, the TED database has problems because it is constructed as a result of the self-declaration of data by the contracting authorities of the Member States, which makes its content very inhomogeneous and difficult to analyse, including significant problems of under-inclusiveness, definitional fuzziness and the lack of filtering of errors—as recognised, repeatedly, in the methodology underpinning the SMSPP itself (see here and here).

With that in mind, however, it is interesting to look closely at their findings.

A seemingly striking insight derived from the paper is that ‘the new European government contracting provisions have anti-competitive effects‘ (at 17). This is in the context of an analysis of the ‘likelihood that government agencies allocate public contracts through an open procedure‘ and should thus not be surprising, given the flexibilisation in the use of procedures involving negotiations. However, even with this regulatory effect, the authors find that more open data triggers more use of open procedures, in particular in EU countries with weaker institutional frameworks (at 18-19, and see below). This could be symptomatic of the fact that more complexity in procurement subjected to higher levels of transparency pushes for a risk-averse approach to procurement compliance. The same would be supported by their finding of higher levels of award of contracts on the basis of price-only award criteria (at 25, and see below).

This tension between procurement complexity and transparency is generally strongly evidenced in the paper.

On the one hand, and in line with claims of the pro-competitive nature of more openness in procurement data (note, not of more openness or transparency of contract opportunities), the authors find that

  • the likelihood of competitive bidding increases sharply for TED contracts around July 2015 and that this increase persists through the end of our sample period [ie to the end of 2018] (at 18);

  • open procurement data leads government officials to implement more competitive bidding processes [ie open procedures], and that this increase in competitive bidding is driven by countries that do not have the institutions to effectively monitor public officials (at 19);

  • the number of bids increases sharply for TED contracts soon after the open data initiative, and this increase persists throughout our sample period (at 20);

  • public officials are 8.7 percentage points more likely to award government contracts to new vendors after the open data initiative (at 21);

  • contract values fall by approximately 8% ... after the open data initiative (at 23).

On the other hand, and also in line with theoretical expectations of a degradation of procurement decisions subjected to higher levels of transparency (and the fact that this transparency does not concern contract opportunities, but more general open procurement data), the authors also find that

  • [the results] are inconsistent with the idea that easier access to procurement data fosters cross-border competition throughout the European Union … open procurement data fosters local competition among vendors by reducing barriers to entry but does not promote cross-border competition across the European single market (at 22);

  • after the open data initiative, the likelihood of a contract modification increases by 2.9 percentage points for contracts above TED publication thresholds (at 24);

  • after the open data initiative, public officials are 38% ... more likely to award contracts above TED publication thresholds exclusively based on price (at 25);

  • the performance ... is significantly worse if price was the only award criterion in the allocation decision (at 26);

  • the increase in modifications is driven by contracts awarded to new government suppliers, consistent with information asymmetries contributing to the observed deterioration in contract performance. Moreover, this evidence suggests that procurement relationships before the open data initiative were not necessarily corrupt or otherwise inefficient (at 26);

  • the decline in contract performance is stronger for complex procurements, consistent with project complexity exacerbating the potential allocative distortions of open procurement data (at 27).

Their overall conclusion is that

Comparing government contracts above and below EU publication thresholds, we find that increasing the public accessibility of procurement data raises the likelihood of having competitive bidding processes, increases the number of bids per contract, and facilitates market entry by new vendors. After the open data initiative, procurement prices decrease and EU government agencies are more likely to award contracts to the lowest bidder. However, the increased competition comes at the expense of lower contract performance, particularly if suppliers are new, procurement projects are complex, and contracts are awarded solely based on price.

Overall, our results suggest that open data on procurement awards facilitates competition and lowers ex-ante procurement prices, but does not necessarily increase allocative efficiency in government contracting (at 27-28, emphases added).

I find these results striking and difficult to assess from the perspective of evidence-based policy-making. There are two issues of particular concern/interest to me.

One, the finding that more availability of data does not generate more cross-border procurement, and that the push for more competitive (ie open) procedures is mostly appreciable in countries with weaker institutional frameworks. This could support the position that institutional robustness is an alternative to data transparency, which would significantly alter the prioritisation of systemic procurement reforms and take the sides of systems that favour strong institutional oversight in a context of relative opacity.

Second, that transparency exacerbates problems at execution phase, in particular in complex projects and/or projects with new suppliers. This would take the wind out of the sails of reform and policy-making approaches concentrating on perceived or apparent competition for the contract at award stage, and rather force a refocus on an analysis of procurement outcomes at the end of the relevant project. This would also side with approaches that would advocate for more robust institutional approaches to contract design and performance management, rather than relying on transparency to correct contract execution problems.

The mixed results of the paper are also interesting in the context of the long-term effect of more open procurement data on competition, as well as on cartelisation and bid rigging risks, which are not assessed in the paper.

On the round, I think that the paper offers some interesting evidence to back up that there is a need to reconsider the level of transparency given to procurement data. I do not think this should stop the development of an improved procurement data architecture in the EU. To the contrary. I think this should reignite and prioritise discussions concerning the level of disclosure or public access to that information (ie its openness), which cannot be simply assumed to be positive in what, in my view, is currently an excessively simplistic approach in leading policy-making and think tank proposals. For more (but not new) discussion, see here and here.

Golden nugget or poison pill? 'Clearly minor' breach of EU law in the Whistleblower Protection Directive


The recently-adopted Directive 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (aka the ‘Whistleblower Protection Directive’ or WPD) explicitly covers reports of breaches of public procurement law (Art 2(1)(a)(i) WPD)—with a limited exception for defence and security procurement not covered by the relevant EU rules (Art 3(2) WPD and Annex, Part I(A) WPD).

The Whistleblower Protection Directive needs to be transposed towards the end of 2021 (with a further delay to 2023 for covered SMEs). The decisions made by Member States in the transposition of the Whistleblower Protection Directive may generate significant impacts on public procurement practice in the medium term. However, the likely future effectiveness of the Directive hinges on a problematic discretionary provision on ‘clearly minor’ breaches of EU law, on which this blog post will focus.


Implicitly, the coverage of public procurement by the Whistleblower Protection Directive is a recognition of the limitations of the public enforcement of (EU) public procurement law, as well as their private enforcement through the procurement remedies system (despite the Commission’s recent decision not to reform the Remedies Directives…).

Indeed, the recitals of the Whistleblower Protection Directive stress that procurement coverage is necessary

… to enhance the enforcement of Union law on public procurement. It is necessary, not only to prevent and detect procurement-related fraud and corruption in the context of the implementation of the Union budget, but also to tackle insufficient enforcement of rules on public procurement by national contracting authorities and contracting entities in relation to the execution of works, the supply of products or the provision of services. Breaches of such rules create distortions of competition, increase costs for doing business, undermine the interests of investors and shareholders and, in general, lower attractiveness for investment and create an uneven playing field for all businesses across the Union, thus affecting the proper functioning of the internal market (rec 6 WPD, emphasis added).

Therefore, creating (or boosting) national mechanisms to enable whistleblowers to shine a light on potential infringements of EU public procurement law is expected to generate gains on procurement compliance and probity. This is largely aimed at reporting by ‘insiders’, to the extent that there are already other strategies to seek to increase the visibility of procurement information and trigger engagement by civil society and external stakeholders, eg through the new rules on eForms, due to be transposed by end of 2022.

Broadly, the Whistleblower Protection Directive seeks to enhance compliance with EU law, and in particular public procurement rules, by requiring Member States to mandate private and public entities to create new internal and external reporting mechanisms, as well as to afford specific protective measures to (good faith) whistleblowers that report internally or externally, or publicly disclose, breaches of EU law on the basis of information gained in a work-related context. The Directive creates rather granular requirements depending on the size of the private or public sector entity allegedly involved in the EU law breach.

‘Clearly minor’ breaches

In the context of external reporting of suspected breaches of EU (public procurement) law, Art 11(3) of the Whistleblower Protection Directive establishes that

Member States may provide that competent authorities, after having duly assessed the matter, can decide that a reported breach is clearly minor and does not require further follow-up pursuant to this Directive, other than closure of the procedure (emphasis added).

Different to other fields covered by the Directive (eg securities regulation or competition law), I think that this will be the crux of the whistleblowing system in the context of procurement, in particular if Member States opt to designate procurement review bodies as those competent to receive and/or process reports on potential infringements of EU public procurement law—which seems like a rather natural option. However, this would largely amount to a mere broadening of the active standing to launch procurement review procedures.

I would expect most Member States to avail themselves of the discretionary nature of this provision. Thus, I think that the effectiveness of the system will hinge on the provisions of Art 11(3) WPD because external reporting of non-obvious breaches is the most likely focus of (potential) whistleblower activity.

First, because internal reporting mechanisms are unlikely to gain much traction in either private entities (I find it difficult to see how a company that has taken a specific position in the context of a tender would be willing to reverse it due to an internal report, unless it had a very decentralised system to approve the offers) or public entities (again, as the mechanisms of control and decision-making should have already addressed any concerns and, failing that, would have galvanised the public buyers’ position).

It is hard for me to envisage a significant number of inadvertent breaches of procurement law that go undetected and can easily be fixed upon realisation, as is also hard to imagine the possibility of creating a multi-track system whereby concerns harboured by those ‘in the know’ within an organisation can be reported in a manner that results in a significant revision of the situation (barring, perhaps, in the context of very large organisations, or shared mechanisms for intermediate ones).

Second, because very major shortcomings in the probity of the procurement process (ie straight out corruption) or major deviations from procurement law (eg illegal direct awards or ‘cooking’ of the technical specifications or award criteria) should already be covered by other mechanisms, including criminal law. In that context, the main issue is not the administrative responsibility or liability of those involved in the illegality (criminality?), and probably also not (primarily) an issue of work-related retaliation against the whistleblower (which is the core coverage of the protective measures of Art 19 WPD, as far as I can see).

So, unless there is a fear that criminal behaviour is widespread and largely under-reported and under-detected in the field of EU public procurement practice due specifically to limited protections for whistleblowers (which I find a relatively implausible claim), in my opinion, the area of EU procurement law compliance that can probably be practically targeted is somewhat intermediate—ie that of relatively unclear rules of EU public procurement law, of the (mis)implementation of rules in non-observable manner (eg the ‘doctoring’ of evaluation reports), as well as deviations that fall within the area of discretion afforded to contracting authorities.

In those cases, and for the reasons indicated above, the most likely materialisation of any whistleblowing is an external report to the competent authority, which will then have to assess the extent to which the reported breach is (or not) ‘clearly minor and does not require further follow-up’ pursuant to the Whistleblower Protection Directive—ie, presumably, whether the issue of (strict) compliance can be left to the ordinary (if faulty?) enforcement mechanisms for EU (public procurement) law.

Why is public procurement different?

Against that practical backdrop, in my view, the importance of Art 11(3) WPD in the context of procurement stems from the long-lasting discussion of the types of infringements of EU law—ie ‘any breach’, a ‘sufficiently serios breach’, etc—that should trigger relevant consequences; eg the termination of the contract under Art 73 of Directive 2014/24/EU, the ineffectiveness of an awarded contract under Art 2d of the Remedies Directive, or more recently State liability in damages, in the context of the Fosen-Linjen saga (see here).

What constitutes a ‘clearly minor’ breach will need to be somewhat reconciled with the existing rules on procurement remedies. It would seem not only undesirable, but also counter-intuitive, for the Whistleblower Protection Directive to be interpreted in a more stringent way than other rules on procurement remedies. If a public entity could legally follow a course of action under regular administrative and liability rules, why would it be subjected to a more stringent threshold of compliance solely due to the origin of the information/report that prompts the review of its actions and decisions?

Moreover, the application of a common standard would seem a natural consequence of the accumulation of competences for the review of procurement complaints by the same authorities, where this happens. Therefore, as indicated above, it seems to me that the effect of the implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Directive is largely constrained to expanding the active standing to launch procurement review procedures. Whether this can make a significant difference remains an empirical unknown.

Other effects would only be generated if the choices leading to the domestic implementation resulted eg in the attribution of the competence to investigate procurement whistleblowing reports to authorities other than procurement review bodies—but this would create all sorts of practical complications in terms of expertise availability and two-track review procedures, eg in the case of a whistleblowing report concerning a tender in relation to which disappointed tenderers also launch ‘standard’ review procedures.

All in all, then, I think that the likely future effectiveness of the application of the Whistleblower Protection Directive in the field of procurement will hinge on the concept of ‘clearly minor’ breach and its relationship to the current standards triggering ineffectiveness of procurement procedures, awarded contract and/or liability in damages at the domestic level. This is thus perhaps an area where the European Commission could issue interpretive guidance ahead of the transposition deadline of 17 December 2021.

More than meets the eye: La Chimia & Trepte (eds), Public Procurement and Aid Effectiveness (2019) [book review]


I have just finished reading Annamaria La Chimia & Peter Trepte (eds), Public Procurement and Aid Effectiveness. A Roadmap under Construction (Oxford, Hart/Bloomsbury, 2019). 416 pages, £86.40, reading time: 20 hours aprox.

Heart in hand, I must admit that I may not have been tempted to pick up the book if it was not edited by two scholars for whom I have great intellectual admiration and with whom I have long-lasting friendships—and if I was not on research leave and thus, having some more reading time than usual... the snazzy book cover certainly also helped. I would have made a big mistake if I had left the book accumulate virtual dust in my (only growing) to read list, though.

So this unofficial book review (remember, I am friends with the editors) seeks to save you from making that mistake yourself. If you are interested in procurement governance, or even on the broader field of international political economy, you should read this book.

I have found the book to be truly excellent and very thought-provoking, not least because it covers much more than procurement as a conduit for the economic effectiveness of foreign/development aid. For sure, this core preoccupation of the aid community (and a fringe of procurement community) is addressed centrally, thoroughly and authoritatively in the book, including interdisciplinary perspectives from political scientists, economists, lawyers and leading practitioners at international institutions. The book is thus a very valuable source of information and analysis for anyone researching the field. However, the book goes well beyond this.

The book is fascinating because it engages with a wicked problem: how to reconcile multiple regulatory layers driven by a multitude of conflicting normative values, how to find a balance between regulatory complexity and effectiveness of practical interventions, and how to do so in a manner that does not perpetuate inequality or result in regulatory imperialism. In other words, the book ultimately engages with the (impossible) challenge of designing a (perfect) procurement system of worldwide application and capable of delivering a multitude of policy goals on top of the ever present value for money.

Not that the book seeks that goal. However, in assessing legal reforms promoted by the international donor community that implicitly sought ways to achieve that nirvana (through harmonisation, alignment and other, sometimes mutually-contradictory, regulatory strategies) or that were understood as prescribing a ‘magic solution’ for such upgrade of country systems (such as the OECD Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems, MAPS) , the book is a very effective mirror of the ugly side of procurement reform efforts.

As such, and covering such a polyhedric subject-matter, the book can be read at very different levels or from many different angles, and rewards the reader with a large number of insights that are easily transferable to other (ie non-aid) areas of procurement research and, more generally, public governance. The following are my main take aways. When you read it, please feel free to add yours in the comments section.

I found the book tells a fascinating story about hidden drivers for procurement reform and the pernicious effects they can have. Indeed, the book demonstrates how the goal of improving domestic procurement systems (in developing countries) was not set independently or with a strict concern for regulatory quality, but rather as a demand of international institutions seeking to ‘be able to rely’ on domestic systems in order to foster procurement simplification and to achieve goals of country ownership of the relevant projects.

It also demonstrates how the blueprint of what was considered ‘good procurement’ derived either from the own procurement rules of the international institutions (mostly, multilateral development banks, MDBs) or from half-baked (and misunderstood?) attempts at capturing what defines good procurement regulation (notably, the OECD MAPS, now revised). The book shines a light on the failures of such approaches and queries the wisdom of any similar future attempts. This is something that should not go unnoticed (and I am here thinking, in particular, of the World Bank’s renewed Benchmarking Public Procurement, criticised here). The book offers an unequivocal cautionary tale of the negative spillover effects of badly construed and improperly understood and/or applied regulatory benchmarks. To me, this is one of its big contributions.

From a close perspective, the book demonstrates how ‘increasing aid effectiveness’ was used as an excuse or lever to push for much broader regulatory reforms and how, in turn, this affected international discussions beyond the context of aid and of great relevance to ‘ordinary’ procurement. However, it is very difficult to establish or observe a linear influence between ‘general’ and ‘aid-related’ procurement reforms, and both seem to be part of a melting pot that resulted in significant changes of transnational procurement regulation over the first half of this decade (notably, the new WTO GPA, UNCITRAL Model Law, EU Procurement Package and World Bank Procurement Framework). All these changes evidence different speeds of pendular movements, ranging between constraints on discretion and flexibilisation of procurement regulation, as well as between purely economic and broader policy goals.

From a regulatory perspective, finally, the book also shows how an excessive focus (rectius, obsession) with fighting procurement corruption has resulted in both exceedingly rigid approaches and insufficient regulatory responses. The book documents excesses in the way that draconian anti-corruption measures can freeze frontline decision-makers and prevent them from exercising commercial discretion or risk-taking in the public interest, while leaving the real beneficiaries of corruption unaffected. This is framed in terms of an excessive reliance on agency theory for procurement regulation design. Following from that, the book shows how procurement and its tools (eg debarment) cannot be seen as the one and only regulatory tool, but rather need to be coordinated with the broader institutions of a criminal law and public law system. Failures to do so can, in large part, result from the original blueprint adopted for procurement reform (as mentioned above), as eg the MDBs do not have such a broader regulatory context.

Moving to broader themes of global governance, the book also shows the double standards applied to the assessment of country systems, depending on whether a country is a donor or a partner (ie beneficiary of aid). While developed and international organisations’ procurement systems are largely assessed on the basis of their regulation of procurement, the assessment of developing countries’ has focused more clearly on institutional capacity and on issues of professionalisation. Some of the experiences collected in the book, in particular regarding methods for the assessment of procurement systems’ maturity and for the training of a procurement workforce, could be very useful in the context of eg the European Commission’s current procurement strategy and its initiatives on procurement professionalisation. The analysis in the book also stresses the need to focus system evaluation and institutional development on the basis of procurement outcomes (not processes, or inputs), which in my view is a pending task for all procurement systems, not just those of countries receiving development aid.

Talking about double standards, the book also reports on the resurgence of tied aid and aid conditionality as one more incarnation of the surge in procurement protectionism. The discussion offers some interesting parallels with the analysis of offsets in defence procurement markets and, more generally, with the use of procurement as an industrial policy tool. These are not issues left behind, but rather a constant fight for those advocating free trade, including through procurement, to be consistent when they engage in foreign/development aid or in defence-related procurement, as well as more generally. Given the emerging use of procurement as an ‘Industry 4.0 policy tool’, these issues can only gain even further prominence in years to come.

A final thought the book spurred in me is that perhaps we should, within reason, start making ourselves comfortable with a relatively high level of regulatory complexity, in particular because outcomes-oriented procurement that seeks to achieve the sustainable development goals is a difficult endeavour. What international institutions and countries may need to do is stop trying to find easy fixes through nirvana-like regulatory simplification approaches and rather invest (heavily) in the creation of the required level of competence and capacity in their procurement workforce. This may not seem like a very likely prospect, but perhaps its chances increase if policy-makers and practitioners read this book, and if academics continue to push for practically-implementable procurement reform. So get your copy and enjoy the read.

The Danish Supreme Court’s ruling in the “Road Marking Case”: the end of a joint bidding era [guest post by Heidi Sander Løjmand, MSc]


In this insightful and thoughtful blog post, Heidi Sander Løjmand discusses the hot-off-the-press Judgment of the Danish Supreme Court in longstanding litigation concerned with joint bidding in procurement procedures. As she stresses, this is a ‘must-know’ case for all competition and procurement practitioners, much as the earlier Norwegian SKI Taxi and the related EFTA Court Judgment, because it fleshes out the difficulties and implications of a strict application of competition law in this setting.

The Danish Judgment is likely to mark the end of an era in Danish practice, as Heidi points out, but it will certainly only add fuel to the fire of academic and policy-making discussions about the interpretation and application of Article 101 TFEU in the context of public procurement. I for one, am very grateful to Heidi for making this interesting line of Scandinavian case law accessible in English, as well as for sharp questioning of the legal arguments. 

The Danish Supreme Court’s ruling in the “Road Marking Case”: the end of a joint bidding era

Yesterday, the 27th of November 2019, the Danish Supreme Court delivered its long-awaited judgment in the so-called “Road Marking Case”. The full judgment is available here (in Danish). The Danish Supreme Court found that joint bidding by companies that could have submitted independent bids for several lots of the same tender constituted an anticompetitive agreement between competitors and, as it included an agreement on the price of the tender as well as on the division of the services (share by lots) to be carried out by each of the teaming companies, it constituted a by object violation of Art 101(1) TFEU and the domestic equivalent, Section 6 of the Danish Competition Act. In doing so, the Danish Supreme Court upheld the initial decision by the Danish Competition Council and overturned an intermediate decision by the Danish Maritime and Commercial High Court that had deemed the joint tendering lawful.

1. Background

In 2010, the consultancy firm McKinsey & Company provided the Danish Government with a report on how to increase economic growth through competition. Amongst the suggestions were to consolidate public tenders within the construction and services industries in order to (i) take advantage of potential economies of scale, (ii) to attract foreign companies, and (iii) to apply procurement procedures and tender requirements that encourage efficient operation. Such initiatives would, according to the report, lead to fewer yet bigger and more efficient companies, and thus to a better utilization of economies of scale.

Tender I (2012): In that light, the Danish Road Directorate changed its tender format and published – in 2012 for the first time – an invitation to bid for a consolidated tender comprised of 337 contracts covering 19 different subject areas. One subject area was road marking. The demanded road marking services were divided into five lots/contracts covering different geographical areas. It was possible to submit bids for one or more lots; companies submitting bids for multiple lots could offer rebates not exceeding 20%, compared to the aggregation of their offers for individual lots. The award criterion was the lowest price.

The two road marking companies, Eurostar Danmark A/S and GVCO A/S (formerly LKF Vejmarkering A/S) (hereinafter referred to as Eurostar and GVCO or the parties) decided to team up and submitted a joint bid with a rebate for all 5 contracts via their agreement-based Danish Road-marking Consortium. The consortium was unsuccessful. All 5 contracts were awarded to the competitor, Guide-Lines, who had offered a 20% rebate (it bears mentioning that Guide-Lines would have won all the contracts without the rebate).

Tender II (2013): One year later, Guide-Lines won a similarly structured tender by the Road Directorate regarding road maintenance. As in 2012, Eurostar and GVCO submitted an unsuccessful joint bid via their Danish Road-marking Consortium.

Tender III (2014): Guide-Lines defaulted on two of their road marking contracts (i.e. from the 2012 tender) as they were unable to perform according to the set time and work schedules. As a consequence, the Danish Road Directorate decided to publish an invitation to bid for 3 of the initial geographical lots. The procurement format was similar to the two previous tenders, except this time there was no limit to the size of the rebate. For the third time, Eurostar and GVCO submitted a joint bid through their Danish Road-marking Consortium for all three contracts. If the consortium was awarded one contract, no rebate would be granted. If it won two or three contracts a rebate of 5% or 20% would be granted, respectively. The consortium won all three contracts. It turned out that no other company had submitted a total bid for all three lots, and on one of the lots the consortium’s bid was the only one. Guide-Lines had submitted a bid for two lots with no rebate, and Lemminkäinen for one lot. Guide-Lines filed a complaint with the Danish Competition Council alleging that the joint bid from Eurostar and GVCO constituted an infringement of Section 6 of the Danish Competition Act and art. 101(1) TFEU. 

It is worth noting that Eurostar and GVCO concluded a new consortium agreement for each of the three above-mentioned tender procedures. The civil charges in the present case concerned only the consortium agreement between Eurostar and GVCO in relation to the 2014-tender. The criminal charges that were brought against the parties in 2016 following the Competition Appeals Tribunal’s decision (discussed below), however – remarkably – accuse the parties of having entered into a cartel agreement in the period from primo 2012 to ultimo 2014, thus including the collaboration between the parties in all three tenders. It shall be interesting to see the outcome of the criminal proceedings, not least because individuals engaged in cartel behavior (which is defined very broadly in the Danish Competition Act) face the risk of prison sentences of up to 6 years. Fortunately, the Danish Appeals Tribunal noted in its decision that the joint bidding in question did not amount to a classic cartel.

2. Procedural history

A) Decision of the Danish Competition Council (24 June 2015) [available in full here (in Danish)].

The Competition Council found that Eurostar and GVCO had infringed the prohibition on anticompetitive agreements. Decisive for this finding was that the two companies could have submitted separate bids on at least one lot with their current individual capacity. In addition – though it was not essential for the conclusion – the companies could have expanded their individual capacities so as to bid separately for all three lots. They were therefore to be regarded as competitors in the tender procedure at issue, despite their argument that they were not competitors because they were incapable of submitting individual bids for all three lots, and that this, the total tender, was the relevant benchmark due to the way the procurement procedure was structured.

The Competition Council found that the joint bidding constituted an infringement by object because the consortium agreement was concluded between competitors (debatably the two largest in the industry, that were also subsidiaries of two large corporate groups: SAFEROAD and Geveko AB), and it contained the fixing of a joint price as well as an agreement to share the different geographical lots between the two companies with (allegedly) no pooling of resources etc. Not surprisingly, the Competition Council also found that the agreement did not meet the conditions for exemption under art. 101(3) TFEU.

The parties appealed the decision to the Danish Competition Appeals Tribunal.

B) Decision of the Danish Competition Appeals Tribunal (11 April 2016) [available in full here (in Danish)].

The Danish Competition Appeals Tribunal upheld the Competition Council’s decision but refrained from assessing whether Eurostar and GVCO had – or could achieve – sufficient capacity to submit separate bids on the entire tender. The parties indisputably had the capacity to bid individually for some of the lots and were therefore to be regarded as competitors. In light of this, the Tribunal found that their agreement to submit joint bids eliminated competition between them, and that it infringed art. 101(1) TFEU by object. Like the Competition Council, the Tribunal found that the criteria for exemption under art. 101(3) TFEU were not met.

Once again, the parties appealed the decision to the Danish Maritime and Commercial Court. 

C) Judgment of the Maritime and Commercial High Court (27 August 2018) [available in full here (in Danish)].

Contrary to the decisions of the competition authorities, the Maritime and Commercial High Court found that the agreement between Eurostar and GVCO to submit joint bids did not infringe art. 101(1) TFEU. The Court noted that the tender was structured in a way that favored bids on all three lots, and that the companies’ ability to submit separate bids on some lots could not prevent them from teaming up for the purpose of submitting a joint bid for the entire contract. In the Court’s view, such a restriction on companies’ freedom to carry out their business would not necessarily promote competition.

Since the Competition Council had not provided sufficient proof that Eurostar’s and GVCO’s capacity calculations were inaccurate, the Court found that the parties were unable to independently bid for the entire contract. As a consequence – though it is not explicitly stated – they were not classified as being competitors, and therefore the agreement fell entirely outside of the scope of art. 101(1) TFEU. The competition authorities’ decisions were thus set aside.

Besides the different benchmark for assessing when two companies are competitors in connection to a tender procedure, the Court also stated its view on the Competition Council’s way of assessing companies’ ability to bid independently. The Council did not allow the companies to subtract resources allocated to the servicing of existing key customers, unless written agreements were in place. The Court dismissed this, stating that companies are entitled to take account of such capacity if the expectation of recurring orders is backed by previous experience. It would be commercially irresponsible not to.

This time, the Danish Competition Authorities appealed the judgment. 

3. Ruling of the Danish Supreme Court (27 November 2019)

As already noted, the Supreme Court set aside the judgment of the Maritime and Commercial High Court. It is worth mentioning that during the proceedings, the Supreme Court refused to refer questions to the CJEU for a preliminary ruling as it found the law to be clear. The questions submitted by the parties have not been published, and thus it is not possible to elaborate on the justification of the Court’s refusal.

In general, the Supreme Court gave support to the interpretation applied by the Competition Appeals Tribunal. Initially, the Court confirmed that Eurostar and GVCO would not be treated as competitors if they were incapable of undertaking the services demanded by the Road Directorate independently, and that the basis for evaluating this ability was the requirements of the tender documents. Remarkably, the Supreme Court then stated that all the conditions, which according to the two consortium parties encouraged the submission of total bids—i.e. the terms of the tender (consolidation of previous smaller tenders + option to provide collective rebate) and the history of previous tenders (in which the winner submitted a total bid)—were irrelevant. Because the tender documents objectively allowed companies to bid for one, two or all three lots, the Supreme Court found no basis for the view that the “real contest” was for the total tender, i.e. all three lots. The Supreme Court instead observed that the other tenderers submitted bids for only one or two lots, respectively.

Since it was undisputed that Eurostar and GVCO could have submitted separate bids on individual lots, the Supreme Court found that Eurostar and GVCO were competitors in relation to the tender procedure at issue. On the issue of object/effect, the Supreme Court acknowledged that the agreement between the two companies was entered into with the purpose of submitting a joint bid on the Road Directorate’s tender and to perform the tasks accordingly if the consortium was successful. The Court then went on to state that the agreement did not possess the characteristics of a production agreement, and that it did not foster collaboration between the parties as to the actual performance of the offered road marking services, since the parties had decided ex ante which one of them should operate in the respective geographical areas in each possible outcome (i.e. whether the consortium won one lot, two or three). On this note, the Supreme Court concluded that the consortium agreement was in fact a means to distribute two individual companies’ services – and highlighted the price fixing as well as the market division element – and that the Appeals Tribunal was right in finding that it amounted to a restriction of competition by object. Not surprisingly, the Court also found that the conditions for individual exemption under art. 101(3) TFEU had not been proved to be met.

4. Comment

The Danish Road Marking Case is the second case in Scandinavia to make it all the way to the Supreme Court. In 2017, the Norwegian Supreme Court decided on the much-debated Ski Taxi case, in which two taxi companies had submitted joint bids via a jointly-owned administrative company for a number of years (for comments on the case, see e.g. A Sanchez-Graells, “Ski Taxi: Joint Bidding in Procurement as Price-Fixing?” (2017) 8(7) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 451–453, and I Herrera Anchustegui, “Joint bidding and object restrictions of competition: The EFTA Court’s take in the ‘Taxi case’” (2017) 1(2) European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe) 174-179).

One would like to believe that, with these cases, the boundary between legal and illegal joint bidding should be just about clear-cut; providing legal certainty for the companies thereby allowing them to plan effectively their bidding strategy and behaviour. The reality is, however, that even with the clarity stemming from the mentioned cases, many (essential) issues still remain unsettled and/or ambiguous (as recently pointed put in a joint letter of 1 November 2019 to the European Commission by the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svensk Näringsliv), the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) and the Federation of Icelandic Industries (SI); on file with author)

First. When are two companies to be regarded as (of particular interest potential) competitors in relation to a certain tender procedure? The Supreme Court cases clearly indicate that it suffices to classify two companies as competitors if they are capable of submitting bids on some (the same?) lots, and that it is irrelevant whether they have the ability to submit bids for the entire tender/contract for which they have actually teamed up to bid.

The Danish Supreme Court does not seem to give importance to the distinction between the individual lots, but it follows from the Competition Council’s decision that GVCO had the capacity to submit an individual bid on lot A or B and Eurostar on lot A and B (given the information about the lot sizes, Eurostar could presumably also have bid for lot C instead of lot A and B). Without specifically mentioning that the two companies are competitors because of their ability to submit individual bids on (some of) the same lots, the Danish Supreme Court leaves the impression that if company 1 is able to submit an individual bid for lot A, and company 2 for lot B, the two companies will be competitors in relation to a tender consisting of the two lots A and B. Unless the two lots are very similar in size – and needless to say concern the same product – this logic does not appear very convincing or pro-competitive.

Providing the lots A and B are similar, what is clear from the Danish Supreme Court’s approach is that the possibility of receiving two bids on lot A or lot B is favoured over the possibility of receiving one (joint) bid on lot A and B. For the contracting authority (and society in general), this may not be the most desired (economically efficient) approach, as lot B will have to be re-tendered if company 1 and 2 happen to submit individual bids on the same lot (provided of course that there are no other bidders than company 1 and 2).

Both the Norwegian and Danish Supreme Court cases concerned contracts/lots of the same product. It is not clear-cut how the analysis is to be applied to tenders of e.g. framework agreements or public contracts with various products. Two companies could have subject-specific overlaps but different key operations – a consultancy firm specialized in construction could have in-house architects employed (or have architecture companies as subsidiaries) but want to team up with a specialized, independent architecture company. If a tender is divided into lots, one of which concerns architectural services, would such an overlap in competencies lead to the conclusion that the consultancy firm and the architect are competitors, because of their ability to bid for the “architecture lot”? Or should they be viewed as non-competitors in relation to the entire tender/or to the demanded consultancy services of which architecture services may just be a part?

Second. The Danish Supreme Court did not consider the capacity assessments put forward by the parties or the Competition Council in order to prove the companies’ (in)ability to submit individual bids. It is therefore uncertain whether the parties’ calculations had been sufficient to prove their lack of individual abilities, if the benchmark had been the entire tender as in the Maritime and Commercial High Court’s view. It is going to be very interesting to see how far the assessment of a company’s “real and concrete possibilities” to expand its capacity in order to submit a bid (on a single lot!) will be stretched. Indeed, if the standard follows that of the Competition Council in the Road Marking Case (which however concerned the ability to expand in order to bid for the entire tender, not single lots) it seems many companies are likely to be viewed as potential competitors for future procurement tenders.

Third. It remains undecided how the use of sub-contractors affects the competition assessment. If it is common to use sub-contractors, should two companies be classified as competitors if they could submit individual bids with the use of (non-competitors) as sub-contractors? In a case for the Norwegian Competition Authority (Vedtak V2009-17 – Gran & Ekran AS og Grunnarbeid AS [available here (in Norwegian)], the company Gran & Ekran could perform only 8% of the tasks required in the tender. The fact that the company had contacted a sub-contractor with a view to submit a bid for the entire tender, however, indicated to the competition authority that it was a potential competitor to the company Grunnarbeid. Though the case is not a straight-forward joint bidding case as it concerned a reciprocal sub-contracting arrangement between Gran & Ekran and Grunnarbeid (and was assessed ex post with the knowledge that both parties in fact submitted separate bids on the entire tender with each other as sub-contractors, and thus were de facto actual competitors), it raises the question whether – in a “more traditional” joint bidding case – a company with such a limited ex ante competence to bid risks being considered a potential competitor for a tender (lot!?) to which 92% of the tasks must be performed by sub-contractors?

Fourth. The relevance of whether the companies submitting a joint bid are competitors in the market “outside of” the particular tender appears ambiguous. The Danish Supreme Court observed in its commented Judgment that Eurostar and GVCO were amongst the biggest Danish undertakings in the road marking industry at the time the Road Marking Consortium was established and the joint bid submitted, and that they were active in the same market and at the same level of the value chain. Thus, it is apparent that they were competitors in the traditional relevant market; but (why) does this matter?

In a recent case for the Danish District Court [Retten i Glostrup, case 15-10950/2017 Bjerregaard Sikkerhed, available here (in Danish)] two companies’ (lack of) competitive relation outside of the tender procedure was determinative for the conclusion. The company Bacher Logistics (formerly Four Danes) submitted a bid for an entire tender (i.e. 5 lots of various work wear and logistics) with the company Bjerregaard Sikkerhed as a sub-contractor. Bjerregaard Sikkerhed, however, also submitted an independent bid for one of the lots, and thus the two companies were de facto competitors for that lot. The two independent bids from the companies on that specific lot were identical. Nevertheless, the Court found that – with the evidence presented – this behavior did not amount to a restriction of competition. The conclusion rested on mainly three arguments:

i)               since the companies were specialized in different products/services (specialist wholesaler within safety footwear vs logistics), they were not normally competitors;

ii)              there was nothing unusual about the commercial practice of submitting bids based on prices/product information from sub-contractors; and

iii)            it was unlikely that the sub-contractor would have been able to submit a better bid.

 As with the Norwegian case mentioned above, this case is not a “straight-forward” joint bidding case, yet it opens for a discussion of the impact that the competitive relation outside of a specific tender may have for the assessment of the companies bidding behavior.

Fifth. As regards the size and number of the teaming companies, one could in the light of the Maritime and Commercial High Court’s approach wonder: if two consortium parties are amongst the biggest companies (no. 1 and 2, or 2 and 3) in a highly-concentrated industry, and none of them could bid individually for a contract, what is the likelihood of other market participants being able to? Presumably, less likely. Would the acceptance of a joint bid between these two companies then not lead to the conclusion that all of the industry’s companies could have teamed up to submit one joint bid without conflicting with the competition rule, because none of them could be regarded as competitors in relation to the tendered contract? No. Though it does not appear from any the mentioned cases, a joint bidding arrangement may restrict competition if it involves more companies than it is objectively necessary to submit a bid, even if the companies are not competitors in relation to the specific tender.

The requirement of a joint bid being “objectively necessary” also raises – in light of the Road Marking Case – the question of whether account should be taken of the size/market share/market power of the teaming companies. Would it have been objectively necessary that the allegedly two largest companies teamed up, even if they were incapable of submitting individual bids? What if the two companies could have submitted bids in competition with each other by teaming up with any of the industry’s smaller enterprises; should they be regarded as competitors because of that possibility? Can and should competition law impose such a “less restrictive means” approach to determine the legality of joint bidding, and if so should it be applied to determine whether two companies are competitors or whether the restriction is by object or by effect for the purposes of art. 101(1) TFEU, or perhaps reserved for whether exemption is possible under art. 101(3) TFEU?

Sixth. An issue that has not been given much attention in the mentioned cases is the risk of achieving static efficiency as opposed to dynamic, when assessing the legality of a joint bid with a sole focus on the particular tender procedure at issue. Such an approach risks neglecting the possible spill-over effects that may affect the broader market on which the companies operate, including for example higher (joint) concentration. Of course, one may argue that if there is an expectation that consortium members will bid jointly for future contracts, the industry’s other companies will (need to) team up in order to effectively compete against that consortium. This may promote economic efficiency, if the (likely) fewer bids are more competitive than any individual bids would have been; thus, such promotion of a more concentrated industry structure (in the bidding market) may not sit as awkwardly together with competition policy as would appear at first sight. One could, however, wonder whether this type of structural assessments belong to the enforcement of the prohibition of anticompetitive practices rather than e.g. merger control, as joint tendering in one occasion does not necessarily imply joint tendering for future contracts.

More generally, this line of argumentation raised one of the main questions in the Road Marking Case: Do fewer bids necessarily equal a restriction of competition when such could provide the public authority with a higher (or equivalent) value-for-money than individual bids? Having in mind that the goal of competition law is to promote economic welfare (for the consumers), and that the mean to achieve this goal is effective competition, it would be useful to obtain further clarity on how exactly “effective competition” is to be understood in a public procurement context, and how the static welfare of a contracting authority stemming from one tender procedure is to be weighed against the dynamic welfare of other contracting authorities and consumers in its broader sense.

Seventh. A different but somewhat related topic, which the cases do not provide clarity on, is whether and/or when joint bidding constitutes an infringement of competition law by object or by effect; and how much detail and effort is needed to establish an object infringement. In the Road Marking Case both the competition authorities and the companies used AG Bobek’s fish metaphor (Opinon of 5 September 2019 in Budapest Bank and Others, C-228/18, EU:C:2019:678, para 51) to support their respective views.

The companies claimed that, although the consortium agreement perhaps looked like a fish and smelled like a fish, it possessed so many characteristics different from a fish that in order to qualify it as such, a detailed examination (of its effects) should be carried out. Of course, they also argued the obvious; since joint bidding can have pro- as well as anticompetitive effects on competition, such behavior does not categorically fall into “the object box”. In fact, because of its ambivalent effects, joint bidding should always require a detailed analysis as to the effects on competition.

Not surprisingly, the competition authority argued to the contrary. In their view, the consortium agreement looked like a fish, smelled like a fish, and behaved like a fish; and no circumstances in the market could convincingly question the (likely) anticompetitive effects of such a fish. It was a price fixing and market sharing agreement between competitors, and because such have long been classified as object restrictions, no detailed analysis was needed to establish that it was in fact a fish. The only plausible object of the agreement was to restrict competition. As revealed, the Danish Supreme Court supported the authority’s interpretation.

Clearly, the parties and the competition authority viewed the agreement very differently. Some may argue that at first glance their different approaches seem to fit nicely into “the more economic” vs “the orthodox” approach to competition law enforcement. The authority seemed to follow the rather stringent approach adopted by the Norwegian Supreme Court and the EFTA Court in the Ski Taxi case, where a joint bidding arrangement was deemed a restriction of competition by object mainly due to its price-fixing element. From an enforcement perspective, this simple yet inflexible approach is not hard to understand; merely observing a price-fixing element between competitors renders a joint bidding arrangement anticompetitive by object, regardless of any legitimate purposes or (likely) pro-competitive effects. The benefits of this approach are that it provides a high degree of legal certainty; it reduces the procedural burden of the competition authorities under art. 101(1) TFEU; and it effectively reverses the burden of illegality to the parties, who must provide sufficient evidence to prove fulfilment of the cumulative conditions in art. 101(3) TFEU to find their joint bidding agreement exempt. This approach, however, also creates risk of type I enforcement errors, i.e. condemnation of conducts that are not anticompetitive, and may lead businesses to refrain from entering into joint bidding arrangements that are not harmful to competition—to the potential detriment of contracting authorities and, ultimately, taxpayers.

The parties in the Road Marking Case did not give “stand-alone” importance to the price fixing element as this is an inevitable element of joint bidding. To correctly assess the restrictive effects of joint bidding one should therefore see the price-fixing element in its rightful context. This led to another principal disagreement in the case; namely, determining which facts and circumstances should be included in the “legal and economic context”, and which should be reserved for the analysis of efficiencies under art. 101(3) TFEU. The companies argued that past experience from comparable tenders revealed that the winning bidder was likely to be found amongst those who submitted bids for the entire tender, and the companies’ legitimately anticipated participation by foreign tenderers to submit such “total bids” because of the Road Directorate’s active marketing efforts in the Nordic countries. These circumstances determined the parties’ bidding strategy and should, according to the parties, be taken into account under the legal and economic context (art. 101(1) TFEU). The authority noticed that the companies’ ability to provide a “more competitive bid” (i.e. a “more likely to win” bid) could only be assessed under art. 101(3), as the ability to bid is the determinative factor under 101(1) TFEU, not the ability to win, and objectively it was not a requirement that tenderers submitted “total bids”. Again, as already declared, the Danish Supreme Court upheld the authority’s approach, leaving much to be desired from a commercial bidding strategy perspective.

It is correct that it was objectively possible to submit bids for one or several lots, and that the consortium parties could in fact have done so independently. The problem is that in reality no company (except in certain cover price cases) submits bids merely to participate in public tenders because of the costs involved; they bid to win. If they assess that there is no (or a low) chance of winning, they will refrain from bidding. The Maritime and Commercial High Court acknowledged this commercial reality of the companies, and though the Court repealed the case primarily because the parties were not competitors (in relation to the entire tender), it also noted that the Competition Appeals Tribunal had failed to carry out the necessary, concrete assessment of the agreements’ purpose and character so as to conclude with sufficient clarity that it had the object of restricting competition. Whether the Maritime and Commercial High Court would have repealed the case if the companies had been found to have the ability to individually submit bids for the entire tender, is questionable.

The Supreme Court found that, in the given market settings, the consortium agreement by its very nature had the potential to restrict competition, and thus it was unnecessary to demonstrate any actual anti-competitive effects on the market. Neither the parties’ subjective purpose of submitting a more competitive bid, nor the fact that the collaboration happened openly, could change this.

The questions and issues highlighted above are by no means exhaustive, but already demonstrate the complexity of the enforcement of competition law in the context of public procurement. Further topics within the joint bidding sphere are equally interesting (and unclear), for example; the possibility of joint bidding arrangements fulfilling the conditions for exemption under art. 101(3) TFEU; the burden of proof and usage of the proof proximity principle in regards to the assessment of companies’ (lack of) capacity to bid individually; the substance of the profitability test when assessing whether it constitutes a sustainable business strategy to expand company capacity; the relevance and significance of ex ante vs ex post facts; the limits on information exchange between the companies during the different stages of the tender process; the relevance and application of auction theory; the relevant market and competitor-analysis when applying the de minimis, the qualification of illegal joint bidding as cartel behavior that may be faced with criminal charges; etc.

Needless to say, the Road Marking Case limits the possibility for companies to bid strategically with each other; or at least it makes clear that such collaboration must involve some integration of resources/competencies. A prospective need to (maybe) pool resources if needed during the contract period does not suffice, if the market (in this case geographical lots) has been divided between the parties ex ante. The case, however, not only offers a cautionary tale to companies but also to contracting authorities when it comes to procurement design (as did the SKI Taxi case, as discussed by Sanchez-Graells in this blog). Clearly, the contracting authorities have very limited scope to utilize the benefits of potential bidders’ economies of scale, if at the same time, they decide to divide the tender into lots.

Looking at the future, it is worth stressing that the detailed Danish Guidelines on joint tendering [available here (in English)]: were amended – in a less than convincing way – to reflect the judgment of the Maritime and Commercial High Court. In light of yesterdays’ Supreme Court judgment, the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority may simply pick out the few comments reflecting the High Court’s stance and change the guidelines back to how they used to be.

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Heidi Sander Løjmand, MSc

Heidi Sander Løjmand is a PhD Researcher at the University of Southern Denmark (Law Department). In her PhD she explores the approach to joint bidding under art. 101(1) TFEU, in particular in the Nordic Countries. She holds a master’s degree in Business Administration and Commercial Law (law and economics) from Copenhagen Business School, and has previously worked in legal practice. You can connect with Heidi via LinkedIn:

Public consultation on procurement planning by the Spanish Competition Authority now open (until 20/12)


The Spanish Competition Authority (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, CNMC) is in the process of revising its 2011 Guide on public procurement and competition to reflect recent developments and the change of regulatory framework derived from the transposition of the 2014 EU Public Procurement Package [for a critical assessment of the original guide, in Spanish, see A Sanchez-Graells, ‘Una Visión Crítica de la 'Guía Sobre Contratación Pública y Competencia' Publicada por la CNC’ (2011) 21 Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la Competencia 15-31].

The CNMC plans to update their guidance in steps, and has started the process by focusing on procurement planning. In order to gather input into the formulation of guidance on procurement planning from a competition perspective, the CNMC has published a short preliminary working paper (in Spanish), is holding a public conference on 3 December (in which I am honoured to participate), and has also opened a public consultation (closes 20 Dec 2019).

Even thought, unfortunately, this is a process mainly conducted in Spanish, I am sure the CNMC would welcome any contributions on best procurement planning practices and on the impact of planning on competition via email: (subject: “Consulta pública Planificación de la contratación pública", indicating whether your contribution can be published or should remain confidential). In case of interest, below is my own contribution to the public consultation (in Spanish).

10 years on, the CJEU creates more uncertainty about the (in)divisibility of public powers and economic activities in public procurement (C-687/17 P)

In its Judgment of 7 November 2019 in Aanbestedingskalender and Others v Commission, C-687/17 P, EU:C:2019:932 (the ‘TenderNed’ case), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rejected the appeal against the earlier Judgment of the General Court (GC) of 28 September 2017 (T-138/15, EU:T:2017:675) and thus left intact the GC’s upholding of the European Commission’s finding that ‘e-procurement was a service of general interest, and not an inherent economic activity, which could be commercially exploited so long as the State did not offer that service itself’ (T-138/15, para 108, for discussion see the earlier comment in this blog).

However, in TenderNed, the CJEU did not rely on the consideration of e-procurement as a service of general interest as such (which is a less than persuasive argument), but rather on the basis of its persistently confusing case law on the separability of economic activities and those connected with the exercise of public powers [for discussion, see A Sanchez-Graells & I Herrera Anchustegui, 'Revisiting the concept of undertaking from a public procurement law perspective – A discussion on EasyPay and Finance Engineering' (2016) 37(3) European Competition Law Review 93-98; and, more in depth, A Sanchez-Graells, Public Procurement and the EU Competition Rules (2nd edn, Hart 2015) ch 4].

The reasoning followed by the CJEU deserves close analysis, as it once again relies on the artificial indivisibility or interconnection between the economic and non-economic activities carried out by an entity tasked with a public procurement role; as it already did, initially in 2006, in FENIN v Commission, C-205/03 P, EU:C:2006:453; and 10 years ago in Selex Sistemi Integrati v Commission, C-113/07 P, EU:C:2009:191. Remarkably, this is another CJEU Judgment without Advocate General Opinion, despite the complexity of the issue and the far-fetched potential implications of the case.

Indeed, the way the TenderNed Judgment recasts the applicable (in)divisibility test is less than clear cut and can thus create renewed difficulties for the analysis of predominantly economic activities carried out by entities with some public powers—or tasked with an SGEI involving them—which is increasingly the case of central purchasing bodies [such as eg the English NHS supply chain management entity; as briefly discussed in A Sanchez-Graells, 'State Aid and EU Public Procurement: More Interactions, Fuzzier Boundaries' in L Hancher & JJ Piernas López (eds), Research Handbook on European State Aid Law (2nd edn, Edward Elgar 2020) forthcoming, section 8].

Background to the TenderNed case

In simple terms, the case concerned the controversial decision by the Dutch government to intervene in the market for the provision of electronic procurement platform services through the creation of TenderNed—an in-house e-procurement platform run by PIANOo, the tendering expertise centre for the Dutch government.

Prior to the creation of TenderNed, private providers of e-procurement services had been offering their services to Dutch contracting authorities. The creation of TenderNed and the offering of services free of charge to contracting authorities by this in-house entity logically killed the e-procurement services industry (or a part of it), which triggered the litigation.

As explained in more detail by the CJEU,

TenderNed offers a number of functionalities, made available to contracting authorities and special sector entities … free of charge. It provides the following functionalities:

– a publication module, which can be used for the publication of tender notices as well as associated tender documents (“the publication module”);

– a tendering (submission) module, offering functionalities such as the exchange of questions and answers, and the uploading and downloading of tenders and bids. That module also includes a “virtual company” section in which economic operators can introduce and manage their data (“the submission module”);

– an e-guide, which supports interested parties in using TenderNed (“the e-guide”) (C-687/17 P, para 3).

However, in providing the relevant background, the CJEU glosses over one aspect that is particularly damaging to private providers of e-procurement services, as not only is the availability of TenderNed free of charge, but contracting authorities are also obliged to use some of TenderNed’s functionalities (what the CJEU calls the “publication module” and the GC had earlier described as the “notice board”). Indeed, as explicitly stated in the TenderNed website itself: ‘All Dutch authorities are obliged to publish their national and European tenders on Tenderned’s announcement platform’. It is also clear that contracting authorities can then decide whether ‘businesses must submit their offer digitally in TenderNed’.

This stems from the fact that, as explicitly established under Dutch law, ‘while the Netherlands legislature expressly considered the publication module to be a service of general economic interest, it did not concern itself in any way with the question of whether the submission module, as an economic activity, was of general economic interest or not. Indeed, it considered that part of TenderNed’s activities to be a “simple” economic activity’ (as argued by the appellants; see C-687/17 P, para 25).

In functional terms, the unavoidable use of TenderNed for the publication of the mandatory tender notices works as an anchor for contracting authorities, which will have a strong incentive to rely on the rest of TenderNed’s free functionalities rather than pay for separate e-procurement services (even if, at least theoretically, they were of a higher quality). This creates an important issue that would be assessed as bundling under competition law, were these rules applicable. Any such argument, however, as well as the main argument on State aid in the TenderNed case, rely on the analysis of whether the entity providing the services (TenderNed) is an undertaking or not.

Succinctly, the relevant test to determine whether an entity is or not an undertaking relies on the analysis of whether it is engaged in an economic activity or not; as competition and State aid rules apply to economic activities, but not to the exercise of public powers. And this is the crux of the TenderNed case: the CJEU’s recast and application of its case law on the (in)divisibility of public powers and economic activities carried out by the same entity.

As the CJEU summarises in relation to the appellant’s claim, the issue requires determining whether:

a simple ‘connection’, even if it is a connection by their nature, by their aim and by the rules to which the activities are subject, is not sufficient to classify those activities as activities falling within the exercise of public powers, if the criterion stemming from the judgment of 12 July 2012, Compass-Datenbank (C‑138/11, EU:C:2012:449), is not to be deprived of its full meaning. The Court of Justice held … that, when an entity exercises an activity which can be separated from the exercise of its public powers, that entity, in relation to that activity, acts as an undertaking, while, if that economic activity cannot be separated from the exercise of those public powers, the activities exercised by that entity as a whole remain activities connected with the exercise of those public powers. According to the appellants, compliance with that criterion is much more difficult than with a mere criterion of ‘connection’ (C-687/17 P, para 13).

It is thus a matter of establishing an appropriate test to assess the intensity and severability of the connection between the public powers and the economic activities carried out by the relevant entity.

The (in)divisibility test in TenderNed

The CJEU recast its earlier case law on this issue as follows:

… in so far as a public entity carries on an economic activity, since that activity is not connected to the exercise of its public powers, that entity, in relation to that activity, acts as an undertaking, while, if that same economic activity cannot, however, be separated from other activities connected with the exercise of public powers, the activities exercised by that entity as a whole remain activities connected with the exercise of those public powers.

The ‘separation’ criterion ... is in fact referred to by the Court ... only in the particular situation where certain activities of a public entity do not, as such, form part of the exercise of public powers and must be considered, in isolation, to be economic activities (C-687/17 P, paras 18-19).

This is another puzzling ‘clarification’ from the CJEU (see also the recent Irgita case, discussed by Janssen & Olsson in this blog), which raises a number of potential interpretive quagmires. The verbose test in para 18 is relatively straightforward: if the different activities carried out by a single entity cannot be separated, they are exempted from competition/State aid law as a whole (as the entity cannot be classed as an undertaking); whereas if the activities are separable (or ‘not connected’, and here lies the catch?) then only the activities that do not involve the exercise of a public power are subjected to competition/State aid law (as the entity is classed as an undertaking in relation to those activities only).

The more concise clarification in para 19 is much more confusing, though. In my opinion, the CJEU’s statement is circular. It makes no sense to state that the test of ‘separation’ is only applicable to activities that ‘do not, as such, form part of the exercise of public powers’ because the whole and only point of assessing whether two sets of activities are separate or not lies in the fact of determining whether some of them are to be considered economic activities. The CJEU seems to indicate that the ‘separation’ criterion is to be applied in a second-tier of analysis, once it is clear that some activities are, in isolation, to be considered economic activities because they ‘do not, as such, form part of the exercise of public powers’. This begs the question what is the first-tier criterion for the relevant analysis.

A very convoluted systematic interpretation of both paragraphs could indicate that the first-tier criterion is that of ‘connection’, whereas the second-tier criterion is that of ‘separation’. This could make some sense as the first-tier would seek to establish whether there is an approximation between two connected sets of activities, whereas the second-tier would assess the intensity (or severability) of such connection. However, a literal interpretation of paragraph 18 dispels the illusion of such possibility, as the CJEU contraposes economic activities ‘connected to’ the exercise of public powers to economic activities that can be ‘separated from’ such exercise of public powers; thus indicating that ‘connection’ and ‘separation’ are used interchangeably for the purposes of the main test.

Therefore, in my view, the recast or clarification of the test in paragraphs 18 and 19 of the TenderNed Judgment brings nothing new (except some scope for linguistic contortion) and the issue continues to revolve around the need to assess the intensity and severability of the connection between the public powers and the economic activities carried out by the relevant entity. Such assessment has been carried out in a notoriously vague manner by the CJEU in earlier cases, and this is no different in TenderNed.

The application of the test in TenderNed

Indeed, in TenderNed, the ‘connection’/’separation’ test is applied in a rather convoluted and three-step process, in a way that overlaps across different steps and creates confusion as to the relevant scope of the analysis. In any case, the most relevant part comes at paragraphs 43 to 45, which state that

43 As regards the submission module, in order to find that there is a connection between that functionality and the exercise of public powers, the General Court held … that … separating the submission module from the publication module and the e-guide, or even removing it entirely from the overall TenderNed framework, would interfere with TenderNed’s activities and undermine the objectives pursued by [the 2014 Public Procurement rules].

44 In that respect, it should be pointed out, on the one hand, that it is apparent from the case-law of the Court of Justice that two activities can be considered not able to be separated when one of them would be rendered largely useless in the absence of the other (see, to that effect, … Compass-Datenbank, … paragraph 41) or where those two activities are closely linked (see, to that effect, … Selex Sistemi Integrati v Commission, … paragraphs 76 and 77). On the other hand, as noted in paragraph 18 of the present judgment, if an economic activity carried out by a public entity nevertheless cannot be separated from other activities connected with the exercise of public powers, the activities of that entity as a whole must be regarded as being connected with the exercise of public powers.

45 It follows that the General Court was fully entitled to deduce from the factual assessments set out in paragraph 43 of the present judgment,… that the submission module cannot be separated from the publication module, so that those two activities must be regarded as being connected to the exercise of public powers (C-687/17 P, paras 43-45, emphasis added).

If we synthesise the CJEU’s reasoning, the TenderNed case comes to say that “when the separation of activities would interfere with the functioning of the entity and undermine the objectives it pursues [at least, as long as they are mandated by EU law], those activities cannot be separated and those activities must be regarded as being connected to the exercise of public powers”.

This test of ‘interference’ or ‘goal undermining’ is most bizarre and difficult to understand. It also seems to introduce an even more light-touch approach than the original ‘separation’ test, which the CJEU explicitly restated in TenderNed as still representing good law (at paragraph 18)—subject to the circular ‘clarification’ (in paragraph 19).

It may be worth revisiting the original factual assessment carried out by the GC at paragraph 51 of its Judgment (to which the CJEU refers in para 43), according to which:

It must be noted that considering TenderNed’s various functionalities in isolation, or reducing TenderNed to one of those functionalities, by regarding them as independent of each other, when they are all indispensable for e-procurement and constitute different facets of one and the same activity, would interfere with that activity and disregard the objective pursued by [the 2014 Public Procurement rules] (T-138/15, paragraph 51).

But, alas, this is another of the largely unsubstantiated analyses that pepper this line of case law. The reasoning of the GC was structured as follows: (1) one of the objectives of the 2014 EU Public Procurement rules ‘is that procurement procedures should be carried out via electronic means throughout the European Union’ and, to that effect, ‘when implementing e-procurement, Member States were obliged to provide guidance and support to contracting authorities and economic operators’ (para 44). (2) ‘TenderNed was created and implemented by the Kingdom of the Netherlands precisely in order to comply with those obligations’, even if it did so ahead of the adoption of the 2014 EU Public Procurement rules and on the basis of draft texts (para 45). It follows that (3) ‘considering TenderNed’s various functionalities in isolation, or reducing TenderNed to one of those functionalities, by regarding them as independent of each other, when they are all indispensable for e-procurement and constitute different facets of one and the same activity, would interfere with that activity and disregard the objective pursued by [the 2014 Public Procurement rules]’ (para 51).

The key issue here is that the GC does not explain, in any meaningful way, why TenderNed’s functionalities ‘are all indispensable for e-procurement and constitute different facets of one and the same activity’. As a matter of fact, the different functionalities are easily separable from a technical perspective and the existence of decentralised e-procurement systems coordinated through a central database (such as in the case of Ukraine’s Prozorro) is definitive evidence of this. The separability of the activities was raised by the appellants and the CJEU summarised their arguments at paragraphs 26 and 27 of the TenderNed Judgment, as follows:

… the Netherlands legislature itself regarded the submission module as distinct from the publication module. Moreover, in the appellants’ view, the day-to-day practical operation of TenderNed confirms that the publication module, on the one hand, can be separated from the submission module, on the other.

In addition, the General Court wrongly held … that it is as a whole that TenderNed assists in achieving the objective of harmonisation and technical integration in the field of public procurement and that TenderNed’s activities as a whole constitute facets of the same activity. The mere fact that two activities contribute to the same objective is not sufficient for them to be considered to be facets of the same activity. The appellants point out, in that respect, that that same activity is carried out in a large number of Member States by private companies (C-687/17 P, paras 26 & 27).

However, confusingly, the CJEU did not take this into account when upholding the GC’s factual assessment (at paras 43-45), which was the third step of its analysis of the ‘connection’/’separation’ of the activities, but rather dismissed it earlier (paras 30-32).

Therefore, the strange salami slicing of the relevant issues by the CJEU leads it to confirm a disputed factual assessment by the GC without engaging with the arguments provided by the appellants to support their views. This could not be more puzzling.

Final thoughts

Not to mince words, I find TenderNed to be another highly-criticisable CJEU Judgment, due to its poor technical foundations and the additional uncertainty it creates for the assessment of the economic and non-economic activities carried out by entities with public procurement functions. The CJEU has further obscured the relevant tests and, in the end, continued to expand the procurement activities beyond the reach of competition and State aid law on the basis of flimsy assessments of separability of activities. To my mind, the litmus test to this approach will come with challenges against the activities of central purchasing bodies. I am not optimistic of the chances of a correction of this defective line of case even then. We will have to wait and see if the right case emerges from national practice and litigation, though.

The public cooperation-saga continues in Irgita [guest post by Dr Willem A Janssen & Erik Olsson, LLM]


Last month, the Court of Justice issued a confusing and potentially revolutionary Judgment in the Irgita case, which concerned the award of a contract to an in-house entity. In this blog post, Dr Willem A Janssen and Erik Olsson, LLM give us a sketch of the deep implications that the case could have and the interpretive complications it is already generating. Their ideas provide plenty food for thought and will probably be expanded in a forthcoming (even) more detailed academic article.

Janssen & Olsson make a very timely reference to another confusing and complicated recent Judgment, that in the TenderNed case, where the position that eProcurement can be classified as an SGEI withstood appeal before the CJEU. Keep an eye on the blog for a comment of that case soon.

The public cooperation-saga continues in Irgita: harmonization, competition & free movement

Many contracting authorities across the European Union (EU) sighed with relief when article 12 of Directive 2014/24/EU was adopted in 2014. After years of lingering uncertainties not solved by the case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), the new rules in article 12 provided more legal leeway and clarity for institutionalized and non-institutionalized cooperation between public authorities. Some perhaps even hoped it would also put an end to legal discussions about in-house and public-public cooperation in the public procurement context. With new laws, however, come new uncertainties. It did not take too long for the CJEU to show that the public procurement law community will still continue to discuss these exemptions in the future—for when a door closes, a window opens. Indeed, the CJEU has once again shaken the foundations of the ‘public house’ exemptions to the EU public procurement rules with its Judgment of 3 October 2019 in the Lithuanian case Irigita (C-285/18, EU:C:2019:829).

After providing a short overview of the Irgita case (Section 1), we scrutinize some of the CJEU’s conclusions and provide an initial mapping exercise to gage their potential implications for future discussions in this post. More specifically, we discuss the third preliminary question about the legality of national rules that limit the scope of the institutionalised exemption of article 12 Dir 2014/24/EU through adjusted or additional criteria (Section 2). We expect, however, that most future discussions will delve into the Court’s answer to the fourth preliminary question, whereby the CJEU’s reasoning seemingly created two new requirements, including that the ‘conclusion of an in-house transaction which satisfies the conditions laid down in Article 12(1)(a) to (c) of Directive 2014/24 is not as such compatible with EU law’, for such provision ‘cannot relieve the Member States or the contracting authorities of the obligation to have due regard to, inter alia, the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination, mutual recognition, proportionality and transparency’. This position is far from clear and potentially raises far-reaching consequences for the general functioning of article 12 (Section 3). Hence, we discuss – at least - two interpretative issues, namely what the legal relevance of the impact on competition caused by a cooperation is (Section 3.1), and if the fulfillment of article 12’s criteria provides a general exception from EU law (Section 3.2). We also offer some concluding remarks.

1. A short introduction to the Irgita case

The legal context and circumstances of the Irgita case can be summarized as follows. The Lithuanian legislature implemented article 12 Dir 2014/24/EU through Article 10 of the Law on Public Procurement (as applicable on 1 July 2017). This was not a copy-paste implementation. The legislature clearly limited the application of article 12 through additional criteria in both the Law on Public Procurement and the Competition Act (Irgita, par. 8-10). For instance, the scope of article 12 Dir 2014/24/EU was limited by article 10(2) Law on Public Procurement, which required that:

‘an in-house transaction may be concluded only in an exceptional case, when the conditions set out in paragraph 1 of this article are satisfied and the continuity, good quality and availability of services cannot be ensured if they are purchased through public procurement procedures.’

Article 4 Competition Act also contains an additional criterion:

when carrying out the assigned tasks relating to the regulation of economic activities within the Republic of Lithuania, entities of public administration must ensure freedom of fair competition’.

The Lithuanian legislature also banned private capital participation in an institutionalised cooperation entirely (Irgita, par. 9). This is an example of an altered implementation of article 12(1)(c), which contrarily does allow some categories of private participation (‘non-controlling and non-blocking forms of private capital participation required by national legislative provisions, in conformity with the Treaties, which do not exert a decisive influence on the controlled legal person’).

The Irgita case takes place within this legal framework. Shortly said, there are two relevant awards of public contracts in this case. Firstly, the municipality of Kaunus awarded a contract for the maintenance and management of plantations, forests and forest parks following a public procurement procedure to Irgita (a private operator) in February of 2014. Secondly, the municipality decided to directly award a contract for similar services to another entity, the publicly-controlled Kauno švare, in March 2016. This latter contractual relationship fulfilled the control-, activities- and private participation-criteria of the institutionalised exemption (i.e. 100% shares, more than 90% of activities for the municipality, etc.). Irgita challenged the validity of the second award in light of the Lithuanian competition provision, whilst acknowledging that the criteria of the institutionalised exemption were indeed fulfilled.

Following a legal battle trough the national courts, the Lithuanian Supreme Court posed questions to the CJEU [as discussed at the time by Dr Deividas Soloveičik in this same blog]. As mentioned above, we consider the third and fourth preliminary questions particularly relevant. 

2. Harmonization of self-organisation

The third preliminary question (part a) considered the discretionary power of the Lithuanian legislature to implement the additional or altered criteria mentioned above in light of article 12 Dir 2014/24/EU. This is also relevant for other Member States, such as Finland, Italy and Poland, which have in their own way also limited the scope of this provision.

We argue that this question requires scrutiny of the harmonisation method of article 12. Milestone cases, such as Rätti (C-148/78, EU:C:1979:110) and Gallaher (C-11/92, EU:C:1993:262), had clarified that the 1) objective, 2) structure and 3) wording of a legal provision are relevant to determine if it concerns total or minimum harmonisation. The latter would leave discretion for national legislatures to introduce additional and adjusted criteria, whereas the former would not.

Amongst other arguments, we argue that it would, for instance, be relevant to consider that a limited implementation of article 12 in fact aids the coming about of the internal market, thereby implying that this provision concerns minimum harmonisation. This is also the approach taken by Advocate-General Hogan in his opinion of 7 May 2019 in Irgita (C-285/18, EU:C:2019:369) [for such a full analysis based on the Lithuanian and Finnish context, see also W A Janssen, ‘Swimming against the Tide: The Harmonisation of Self-organisation trough Article 12 Directive 2014/24/EU’ (2019) 14(3)  European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review 145-155).

Contrary to the Advocate-General, however, the Court does not mention the relevance of the type of harmonisation in article 12 Dir 2014/24/EU, but instead emphasises the following (Irgita, par. 45-46):

‘The freedom of the Member States as to the choice of means of providing services whereby the contracting authorities meet their own needs follows moreover from recital 5 of Directive 2014/24, which states that ‘nothing in this Directive obliges Member States to contract out or externalise the provision of services that they wish to provide themselves or to organise by means other than public contracts within the meaning of this Directive’, thereby reflecting the case-law of the Court prior to that directive.

Thus, just as Directive 2014/24 does not require the Member States to have recourse to a public procurement procedure, it cannot compel them to have recourse to an in-house transaction where the conditions laid down in Article 12(1) are satisfied.’

Despite the granted clarity on the relevant discretion to legislate, it is unclear why this reasoning would provide a conclusive and final argument for the national legislatures to legislate additional or adjusted criteria. Whereas an analysis of harmonisation would provide it, the CJEU’s arguments seem to only be the first step in a more extensive analysis. It supports the long-standing idea that the EU legislature cannot impinge on the discretion of the Member States to organise themselves as they see fit [in accordance with their chosen socio-economic model, as discussed in detail in A Sanchez-Graells, ‘Against the Grain? Member State Interests and EU Procurement Law’, in M Varju (ed), Between Compliance and Particularism: Member State Interests and European Union Law (Springer 2019) 171-189; see chapter 3, W A Janssen, EU Public Procurement Law & Self-organisation: A Nexus of Tensions & Reconciliations (Eleven Publishers 2018) on the development of a right to self-organisation in article 4(2) TEU]. The subsequent argument to be made would be to consider the discretion of national legislatures to legislate. 

The second paragraph above perhaps attempts to make this explicit, but could also be a response to the Advocate-General’s conclusion. Whilst arguing in favour of minimum harmonisation, the Advocate-General surprisingly stated that article 12 could not concern total harmonisation, because it would mean that contracting authorities would be obliged to apply the institutionalised exemption if the criteria were met (A-G’s opinion in Irgita, par. 46). The Court seems to explicitly take the contrary position. More practically, however, the outcome of the Court’s approach or an argumentation based on harmonisation is still the same: the Member States can in principle limit the scope of article 12.

Finally, the CJEU does rightly emphasise two aspects. Firstly, the Court concludes that additional or adjusted criteria cannot result in a limitation of the internal market, namely a violation of the fundamental freedoms and the derived principles (Irgita, par. 48). Secondly, it concludes that the principle of transparency must be interpreted as meaning that the conditions to which the Member States subject the conclusion of in-house transactions must be made known by means of precise and clear rules of the substantive law governing public procurement, which must be sufficiently accessible, precise and predictable in their application to avoid any risk of arbitrariness (see preliminary question 3b in Irgita, par. 57).

3. Issues of cooperation, competition & free movement

In a rather lengthy fourth preliminary question, the Lithuanian Supreme Court aimed to further inquire if the fulfillment of the criteria of article 12(1)(a-c) Dir 2014/24/EU (i.e. control, activities, and private participation) would deem the entire transaction in the Irgita case compatible with the entire body of EU law. The Supreme Court referred in its question to a variety of legal obligations, including to article 2 of Directive 2004/18/EC and 2014/24/EU, articles 18, 49, 56, 106 TFEU, and the case law of the CJEU on institutionalized cooperation (ANAV, Teckal, Sea, Undis Servizi and others). The general gist of the CJEU’s dictum was not surprising (Irgita, par. 64):

‘The answer therefore to the fourth question is that the conclusion of an in-house transaction which satisfies the conditions laid down in Article 12(1)(a) to (c) of Directive 2014/24 is not as such compatible with EU law.’

This conclusion appears correct, because the institutionalized exemption vested in article 12 only exempts the application of Directive 2014/24/EU in which it is included. However, the Court’s reasoning raises various difficult interpretative issues. We have attempted to categorize them into issues relating to (1) competition and (2) free movement. Furthermore, we aim to shed some light on possible interpretations.

3.1. Competition & cooperation

After the CJEU repeated the relevance of the control-, activities- and private participation criteria as stipulated by article 12(1) Dir 2014/24/EU in its answer to the fourth question (Irgita, par. 59), a seemingly new notion appears on the stage in paragraph 62:

‘It must moreover be observed that recital 31 of that directive states, in relation to cooperation between entities belonging to the public sector, that it should be ensured that any cooperation of that kind, which is excluded from the scope of that directive, does not result in a distortion of competition in relation to private economic operators.’

The question can be raised what the significance of this inclusion is. Two potential interpretations seem to be relevant. One more limited, the other rather open-ended. A third interpretation strikes some sort of balance between the two, but is also linked to the free movement rules, and is thus discussed in Section 3.2 below.

1st interpretation: an existing obligation

Paragraph 62 could be a general reference to the already existing private participation criterion of the institutionalised exemption. A similar consideration was included in light of the non-institutionalised exemption, when the CJEU introduced this criterion in the milestone case of Commission/Germany (C-480/06, EU:C:2009:357, par. 47):

‘the principal objective of the Community rules on public procurement, that is, the free movement of services and the opening-up of undistorted competition in all the Member States’

and the Court continued by stating in the same paragraph:

‘that no private undertaking is placed in a position of advantage vis-à-vis competitors’.

In Stadt Halle (C-26/03, EU:C:2005:5), the CJEU referred to such a consideration in relation to the institutionalised exemption (par. 59):

‘Second, the award of a public contract to a semi-public company without calling for tenders would interfere with the objective of free and undistorted competition and the principle of equal treatment of the persons concerned, referred to in Directive 92/50, in particular in that such a procedure would offer a private undertaking with a capital presence in that undertaking an advantage over its competitors.’

This was also interpreted in an expansive manner in Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal and SUCH (C-574/12, EU:C:2014:2004; as discussed by Sanchez-Graells in this same blog). Article 12 sub 1(c) Dir 2014/24/EU is a codification of this ban on private participation, and could thus be a mere reference to the ratio of this article. If such an interpretation is correct, paragraph 59 merely re-emphasises a current obligation and, thus, provides nothing new under the sun. This is further confirmed again in paragraph 61, which would imply that the private participation criterion is indeed relevant, because the Court refers to these principles prior to its reference to competition:

‘As follows, in essence, from paragraph 48 of the present judgment, the fact that an in-house transaction, within the meaning of Article 12(1) of Directive 2014/24, does not fall within the scope of that directive cannot relieve the Member States or the contracting authorities of the obligation to have due regard to, inter alia, the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination, mutual recognition, proportionality and transparency.’

This interpretation would also fit in well with the last part of recital 31 Dir 2014/24/EU, which the Court did not include in paragraph 62 of its Irgita ruling, and which states that:

‘It should be ensured that any exempted public-public cooperation does not result in a distortion of competition in relation to private economic operators in so far as it places a private provider of services in a position of advantage vis-à-vis its competitors.’ (emphasis added)

If the above were correct, paragraph 62 would contain a simple repetition of an existing obligation. Contrarily, it could be argued that the references in Commission/Germany and Stadt Halle are in fact distinct from the notion that is introduced in Irgita. Whereas these cases refer to an economic operator that can benefit from an exempted contract, the Irgita case concerns a scenario in which the exempted contract could affect competition in a different manner. This is supported by the facts of the Irgita case, which do not refer to a scenario in which private participation was included, because the municipality was a 100% shareholder in the in-house entity. Consequently, it questions why the Court would have included this paragraph in the first place and does not explain why the Court would consider competitive concerns in a scenario between a public-public cooperation and an private operator (public-private) in addition to a competitive scenario between economic operators (private-private). 

2nd interpretation: a new general criterion for the institutionalised exemption

Alternatively, paragraph 62 could generate much more significant consequences if it introduces a new criterion for the institutionalised exemption. It could require cooperating public authorities to consider the impact of their cooperation on the market. This introduction of a ‘distortion of competition’ test could require cooperation authorities to analyse if their presence on the market, should they use the discretion granted by article 12 to engage in market activities up to 20% of turnover, would create a distortion of competition. Questionably, however, this test is already covered by the state aid rules (Arts 106 to 108 TFEU), which aim to prevent such distortions—and a straightforward application of the competition rules (Arts 101 and 102 TFEU) to the in-house entity would also serve the same purpose. Furthermore, it could also mean that the use of exemptions like article 12 decreases the potential volume available on the market, thereby also distorting competition.

This interpretation might in fact make the application of the institutionalised exemption entirely impossible, because such distortion would always exist. It seemingly also undermines the standpoint that the Member States are free to organise their public tasks on the national level through cooperation as they see fit, which finds its roots in, amongst other things, article 345 TFEU, art 14 TFEU, article 4(2) TEU and CJEU cases, such as Remondis (C-51/15, EU:C:2016:985) and Stadt Halle  (see reference above in Sanchez-Graells 2019; Janssen 2018). If anything, it definitely feeds into discussion about the existence of a principle of competition and its effects within EU public procurement law (A. Sanchez-Graells, Public Procurement and the EU Competition Rules (2nd ed, Bloomsbury-Hart 2015).

3.2. Free movement & cooperation

In addition to the competition issues, the most pertinent issue is the relationship between article 12 Dir 2014/24/EU and, amongst other things, the free movement rules. In its answer to preliminary question 4, the CJEU considers in paragraph 63:

‘In this case, it is particularly the task of the referring court to assess whether, by concluding the in-house transaction at issue in the main proceedings, the subject matter of which overlaps with that of a public contract still in force and performed by Irgita, as the party to whom that contract was awarded, the contracting authority has not acted in breach of its contractual obligations, arising from that public contract, and of the principle of transparency; whether it had to be established that the contracting authority failed to define its requirements sufficiently clearly, in particular by not guaranteeing the provision of a minimum volume of services to the party to whom that contract was awarded, or, further, whether that transaction constitutes a substantial amendment of the general structure of the contract concluded with Irgita.’

Prior to this paragraph, the CJEU states that article 12 provides an exemption from Directive 2014/24, and that contracting authorities must ‘have due regard to, inter alia, the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination, mutual recognition, proportionality and transparency’ (Irgita, par. 61). Again, this paragraph brings about interpretative difficulties for which - at least - two interpretations could be relevant.

1st interpretation: an onerous double test of public-public cooperation

The least favorable interpretation would have a significant legal impact, because it would introduce an onerous double test for public-public cooperation. It would mean that, even though the criteria of article 12 are met, that the first contract awarded to Irgita and the second contract awarded to the in-house entity are still under an obligation to fulfill the requirements of the free movement rules (Irgita, par. 63). One effect of this interpretation would be that an exempted in-house contract would still need to comply with the transparency principle.

This interpretation would go against the idea that the EU Public Procurement Directives, which legal basis is found in the internal market, are in fact a specification of the free movement rules. It is, therefore, often assumed that an exemption of these Directives would automatically also cover the free movement rules. Furthermore, the CJEU clarified already in Parking Brixen (C-458/03, EU:C:2005:605), a case about service concessions, that the criteria of the institutionalized exemption could also be applied under the free movement rules (Parking Brixen, par. 62), thereby implying that this exemption is relevant within and outside Directive 2014/24/EU. Needless to say, this interpretation would defeat the added value of the exemption altogether, because an in-house entity might still not be awarded an in-house contract should a double test indeed exist.

One softer - yet unlikely - interpretation of a double test could be that the principle of transparency would require contracting authorities to announce the fact that they are relying on the institutionalized exemption, and that these entities consider the relevant criteria fulfilled. This would fill a crevice that currently exists, which is the absence of knowledge about exempted contracts, thereby allowing these parties to challenge their legality. It is, needless to say, unknown if this is what the Court intended to refer to as the Irigita case is silent on this issue.

2nd interpretation: a double test only applies where a procurement has been made

A second – and seemingly most favorable - interpretation in which two scenarios are relevant for the free movement principles, would be as follows.

The first scenario in which the free movement principles apply concerns national legislatures that have chosen to limit the scope of the institutionalized exemption at the national level. This has been discussed in Section 2 in relation to preliminary question 3a and b.  Member States can, thus, clearly limit this exemption through national legislation, and will, if they choose to implement such limitations, be subjected to the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination, mutual recognition, proportionality and transparency. This appears to be a classic application of the principles underlying the free movement rules to national legislation.

The second scenario relates to the relationship between the two contract awards in the Irgita case, which would integrate free movement and competitive issues discussed in this post. It would first require, however, to establish that the CJEU erroneously introduced the concept of ‘in-house transaction’ (Irgita, par. 58) as a separate concept under EU law. The Court appears to grant individual weight to this concept, because its repeatedly refers to it as a independent concept that includes both awards of contract (1. to Irgita and 2. to the in-house entity). The Court then implicitly poses the question if the fulfillment of the criteria of article 12 would exempt both awards from the scope of EU law. Other than phrasing it under the new umbrella of ‘in-house transaction’, this is not a new conclusion if one agrees that both awards of contract require separate scrutiny of EU law. In this light, it is not surprising that the Court states that, despite the fulfillment of article 12, the other award to economic operator Irgita still needs to uphold the principle of transparency, amongst other things in relation to contract amendments. Hence, this individual analysis per contract is then extended by the Court to the relationship between the two contracts.

Accordingly, the principle of transparency requires that it is made clear to a reasonably informed tenderer what is to be expected if they are awarded a contract.  If the second award of contract to the in-house entity undermines this transparency requirement, it would constitute a sort of “after the fact” breach of this requirement with regards to the first award of contract. Such a breach would be contrary to what can be reasonably expected from an economic operator in the first proceeding and, thus, undermine the effectiveness of Directive 2014/24/EU. Consequently, it could be argued that the national court should interpret and apply national contract law to the first contract that was awarded to Irgita based on the reasonable expectation of transparency based on this Directive.

In a national legal order in which reasonable expectations of the contracting parties are an important tool to interpret a contract, a national court could find that the principle of transparency would require a contracting authority to clearly spell out any right for the contracting authority to choose to purchase the services covered by the contract from a different supplier during the duration of the contract. In fact, Swedish courts have on a few occasions found that there is arguably an obligation for a contracting authority to be clearer and more precise in a contract that has been awarded following a public procurement procedure than what would be the case with a ‘normal’ contract (see Hovrätten för Nedre Norrland, case nr. T-678-14 and Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge, case nr. 2798-16).

This interpretation of Irgita’s free movement issue fits in the CJEU’s reasoning, when it focusses on the fact that the scope of the second contract “overlaps with that of a public contract still in force” and on whether the contracting authority has “acted in breach of its contractual obligations” (Irgita, par. 63). As a consequence, this interpretation means that the free movement rules would only apply to a scenario that is similar to the Irgita case in which two overlapping contract awards were made. The double test would in such situations basically be limited to the question of whether the contracting authority was transparent enough when it concluded the first contract about their intent to award a second contract for similar services during the term of the first contract. In other words, this obligation would not preclude the contracting authority from using the institutionalized exemption in the future (see comparatively, and perhaps even contrarily, the General Court’s and the CJEU’s ruling relating to the Dutch TenderNED case (C-687/17, EU:C:2019:932) in which e-procurement was deemed a Service of General Interest, and thus that EU law left room for national organization of procurement functions.)

Finally, it is also possible to construe the same scenario for the competition issues discussed in Section 3.1. Despite the general terminology of the CJEU in its reasoning, it could be that the reference to distortion of competition is solely related to the relationship between the two awards of contract in the Irgita case, making its impact significantly less than discussed in light of potential other interpretative scenarios. No conclusive answers can, however, be given at this point in time.

4. Concluding remarks

The above discussion has shown that the cooperation saga in the procurement context continues. It is clear that the Irgita case provides an interesting stomping ground for discussions about public-public cooperation, harmonization, competition and free movement. We have aimed to provide some initial thoughts on this case. More often than not, it has required us to read between the lines and fill interpretative gaps in an attempt to understand the CJEU’s reasoning.

Overseeing this case and its potential major consequences, we are still uncertain if the Court consciously aimed to change the playing field of cooperation or if the different interpretations have simply arisen due to the Lithuanian case-specific circumstances. Time - and perhaps future CJEU cases - will tell, but for now we are nonetheless left to wonder: is there still room for contractual cooperation between public authorities within EU law?

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Dr Willem Janssen

Dr Willem A. Janssen is an Assistant Professor of European and Dutch Public Procurement Law at the PPRC and RENFORCE of Utrecht University’s Law School. He published his monograph on 'EU public procurement law & Self-organisation: a Nexus of Tensions and Reconciliations' in 2018 and has published in various international and national journals about public procurement law. He hosts the first Dutch procurement podcast 'Bestek - de Aanbestedingspodcast', is a monthly columnist at and is actively involved in improving public procurement law and practices.

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Erik Olsson, LLM

Erik Olsson is an attorney and partner at Advokatfirman Kahn Pedersen in Sweden. He specializes in public procurement law. He regularly gives lectures on public procurement and is also a columnist in the Swedish European Law Review. Erik Olsson is one of the authors of Sweden’s leading book on procedural public procurement law, Judicial Review of Procurement – and other remedies under the LOU and LUF (Sw: Överprövning av upphandling – och andra rättsmedel enligt LOU och LUF).