Not a hot take on the UK's Procurement Bill

As anticipated, the UK Government has moved at tremendous speed to introduce the Procurement Bill for Parliamentary passage. The text of the Bill as introduced, and information on the Parliamentary process, are available here.

The Procurement Bill comprises 116 sections and 11 schedules, and it will take some careful reading to identify how the Bill:

  • meets the UK’s international commitments under the WTO GPA, the EU-UK TCA, and other FTAs with procurement chapters;

  • deviates from the current EU-derived Public Contracts Regulations 2015, and the rest of the regulations transposing EU procurement law;

  • embeds the key changes resulting from the Transforming Public Procurement consultation — which will also largely depend on secondary legislation and guidance yet to be published;

  • generates potential interpretative issues that could be ironed out through the Parliamentary procedure; and

  • is likely to work out in practice to deliver the ambitious goals of the UK Government.

So this is not material suitable for a hot take. Sorry to disappoint! I will try to publish a more considered view by the end of the month, although it may take longer… For now, happy reading of the Bill.

UK procurement law reform: Queen's Speech update

© Morten Morland / The Times.

The post-Brexit de/re/regulation of public procurement in the UK requires legislative reform to create the new overarching framework supporting the policy and regulatory changes described in the 2020-21 Transforming Public Procurement public consultation (see here and here).

However, finding Parliamentary time to take the process forward has proved difficult. A Procurement Bill was initially announced in the 2021 Queen’s Speech, but was not introduced in the last Parliamentary session. This delayed the timeline for the entry into force of the new procurement regime, which the Government’s response to the public consultation considered ‘unlikely to come into force until 2023 at the earliest’.

In April 2022, the Government confirmed that it would be introducing the Procurement Bill for the coming session, and this was also considered a clear possibility in recent Parliamentary briefings and quasi-insider commentators.

Today’s 2022 Queen’s Speech has reiterated that ‘Public sector procurement will be simplified to provide new opportunities for small businesses’.

What does this mean for the timeline of UK procurement law reform?

Unfortunately, this is not entirely clear. Or, as you would expect from a lawyer, the answer is that it depends.

First, because a Bill being announced in the Queen’s Speech does not guarantee that it will be effectively introduced, as we saw in the 2021 session (although this may have had to do with the large volume of responses to the public consultation, which made the process more protracted and could have had a knock-on effect on the Cabinet Office team’s bandwidth to work on the Procurement Bill itself). The likelihood of the Bill being effectively introduced is hard to guess, as the 2022 Queen’s Speech also included proposed legislation to tackle quite a few urgent challenges with electoral tags clearly attached to them (eg cost of living crisis), as well as controversial constitutional reform bills that, by themselves, could take up most Parliamentary time—especially if there is extended ping-pong with the House of Lords, as one would hope.

Second, because the Procurement Bill has been announced as part of the ‘Brexit Package’ in the Queen’s Speech, together with the Brexit Freedoms Bill, as well as the reform of the Data Protection Bill, and the Financial Services Bill. It will be interesting to see if there is internal competition for Parliamentary time within this group of Brexit-related Bills. If that is the case, I would not be surprised if the Procurement Bill was put on the backburner again, especially if the Government is aware of the limited practical changes that a new Procurement Bill can deliver in terms of one of their main political promises linked to procurement: a (sort of ) Buy British procurement policy.

However, there are also indications that the procurement reform team within Cabinet Office is pushing hard for advances in procurement reform. On 29 April 2022, the UK Government published a new programme website where it states that ‘New legislation is introducing a reformed public procurement regime that will come into effect in 2023’ (emphasis added, and note the change of wording compared to ‘unlikely … until 2023 at the earliest’ above — unless there are different intended meanings between ‘entry into force’ and ‘entry into effect’ — one for legal drafting aficionados…). A few job ads linked to the rollout of the training programme supporting the transition to the new regime have also been published, so investment in this area seems to have started to materialise (could not find details, though).

If there is indeed a push, and given that the Government has committed to giving a minimum of 6 months’ notice before the new regime goes live, the Procurement Bill should receive Royal Assent by end of June 2023 at the latest, if the 2023 deadline is to be met (in extremis). Based on the outcome of the public consultation, the likely approach will be to have a minimalistic, bare bones legislative instrument twinned with voluminous guidance. Therefore, the Procurement Bill can be expected to be relatively short.

However, it will include some controversial issues and, as above, it will be competing for limited Parliamentary time — and perhaps appetite for and attention to highly technical legislation. If the Government wants to have the new system in place at the end of 2023 (or even 1 Jan 2024, or early April 2024 to match the fiscal year …), the Procurement Bill should be introduced sooner rather than later.

Therefore, we may be about to enter a rather intense 12-month period of discussion (and public scrutiny) of the more definite plans for UK public procurement law reform. Watch this space.

'Government Cloud Procurement' as precursor of procurement gatekeeping? -- re McGillivray (2022)

I have started reading K McGillivray, Government Cloud Procurement. Contracts, Data Protection, and the Quest for Compliance (Cambridge University Press 2022), which promises to be a big addition to the literature on the procurement of digital technologies. One of the key issues the book explores at length is the central role that public contracts play in filling (some of the) regulatory gaps left by the absence of legislation addressing the challenges of cloud computing.

This got me thinking that this gap-filling function of public contracts in the cloud sphere is reflective of the broader role that procurement procedures and the ensuing public contracts are starting to develop in relation to other types of digital technology—notably, artificial intelligence (AI).

Procurement regulation will increasingly (be expected to) play a crucial gatekeeping role in the adoption of digital technologies for public governance and public service delivery. As rightly stressed: ‘The rules governing the acquisition of algorithmic systems by governments and public agencies are an important point of intervention in ensuring their accountable use’ [Ada Lovelace Institute, AI Now Institute and Open Government Partnership, Algorithmic Accountability for the Public Sector (August 2021) 33]. Ultimately, contracts and other arrangements for the development and acquisition of digital solutions are the entry point into the public sector for these innovations, and the procurement rules can be either a catalyst or a hindrance to co-production and experimentation with digital governance solutions.

The gatekeeping role of procurement underpinned eg one of the recommendations of the UK’s Committee on Standards in Public Life, in its report on Artificial Intelligence and Public Standards: ‘Government should use its purchasing power in the market to set procurement requirements that ensure that private companies developing AI solutions for the public sector appropriately address public standards. This should be achieved by ensuring provisions for ethical standards are considered early in the procurement process and explicitly written into tenders and contractual arrangements’ (2020: 51). A variation of the gatekeeping approach can concentrate on procurement practice and the embedding of specific controls as a matter of public buyer deontology [see P Oluka Nagitta et al., ‘Human-centered artificial intelligence for the public sector: The gate keeping role of the public procurement professional’ (2022) 200 Procedia Computer Science 1084-1092].

There is thus a growing recognition of the pragmatic utility of leveraging procurement mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability in algorithmic systems, particularly considering that these systems play a crucial role in policymaking and decision-making by public agencies [DK Mulligan and KA Bamberger, ‘Procurement as policy: Administrative process for machine learning’ (2019) 34(3) Berkeley Technology L. J. 773-851]. Consequently, there is increasing interest in a reassessment of the existing procurement rules as they apply to contracts for digital technologies; as well as in the redesign of procurement to foster reliability, sustainability, and public trust in AI [see e.g. UK Government, BEIS, DCMS and Office for AI, Guidelines for AI procurement (8 June 2020); also W Naudé and N Dimitri, ‘Public Procurement and Innovation for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence’ (2021)].

However, the challenges in effectively mobilising procurement for this gatekeeping function are yet to be properly conceptualised and understood [See e.g. P Nowicki, ‘Deus Ex Machina?: Some Remarks on Public Procurement in the Second Machine Age’ (2020) 1 EPPPL 53-60; see also K Mcbride et al, ‘Towards a Systematic Understanding on the Challenges of Procuring Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector’ (2021)].

As I keep thinking about this (see here for earlier thoughts), I am realising that the emerging discussion or conceptualisation of public procurement (or procurement professionals) as gatekeepers of the adoption of AI by the public sector (and more broadly) can fall into the same trap of partiality as the equivalent discussion of financial gatekeepers in the corporate governance sphere years ago.

As Prof Coffee brightly pointed out [Gatekeepers: The Professions and Corporate Governance (OUP, 2006) 2-3] in the context of financial markets, there are two important dimensions of gatekeeping at play: one concerns ‘strict’ gatekeeping in terms of veto capacity (eg an audit firm can decline providing an opinion on corporate accounts, or a lawyer can decline to provide an opinion required for the closing of a specific corporate transaction). The other dimension, however, concerns a reputational aspect of gatekeeping that can generate reliance by third parties (eg an investment bank acquiring shares of a target company can lead others to also invest in that company).

In the procurement context, it seems to me that there is also a strict gatekeeping function (procurement requirements determine which technology/provider cannot get a public contract, eg to protect a specific public interest or avoid a specific public harm; or which one can provided it abides by specific contractualised requirements), as well as a reputational gatekeeping function (eg procurement of specific technologies/from specific providers can have a signalling effect that triggers further procurement by other public buyers and/or adoption by the private sector).

While in financial markets the reputational aspect is dependent on market-based issues (such as repeat transactions), in procurement settings reputation is almost a given due to a presumption of strict scrutiny of public providers (and thus the importance of ‘past performance’, or other signals such as being able to disclose that a technology or provider is used by Department X, or in some other settings ‘by appointment to HM the Queen’). This compounds the importance of procurement gatekeeping, as it not only concerns the specific decision adopted by a given public buyer, but also the broader access of technologies and providers into the public sector (and beyond).

However, a significant difference between gatekeeping in financial markets and in procurement however stems from the likely main source of potential failure of the gatekeeper. While in financial markets gatekeepers can be expected to be high-skilled but subject to structural conflicts of interest, in particular due to the way they are remunerated (which impinges on their independence), in procurement markets there is a real risk that public buyers are not only subject to potential conflicts of interest (an enduring issue in procurement regulation, and the source of incomplete attempts at the regulation of conflicts of interest and integrity in procurement), but also underprepared for the gatekeeping task.

In other words, the asymmetry of information seems to operate in reverse in both settings. While in financial markets the superior information and related skills belong to the gatekeeper (as compared to the retail, or even (passive) institutional investors), in procurement markets the information and skills disadvantage plays against the gatekeeper (public buyer) and in favour of those seeking to sell their technology.

And this is where the analysis by McGillivray is again interesting, as it highlights compliance challenges and gaps resulting from the parallel procurement-based gatekeeping of data protection law in the government cloud procurement sphere. Plenty food for thought (at least for me).

Flexibility, discretion and corruption in procurement: an unavoidable trade-off undermining digital oversight?

Magic; Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions, Including Trick Photography (1897), written by Albert Allis Hopkins and Henry Ridgely Evan.

As the dust settles in the process of reform of UK public procurement rules, and while we await for draft legislation to be published (some time this year?), there is now a chance to further reflect on the likely effects of the deregulatory, flexibility- and discretion-based approach to be embedded in the new UK procurement system.

An issue that may not have been sufficiently highlighted, but which should be of concern, is the way in which increased flexibility and discretion will unavoidably carry higher corruption risks and reduce the effectiveness of potential anti-corruption tools, in particular those based on the implementation of digital technologies for procurement oversight [see A Sanchez-Graells, ‘Procurement Corruption and Artificial Intelligence: Between the Potential of Enabling Data Architectures and the Constraints of Due Process Requirements’ in S Williams-Elegbe & J Tillipman (eds), Routledge Handbook of Public Procurement Corruption (Routledge, forthcoming)].

This is an inescapable issue, for there is an unavoidable trade-off between flexibility, discretion and corruption (in procurement, and more generally). And this does not bode well for the future of UK procurement integrity if the experience during the pandemic is a good predictor.

The trade-off between flexibility, discretion and corruption underpins many features of procurement regulation, such as the traditional distrust of procedures involving negotiations or direct awards, which may however stifle procurement innovation and limit value for money [see eg F Decarolis et al, ‘Rules, Discretion, and Corruption in Procurement: Evidence from Italian Government Contracting’ (2021) NBER Working Paper 28209].

The trade-off also underpins many of the anti-corruption tools (eg red flags) that use discretionary elements in procurement practice as a potential proxy for corruption risk [see eg M Fazekas, L Cingolani and B Tóth, ‘Innovations in Objectively Measuring Corruption in Public Procurement’ in H K Anheier, M Haber and M A Kayser (eds) Governance Indicators: Approaches, Progress, Promise (OUP 2018) 154-180; or M Fazekas, S Nishchal and T Søreide, ‘Public procurement under and after emergencies’ in O Bandiera, E Bosio and G Spagnolo (eds), Procurement in Focus – Rules, Discretion, and Emergencies (CEPR Press 2022) 33-42].

Moreover, economists and political scientists have clearly stressed that one way of trying to strike an adequate balance between the exercise of discretion and corruption risks, without disproportionately deterring the exercise of judgement or fostering laziness or incompetence in procurement administration, is to increase oversight and monitoring, especially through auditing mechanisms based on open data (see eg Procurement in a crisis: how to mitigate the risk of corruption, collusion, abuse and incompetence).

The difficulty here is that the trade-off is inescapable and the more dimensions on which there is flexibility and discretion in a procurement system, the more difficult it will be to establish a ‘normalcy benchmark’ or ‘integrity benchmark’ from which deviations can trigger close inspection. Taking into account that there is a clear trend towards seeking to automate integrity checks on the basis of big data and machine learning techniques, this is a particularly crucial issue. In my view, there are two main sources of difficulties and limitations.

First, that discretion is impossible to code for [see S Bratus and A Shubina, Computerization, Discretion, Freedom (2015)]. This both means that discretionary decisions cannot be automated, and that it is impossible to embed compliance mechanisms (eg through the definition of clear pathways based on business process modelling within an e-procurement system, or even in blockchain and smart contract approaches: Neural blockchain technology for a new anticorruption token: towards a novel governance model) where there is the possibility of a ‘discretion override’.

The more points along the procurement process where discretion can be exercised (eg choice of procedure, design of procedure, award criteria including weakening of link to subject matter of the contract and inclusion of non(easily)measurable criteria eg on social value, displacement of advantage analysis beyond sphere of influence of contracting authority, etc) the more this difficulty matters.

Second, the more deviations there are between the new rulebook and the older one, the lower the value of existing (big) data (if any is available or useable) and of any indicators of corruption risk, as the regulatory confines of the exercise of discretion will not only have shifted, but perhaps even lead to a displacement of corruption-related exercise of discretion. For example, focusing on the choice of procedure, data on the extent to which direct awards could be a proxy for corruption may be useless in a new context where that type of corruption can morph into ‘custom-made’ design of a competitive flexible procedure—which will be both much more difficult to spot, analyse and prove.

Moreover, given the inherent fluidity of that procedure (even if there is to be a template, which is however not meant to be uncritically implemented), it will take time to build up enough data to be able to single out specific characteristics of the procedure (eg carrying out negotiations with different bidders in different ways, such as sequentially or in parallel, with or without time limits, the inclusion of any specific award criterion, etc) that can be indicative of corruption risk reliably. And that intelligence may not be forthcoming if, as feared, the level of complexity that comes with the exercise of discretion deters most contracting authorities from exercising it, which would mean that only a small number of complex procedures would be carried out every year, potentially hindering the accumulation of data capable of supporting big data analysis (or even meaningful econometrical treatment).

Overall, then, the issue I would highlight again is that there is an unavoidable trade-off between increasing flexibility and discretion, and corruption risk. And this trade-off will jeopardise automation and data-based approaches to procurement monitoring and oversight. This will be particularly relevant in the context of the design and implementation of the tools at the disposal of the proposed Procurement Review Unit (PRU). The Response to the public consultation on the Transforming Public Procurement green paper emphasised that

‘… the PRU’s main focus will be on addressing systemic or institutional breaches of the procurement regulations (i.e. breaches common across contracting authorities or regularly being made by a particular contracting authority). To deliver this service, it will primarily act on the basis of referrals from other government departments or data available from the new digital platform and will have the power to make formal recommendations aimed at addressing these unlawful breaches’ (para [48]).

Given the issues raised above, and in particular the difficulty or impossibility of automating the analysis of such data, as well as the limited indicative value and/or difficulty of creating reliable red flags in a context of heightened flexibility and discretion, quite how effective this will be is difficult to tell.

Moreover, given the floating uncertainty on what will be identified as suspicious of corruption (or legal infringement), it is also possible that the PRU (initially) operates on the basis of indicators or thresholds arbitrarily determined (much like the European Commission has traditionally arbitrarily set thresholds to consider procurement practices problematic under the Single Market Scorecard; see eg here). This could have a signalling effect that could influence decision-making at contracting authority level (eg to avoid triggering those red flags) in a way that pre-empts, limits or distorts the exercise of discretion—or that further displaces corruption-related exercise of discretion to areas not caught by the arbitrary indicators or thresholds, thus making it more difficult to detect.

Therefore, these issues can be particularly relevant in establishing both whether the balance between discretion and corruption risk is right under the new rulebook’s regulatory architecture and approach, as well as whether there are non-statutory determinants of the (lack of) exercise of discretion, other than the complexity and potential litigation and challenge risk already stressed in earlier analysis and reflections on the green paper.

Another ‘interesting’ area of development of UK procurement law and practice post-Brexit when/if it materialises.

New paper on competition and procurement regulation -- in memory of Professor Steen Treumer

Image credits: Steve Johnson.

Last year brought the saddest news with the passing of Professor Steen Treumer after a long illness. Steen was a procurement colossus and a fantastic academic. I was extremely lucky to count him amongst my mentors and champions, especially at the very early stages of my research and academic career, before he had to take a step back to focus on his health. I am particularly grateful to him for having opened the door of the European Procurement Law Group to me. And for his generosity in providing feedback, job and promotion references, and thoughtful and clever advice without ever asking for or expecting anything in return.

It is nigh impossible to do justice to the intellectual contribution Steen made to the procurement field and the influence his approach had on the research of others such as myself. It is now a humbling honour to have been invited to contribute to an edited collection in his memory (a Mindeskrift). If he could read my contribution, I am not sure Steen would agree with what I say in the paper, but we would certainly have an interesting and stimulating discussion on the basis of the sharp comments (even some devil’s advocate ones) he would surely come up with. I hope you will find the contribution worth discussing too.

Probably unsurprisingly, the paper is entitled ‘Competition and procurement regulation: a goal, a principle, a requirement, or all of the above?’ and its abstract is below. In the paper, I use the background of recent developments in UK and EU case law, as well as the UK’s procurement rulebook reform process, to reframe the issue of the role of competition in procurement regulation. While I do not provide any insights I had not already developed in earlier writing, I bring some scattered parts of my scholarship together and hopefully clarify a few things along the way. The paper may be particularly interesting to those looking for an entry point to the discussion on the role of competition in public procurement, but hopefully there is also something for those already well versed on the topic. As always, comments most welcome:

In this contribution, I reflect on the role of competition in public procurement regulation and, more specifically, on whether competition should be treated as a regulatory goal, as a general principle of public procurement law, as a specific (implicit or explicit) requirement in discrete legal provisions, or all of the above. This is an issue I had the pleasure and honour of discussing with Professor Steen Treumer back in 2009, when I was a PhD student visiting the Copenhagen Business School. While Steen never revealed to me what he really thought, his probing questions continue to help me think of this issue, which remains at the core of my research efforts. This contribution shows that the role of competition keeps cropping up in procurement regulation and litigation, as evidenced in recent UK developments. This is thus an evergreen research topic, which were Steen’s favourites.

The full citation is: Sanchez-Graells, Albert, ‘Competition and procurement regulation: a goal, a principle, a requirement, or all of the above?’, to be published in Steen Treumer’s Mindeskrift edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, Erik Bertelsen, Marta Andhov, and Roberto Caranta (Ex Tuto Publishing, forthcoming 2022). Available at SSRN:

New paper on the growing thicket of multi-layered procurement liberalisation between WTO GPA parties

© Tom Burke/Flickr.

I have expanded on the thoughts around the multi-layered regulation of procurement-related trade liberalisation in this new working paper: The growing thicket of multi-layered procurement liberalisation between WTO GPA parties, as evidenced in post-Brexit UK. The abstract is as follows:

The World Trade Organisation Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) has created the most comprehensive plurilateral system for procurement-related trade liberalisation. However, there has been a proliferation of free trade agreements (FTAs) regulating public procurement liberalisation, including between GPA parties, which seek to bypass or go beyond the GPA on a bilateral basis, or with a more limited plurilateral remit. Such FTAs tend to follow a ‘GPA+’ approach to provide incremental trade liberalisation based on the substantive provisions of the GPA. However, there is a trend of substantive deviation between the GPA regulatory baseline and the FTA regulation of crucial issues, such as the national treatment obligation or access to remedies, including in FTAs involving the European Union or, recently, its former Member State, the UK. This creates a situation of potential conflict of treaty norms that has so far received limited attention. This article focuses on the resolution of conflicts between GPA and FTA substantive provisions under the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, using the UK’s post-Brexit FTAs as a case study. It argues for a rationalisation of the system by extending the use of incorporation by reference of the GPA in FTAs involving GPA parties.

As always, feedback and any suggestions for improvement before final publication would be most welcome. The paper can be freely downloaded via SSRN:

Deviating from the GPA in bilateral or multilateral FTAs -- how good or effective is that regulatory strategy?

Fallen deviation road sign.

One of the issues procurement lawyers may be unlikely to think much about (at least going by my own experience) is the interaction of the several (and growing number of) pieces of international regulation of procurement-related trade liberalisation. And, in particular, the interaction between the World trade Organisation Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and the procurement chapters in the multilateral and bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) that have been mushrooming for a while now.

This is an issue I encountered for the first time when looking at the procurement chapter of the UK-Australia FTA (UK-AUS FTA, see here and here), and on which I will be submitting evidence to the International Trade Committee of the House of Lords tomorrow. In case of interest, here are my thoughts on the matter.

**Warning**, tackling this issue requires a bit of a deep dive into the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, so this post may be niche (or even more niche than usual). TLDR: despite (intentionally?) deviating from the text of the GPA, FTAs are unlikely to generate practical effects where they vary or reduce GPA-based obligations, except in limited cases where the effects are only for the economic operators of the two jurisdictions signing the FTA, which is both counterintuitive and prone to litigation, especially where GPA- situations concern access to procurement remedies.

What’s the matter?

For an increasing number of jurisdictions, procurement-related trade liberalisation has become a multi-layered regulatory puzzle. Let’s take the example of the EU. The EU is a member of the GPA, as are Singapore and Canada (all of them members of the 2012 version of the GPA since 6 April 2014). The EU has also concluded procurement chapters in FTAs, eg with Canada in 2017 (EU-Canada FTA (CETA), Chapter 19), or Singapore in 2019 (EU-Singapore FTA, Chapter 9). In these chapters, the EU has adopted a GPA+ approach based on reiterating and tweaking the rules of the GPA—as opposed to the approach followed eg with the UK in 2021, where the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement explicitly incorporates the GPA (Art 277 EU-UK TCA), and then adds some additional rules.

The dual regulation of procurement liberalisation between GPA parties in bilateral FTAs (or in plurilateral agreements) can create legal issues where the rules in the later FTAs deviate from the GPA in a manner that varies or reduces GPA obligations (ie GPA-). This is the case, for example, of seemingly reduced national treatment obligations concerning suppliers of the relevant parties offering goods or services of other GPA parties. The issue is as follows (bear with me).

The GPA imposes national treatment and non-discrimination obligations as the foundation of its regulatory architecture. The GPA national treatment clause reads ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, each Party, including its procuring entities, shall accord immediately and unconditionally to the goods and services of any other Party and to the suppliers of any other Party offering the goods or services of any Party, treatment no less favourable than the treatment the Party, including its procuring entities, accords to: a) domestic goods, services and suppliers; and b) goods, services and suppliers of any other Party’ (Art IV(1) emphasis added). This creates a two-tier requirement of ‘most favoured treatment’, both between the goods, services and suppliers of two given GPA members (procuring and supplying) and across the goods, services and suppliers of all GPA parties other than the procuring party. The underlined clause leaves the possibility open for differential treatment of suppliers of a GPA party offering goods or services of a non-GPA party but extends the national treatment obligation to suppliers offering goods of services originating anywhere in the ‘GPA club’.

This is in line with the GPA non-discrimination clause, which reads: ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, a Party, including its procuring entities, shall not: … b) discriminate against a locally established supplier on the basis that the goods or services offered by that supplier for a particular procurement are goods or services of any other Party’ (Art IV(2) emphasis added). Again, the possibility is open for differential treatment of suppliers of a GPA party offering goods or services of a non-GPA party—on the implicit assumption that domestic suppliers offering goods or services of a non-GPA party are subjected to the same differential treatment.

Now, under both CETA and the EU-Singapore FTA, the regulation of these obligations is altered (and seemingly narrowed down).

The position under CETA is that ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, each Party, including its procuring entities, shall accord immediately and unconditionally to the goods and services of the other Party and to the suppliers of the other Party offering such goods or services, treatment no less favourable than the treatment the Party, including its procuring entities, accords to its own goods, services and suppliers.‘ (Art 19.4(1) CETA, emphasis added). Prima facie, this clashes with the GPA because it reduces the circle of protected goods and services accessing procurement opportunities via suppliers to Canadian and EU goods and services, and to the exclusion of those originating in other GPA jurisdictions. This is not contradicted by the non-discrimination clause, according to which ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, a Party, including its procuring entities, shall not: … (b) discriminate against a locally established supplier on the basis that the goods or services offered by that supplier for a particular procurement are goods or services of the other Party.’ (Art 19.4(2) CETA, emphasis added). Therefore, as a result of CETA, there is an open question as to whether EU/Canadian suppliers offering non-EU/Canadian (GPA) goods or services are protected from discrimination.

The position under the EU-Singapore FTA is perhaps slightly less straightforwardly in clash with the GPA, and it is that ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, each Party, including its procuring entities, shall immediately and unconditionally accord to the goods and services of the other Party and to the suppliers of the other Party treatment no less favourable than the treatment the Party, including its procuring entities, accords to domestic goods, services, and suppliers’ (Art 9.4(1) EU-Singapore FTA, emphasis added). This omits the GPA reference to suppliers ‘offering the goods or services of any Party’ (although it does not limit it to the goods and services of the parties, as in CETA) and could seem like a logical tailoring of the obligation to a bilateral situation. However, it generates doubts as to the position of EU and Singaporean suppliers offering non-EU/Singaporean goods or services originating in GPA jurisdictions, which would have had access under the GPA but may not have access under the FTA. A restrictive interpretation limiting access to those suppliers offering EU/Singaporean goods and services could be supported by the parallel modification of the non-discrimination clause relative to the GPA standard, which reads ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, a Party, including its procuring entities, shall not: … (b) discriminate against a locally established supplier on the basis that the goods or services offered by that supplier for a particular procurement are goods or services of the other Party (Art 9.4(2) EU-Singapore FTA, emphasis added). Therefore, the same issues as in CETA arise, although there is some more wiggle room for legal interpretation in this case.

In both cases, however, it is at first difficult to establish definitely whether suppliers offering goods or services from GPA parties other than the EU and/or Singapore/Canada have indeed lost protection as a result of the newer FTA obligations. Such a modification would have been implemented without consent from the relevant GPA party and, in practice, would be challenged. More importantly, then, both FTAs create at least a risk of breach of GPA obligations for the EU (and Singapore and/or Canada) in relation to the goods or services from other GPA parties now potentially being (indirectly) discriminated against as a result of their being offered by an EU/Singaporean and/or Canadian supplier (in effect, a ‘GPA-’ situation, despite the aim of the FTA to create a GPA+ regime).

Here is where the Law of Treaties kicks in.

The regulation in the 1969 Vienna Convention

1. General regulatory background regarding conflicting treaty norms

Art 30 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT)[1] controls the matter of conflicting treaty norms. Before engaging in an assessment of its conflict rules, it is worth stressing that a conflict between treaty norms will only arise where an interpretation of the later treaty that avoids it is either not possible, or not accepted by the parties.[2] Equally, or in a mutually reinforcing manner, understanding how the conflict norms would operate can have an effect on the interpretation of an obligation under the later treaty that the parties are likely to (voluntarily) adopt. In reality, in cases of potential conflict between treaty norms, there will be a clear interpretive ‘pull’ to try to ensure coherence, or minimise divergence, through interpretation of the later treaty which takes account of the obligations owed to others through the earlier agreement. It is a practical approach which can lessen (but cannot eliminate) the difficulties resulting from treaty clashes. In particular because Art 30 VCLT applies to successive treaties relating to the same subject matter and establishing the subject matter of a treaty can in itself be a disputed issue.[3]

Explicit regulation. In case of conflict between treaty norms other than the Charter of the United Nations (which has precedence; ex Art 30(1) VCLT), Art 30(2) VCLT foresees the possibility of explicit regulation via a conflict clause, in which case: ‘When a treaty specifies that it is subject to, or that it is not to be considered as incompatible with, an earlier or later treaty, the provisions of that other treaty prevail’.

Unregulated conflicts between the same parties. In the absence of an explicit conflict clause, the VCLT establishes residuary rules, distinguishing two situations. First, in the case of successive treaties with identical parties, Art 30(3) VCLT establishes precedence for the later treaty,[4] and ‘the earlier treaty applies only to the extent that its provisions are compatible with those of the later treaty’.

Unregulated conflicts between different parties. The second situation concerns successive treaties with different parties, for example a successive treaty between some but not all the signatories of the previous treaty. In this case, Art 30(4) VCLT establishes two rules, based on a distinction between the effects of the new treaty between its signing parties, and its effects vis-à-vis the other signatories of the previous treaty. Between the parties to both treaties, the rule in Art 30(4)(a) is the same as in Art 30(3) VCLT. That is, the newer treaty takes precedence and ‘the earlier treaty applies only to the extent that its provisions are compatible with those of the later treaty’. Conversely, and due to the relativity of treaty rights (Art 34 VCLT), under Art 30(4)(b) VCLT, ‘as between a State party to both treaties and a State party to only one of the treaties, the treaty to which both States are parties governs their mutual rights and obligations.’ Or, in other words, Art 30(4) VCLT establishes that ‘the newer treaty may be applied by its parties but only by leaving intact the rights of those that are only parties to the earlier treaty’.[5]

Modification of treaties between certain of their parties only. Art 30(5) VCLT clarifies that the two rules in Art 30(4) are subject to Art 41 VCLT concerning agreements to modify multilateral treaties between certain parties only, under the rules of those multilateral treaties. Art 41 VCLT covers two situations: (a) the possibility that such a modification is provided for by the treaty; or (b) the modification in question is not prohibited by the treaty, it does not affect the enjoyment by the other parties of their rights under the treaty or the performance of their obligations, and it does not relate to a provision, derogation from which is incompatible with the effective execution of the object and purpose of the treaty as a whole.

Art 30 VCLT does not provide explicit residual rules concerning ‘triangular situations’, where the same action by one of the parties to both conflicting treaties affects the rights resulting from both treaties at the same time (albeit for different parties), and thus unavoidably breaches one of the treaties[6] due to the 'variable geometry' of treaty-resulting obligations. In that case, the possibility of international responsibility of a State for the breach of one of the treaties arises (Art 30(5) VCLT)–especially in the cases falling under Art 30(4)(b) VCLT.[7]

Given this possibility, as mentioned above, where a State is party to two treaties imposing different obligations for triangular situations, it will have a strong incentive to try to resolve the conflict through interpretation or, to the extent allowed by the respective treaties, it will have a strong incentive to comply with the most demanding treaty in order to avoid incurring in international responsibility. Where avoiding breach of either of the treaties in those ways is not possible, States retain discretion to choose which treaty to breach[8] (under the so-called ‘principle of political decision’[9]) and may have an incentive to breach the treaty that would trigger the least (potential) international responsibility, which may well be the newer treaty with a more limited number of parties.

2. Application to the procurement context

The issue of conflicting treaty norms and their potential effect on the interpretation of the deviating clauses of the later treaty is relevant in the context of public procurement, and in particular in the context of the EU’s example above, in particular given the regulatory overlap and divergence between the GPA and the EU’s FTAs with Canada and Singapore.

Modification of the GPA between certain of its parties only. Given that the EU, Singapore and Canada are GPA parties, one possibility would be to consider their bilateral agreements as a modification of the GPA. In that regard, the GPA includes a specific clause on modifications (Art XXII(11) GPA) that would trigger Art 41 VCLT. However, Art XXII(11) GPA requires acceptance of the intended treaty modification by two thirds of the GPA parties, which makes bilateral modification of the agreement impossible (other than concerning schedules of coverage, which are structurally negotiated on a bilateral basis). Therefore, the relevant analysis is based on Art 30 VCLT.

Explicit conflict clause in the FTAs? It is worth noting that the EU-Singapore does contain a (pseudo)conflict clause regarding the GPA, according to which ‘If the Revised GPA is amended or superseded by another agreement, the Parties shall amend this Chapter by decision in the Committee on Trade in Services, Investment and Government Procurement … as appropriate’ (Art 9.20 EU-Singapore FTA). CETA contains another type of (pseudo)conflict clause in relation to the WTO Agreement and other agreements (Art 1.5 CETA), according to which ‘The Parties affirm their rights and obligations with respect to each other under the WTO Agreement and other agreements to which they are party.’ It is highly unlikely that either of these clauses qualifies as an explicit conflict clause meeting all requirements of Art 30(2) VCLT (above).

An unregulated conflict. Therefore, the potential conflict between the procurement provisions in CETA or the EU-Singapore FTA and the GPA seems to be governed by the rule in Art 30(4)(a) VCLT: ie the FTA prevails in the procurement relationship between the EU and Singapore/Canada, with the GPA provisions applying only to the extent they are compatible with the FTA. In any case and regardless of this interpretation, however, the rule of Art 30(4)(b) stands and, in their relationships with other GPA members, the EU, Canada and Singapore are bound by the GPA, regardless of any conflict with their FTA.

This makes the existence of unregulated ‘triangular situations’ particularly challenging where the FTAs deviate from the GPA in a manner that changes or limits the parties’ obligations towards each other (‘GPA-‘). Given that the extensions of coverage under CETA and under the EU-Singapore FTA are only incremental above the general coverage included in the GPA schedules for each of the parties, most of the procurement opportunities covered by the FTAs will be subject to dual regulation—or, in other words, most procurement covered by the EU’s FTAs will generate ‘triangular situations’.

GPA- situations pose significant legal uncertainty but, for the reasons below, they will likely lack any practical relevance if the EU (Canada and Singapore) want to avoid international responsibility for breach of the GPA.

What is the proper interpretation of the FTAs, then?

As above, a literal interpretation of Art 19.4 CETA would suggest that suppliers of either of the parties are protected under the national treatment regime only when they offer goods or services of the parties. This literal interpretation is clearly much more restrictive than the GPA and can affect the rights of suppliers offering non-EU/Canadian goods or services, as well as the access that should be afforded to those goods and services.

Conversely, a literal interpretation of Art 9.4 EU-Singapore FTA would suggest that suppliers of either of the parties are protected under the national treatment regime, even if they offer goods or services from third parties, whether those are GPA or not (unless domestic suppliers offering goods or services from third parties are also subjected to specific differential treatment—eg exclusion—which would set the benchmark of the national treatment obligation). Such an interpretation would significantly expand the scope of the national treatment under the EU-Singapore FTA compared to the GPA in relation to (non-GPA) third country goods and services, which does not seem to plausibly represent the parties’ intent under the FTA. However, such literal interpretation would follow Art 30(4)(a) VCLT.

In contrast, a systematic interpretation that took account of the fact that Art 9.4(2)(b) EU-Singapore FTA only refers to locally established suppliers offering goods or services of the other party (ie either EU or Singapore), would suggest an implicit requirement in Art 9.4(1) that suppliers are only protected as long as they offer EU or Singaporean goods or services. While this interpretation seems more aligned with the putative intention of the parties under the FTA, it does create problems in case of dual regulation procurement (or triangular situations), as EU and/or Singaporean suppliers offering goods or services of a different GPA origin could seek GPA national treatment of the goods or services themselves, which attempted exclusion (under a ‘GPA-’ approach) would likely breach Art 30(4)(b) VCLT.

To avoid breaching their international obligations under the GPA (Art IV(1)) in relation to the goods or services of other GPA parties offered by EU or Canadian/Singaporean suppliers, the EU, Singapore and Australia must refrain from any discrimination of covered suppliers offering goods or services originating anywhere in the ‘GPA club’. This means that, by virtue of the operation of the rule in Art 30(4)(b) VCLT in relation to the goods or services of the GPA parties protected by Art IV(1)GPA, the interpretation limiting the scope of protection under Art 9.4(1) EU-Singapore FTA cannot have any practical relevance. And, more challenging, it also means that the EU and Canada need to set aside Art 19.4(1) CETA.

Conversely, EU or Singaporean suppliers offering non-GPA goods or services may attempt to push for the maximalist literal interpretation sketched above, based on Art 30(4)(a) VCLT. However, given the explicit constraints in Art 9.4(2)(b) EU-Singapore FTA, this is unlikely to succeed under the broader rules of interpretation in the VCLT.


The (lengthy and technical…) analysis above shows that, given the pervasiveness of triangular situations, despite (intentionally?) deviating from the text of the GPA, FTAs are unlikely to generate practical effects where they vary or reduce GPA-based obligations. However, there is an important exception to this, which concerns cases covered by Art 30(4)(a) VCLT, where the effects are only for the economic operators of the two jurisdictions signing the FTA, which is both counterintuitive and prone to litigation, especially where GPA- situations concern access to procurement remedies (this is further assessed here).

Even if these views are correct and there is no practical effect resulting from the deviation in the text of the FTAs from the GPA standard wording, the mere existence of the legal uncertainty resulting from such deviation is undesirable. It is also difficult to ascertain whether any practical effects intended by the respective negotiating teams/governments deciding on the textual deviations are neutralised by the rules in the VCLT, in which case there may be knock-on effects concerning the balance of reciprocal concessions across the procurement chapter, or even across chapters, of the relevant FTAs. At any rate, in my view, a direct incorporation of the GPA rules and an explicit conflict clause giving the GPA precedence over the relevant FTA would be a preferable regulatory technique from this perspective, and one that has already been used by the UK, eg in the EU-UK TCA.



[2] Indeed, in some cases, they can avoid the ‘conflict’ altogether by agreeing to a GPA-compliant interpretation; see eg A Orakhelashvili, ‘Article 30’ in O Corten and P Klein (eds), The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. A Commentary, vol. 1 (OUP 2011) 764, 776 at para 31; see also J Klabbers, ‘Beyond the Vienna Convention: Conflicting Treaty Provisions’ in E Cannizzaro (ed), The Law of Treaties Beyond the Vienna Convention (OUP 2011) 192, 203.

[3] However, as this is not a difficulty concerning the specific field of public procurement, this submission will not address it in any detail. For discussion, see A Orakhelashvili, ‘Article 30 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: Application of the Successive Treaties Relating to the Same Subject-Matter’ (2016) 31(2) ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal 344-365.

[4] Subject to other general principles, such as those resulting from a conflict between lex posterior and lex specialis, see R Kolb, The Law of Treaties. An Introduction (Edward Elgar 2016) 190.

[5] Klabbers, above n 2, 194.

[6] Orakhelashvili, above n 2, 792 at para 75.

[7] International Law Commission, Draft Articles on the Law of Treaties with commentaries (1966) 271, para (11), See also K von der Decken, ‘Article 30’ in O Dörr and K Schmalenbach (eds), Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. A Commentary (Springer 2018) 539, 551.

[8] Kolb, above n 4, 186.

[9] Klabbers, above n 2, 195 and 204-205.

Doing procurement differently after Brexit? [update]

The UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE) has published a new report: ‘Doing things differently? Policy after Brexit‘. The report provides an update on last year’s ‘UK regulation after Brexit', as well as additional analysis.

‘Doing things differently? Policy after Brexit’ brings together a number experts in their respective fields to investigate how policy and policymaking have changed in a range of sectors. UKICE asked them to consider how changes so far compare to what was promised before Brexit, and to analyse what changes lie ahead and what their impact might be.

I contributed a section on public procurement. For more details and broader developments in UK procurement regulation, you can also see my recent country report for EPPPL.

What changes were promised after Brexit?

Public procurement regulation is a set of rules and policies controlling the award of public contracts for works, supplies, and services. Its main goal is to ensure probity and value for money in the spending of public funds, to prevent corruption, collusion, and wastage of taxpayers’ money. As pandemic-related procurement has shown, the absence of procurement rules (or their disapplication due to an emergency), all too often leads to the improper award of public contracts. Nonetheless, the benefits of constraining discretion in the award of public contracts are easily forgotten in ‘normal times’, and procurement regulation is permanently challenged for creating an administrative burden on both the public sector and on companies tendering for public contracts, and for stifling innovation.

Procurement has long been heavily influenced by international and regional agreements, which constrain domestic choices to facilitate cross-border tendering for public contracts. Before Brexit, the UK was directly bound by the procurement rules of the European Union (EU), and indirectly by those of the World Trade Organisation’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), to which EU rules are aligned. As a result, UK regulatory autonomy was limited to the spaces left by general EU rules requiring domestic transposition. The UK decided not to exercise that limited discretion and consistently took a copy-out approach to the transposition of EU rules, so pre-Brexit UK procurement regulation was virtually identical to the EU’s.

During the Brexit process, public procurement was ear-marked for reform. Boris Johnson promised a ‘bonfire of procurement red tape to give small firms a bigger slice of Government contracts’ and his Government proposed to significantly rewrite the procurement rulebook, and to adopt an ambitious ‘Buy British’ policy to reserve some public contracts to British firms.

What has changed so far?

Despite those promises, the UK Government has made big efforts to replicate international and regional procurement agreements post-Brexit, which means it will continue to be hard to introduce an effective ‘Buy British’ policy. The UK gained GPA membership in its own right on 1 January 2021. This now directly constrains domestic choices on procurement regulation. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) also includes a chapter on public procurement that leaves mutual market access commitments virtually unchanged.

The UK Government was slow to understand (or at least clearly communicate) the implications of this continuity in the trade-related aspects of procurement regulation. On 15 December 2020, the Cabinet Office issued a Procurement Policy Note (PPN) on ‘Reserving below threshold procurements’ that formulated the new ‘Buy British’ policy in terms of reserving contracts by supplier location (either UK-wide, or by county) and/or reserving them for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) or voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs). Aggressive implementation could have contravened international agreements to which the UK had signed up. This led to the publication on 19 February 2021 of a new PPN on ‘The WTO GPA and the UK-EU TCA,’ stressing that the pre-Brexit limits on a ‘Buy British’ policy remain in place and virtually unchanged post-Brexit.

On 15 December 2020, the UK Government published the green paper ‘Transforming Public Procurement’ to consult on planned legislative changes to the procurement rulebook. The original timeline envisaged the introduction of a Procurement Bill in Parliament after summer 2021. However, the volume of responses to the public consultation (over 600) and the complex issues they raised, as well as the intrinsic difficulty in seeking to significantly change procurement law in a manner that is compliant with international obligations led the Cabinet Office to adjust the timeline. The 6 December 2021 Government response to the public consultation clarified that the new regime will not come into force until 2023 at the earliest.

So far, then, the Brexit-related changes have been modest. There have been some policy developments, such as the adoption of a National Procurement Policy Statement seeking to embed government goals such as growth and jobs and climate change in procurement decision-making; a push for a fresh approach to assessing social value in the award of government contracts; new requirements for firms applying for major contracts to have Carbon Reduction plans; and to also require those firms to have systems in place that ensure prompt, fair and effective payments to their supply chains. None of these will reduce procurement red tape and most, if not all, would have been possible pre-Brexit.

What are the possibilities for the future?

Given the commitments in the GPA and TCA, there is virtually no scope for a Buy British policy. The UK could be more aggressive in the exclusion of tenderers from non-GPA jurisdictions such as China, India or Brazil (something the EU is increasingly doing) as a practical way of seeking to boost contract awards to UK companies.

By contrast, the process of reform of the UK’s procurement rulebook is likely to result in a new set of streamlined regulations, as well as a voluminous body of guidance. Despite the Government’s prioritisation of simplification as a primary goal of legislative reform, the extent to which procurement can be significantly deregulated is unclear, as a result both of international commitments and, more importantly, the need to create a legislative framework fit for purpose that does not overwhelm the public sector in its complexity.

There is an opportunity for the Procurement Bill to make some progress on the modernisation and digitalisation of procurement systems, which has been slow in the UK despite it being a shared strategic goal with the EU. It is likely that the new rules will bring a clearer focus on open procurement data, which could enable a change of approach to the practice and management of procurement and offer some benefits from a red tape perspective. However, the green paper was criticised, among other things, for a lack of ambition in the automation of public procurement, so the extent to which tech will be a pillar of procurement ‘transformation’ in the UK remains unclear.

Overall, not much has changed and, rhetoric apart, there is limited scope for further change.

The 'NHS Food Scanner' app as a springboard to explore the regulation of public sector recommender systems

In England, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) offers an increasingly wide range of public health-related apps. One of the most recently launched is the ‘Food Scanner’, which aims to provide ‘swap suggestions, which means finding healthier choices for your family is easier than ever!’.

This is part of a broader public health effort to tackle, among other issues, child obesity, and is currently supported by a strong media push aimed primarily at parents. As the parent of two young children, this clearly caught my attention.

The background for this public health intervention is clear:

Without realising it, we are all eating too much sugar, saturated fat and salt. Over time this can lead to harmful changes on the inside and increases the risk of serious diseases in the future. Childhood obesity is a growing issue with figures showing that in England, more than 1 in 4 children aged 4-to 5-years-old and more than 1 in 3 children aged 10 and 11-years-old are overweight or obese.

The Be Food Smart campaign empowers families to take control of their diet by making healthier food and drink choices. The free app works by scanning the barcode of products, revealing the total sugar, saturated fat and salt inside and providing hints and tips adults plus fun food detectives activities for kids.

No issues with that. My family and myself could do with a few healthier choices. So I downloaded the app and started playing around.

As I scanned a couple of (unavoidably) branded products from the cupboard, I realised that the swaps were not for generic, alternative, healthier products, but also for branded products (often of a different brand). While this has the practical advantage of specifying the recommended healthier alternative in an ‘actionable’ manner for the consumer, this made my competition lawyer part of the brain uneasy.

The proposed swaps were (necessarily) ranked and limited, with a ‘top 3’ immediately on display, and with a possibility to explore further swaps not too easy to spot (unless you scrolled down to the bottom). The different offered swaps also had a ‘liked’ button with a counter (still in very low numbers, probably because the app is very new), but those ‘likes’ did not seem to establish ranking (or alter it?), as lower ranked items could have higher like counts (in my limited experiment).

I struggled to make sense of how products are chosen and presented. This picked my interest, so I looked at how the swaps ‘work’.

The in-app information explained that:

How do we do this?

We look into 3 aspects of the product that you have scanned:
1) Product name; so we can try and find similar products based on the words used within the name.
2) Ingredients list; so we can try and find similar products based on the ingredients of the product you have scanned.
3) Pack size; finally we look into the size of the product you have scanned so that, if have scanned a 330ml can, we can try and show you another can-sized product rather than a 1 litre bottle.

How are they ordered?

We have a few rules as to what we show within the top 3. We reserve spaces for:
1) The same manufacturer; if you have scanned a particular brand we will do our best to try and find a healthier version of that same brand which qualifies for a good choice badge.
2) The same supermarket; if you have scanned a supermarket product we will again do our best to show you an alternative from the same store.
3) Partner products; there are certain products which team up with Change4life that we will try and show if they match the requirements of the products you have scanned.

I could see that convenience and a certain element of ‘competition neutrality’ were clearly at play, but a few issues bothered me, especially as the interaction between manufacturer/supermarket is not too clear and there is a primary but nebulous element of preferencing that I was not expecting in an app meant to provide product-based information. I could see myself spending the night awake, trying to find out how that ‘partnership’ is structured, what are the conditions for participating, if there are any financial flows to the Department and/or to partner organisations, etc.

I also realised some quirks or errors in the way information is processed and presented by the Food Scanner app, such as the exact same product (in different format) being assigned different ‘red light’ classifications (see the Kellogg’s Corn Flakes example on the side bar). At a guess, it could be that these divergences come from the fact that there is no single source for the relevant information (it would seem that ‘The nutrient data provided in the app is supplied by Brandbank and FoodSwitch’) and that there is not an entity overseeing the process and curating the data as necessary. In fact, DHSC’s terms and conditions for the Food Scanner app (at 6.10) explicitly state that ‘We do not warrant that any such information is true or accurate and we exclude all liability in respect of the accuracy, completeness, fitness for purpose or legality of that information’ . Interesting…

It is also difficult to see how different elements of the red light system (ie sugar vs saturated fat vs salt) are subject to trade-offs as eg, sometimes, a red/green/yellow product is recommended swapping with a yellow/yellow/yellow product. Working out the scoring system behind such recommendations seems difficult, as there will necessarily be a trade off between limiting (very) high levels of one of the elements against recommending products that are ‘not very healthy’ on all counts. There has to be a system behind this — in the end, there has to be an algorithm underpinning the app. But how does it work and what science informs it?

These are all questions I am definitely interested in exploring. However, I called it a night and planned to look for some help to investigate this properly (a small research project is in the making and I have recruited a fantastic research associate — keep an eye on the blog for more details). For now, I can only jot down a few thoughts on things that will be interesting to explore, to which I really have no direct answers.

The Food Scanner is clearly a publicly endorsed (and owned? developed?) recommender system. However, using a moderate research effort, it is very difficult to access useful details on how it works. There is no published algorithmic transparency template (that I could find). The in-app explanations of how the recommender system works raise more questions than they answer.

There is also no commitment by the DHSC to the information provided being ‘true or accurate’, not to mention complete. This displaces the potential liability and all the accountability for the information on display to (a) Brandbank, a commercial entity within the multinational Nielsen conglomerate, and to (b) Foodswitch, a data-technology platform developed by The George Institute for Global Health. The role of these two institutions, in particular concerning the ‘partnership’ between manufacturers and Change4life (now ‘Better Health’ and, effectively, the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities in the DHSC?), is unclear. It is also unclear whether the combination of the datasets operated by both entities is capable of providing a sufficiently comprehensive representation of the products effectively available in England and, in any case, it seems clear to me that there is a high risk (or certainty) that non mass production/consumption ‘healthy products’ are out of the equation. How this relates to broader aspects of competition, but also of public health policy, can only raise questions.

Additionally, all of this raises quite a few issues from the perspective of the trustworthiness that this type of app can command, as well as the broader competition law implications resulting from the operation of the Food Scanner.

And I am sure that more and more questions will come to mind as I spend more time obsessing about it.

Beyond the specificities of the case, it seems to me that the NHS Food Scanner app is a good springboard to explore the regulation of public sector recommender systems more generally — or, rather, some of the risks implicit in the absence of specific regulation and the difficulties in applying standard regulatory mechanisms (and, perhaps, especially competition law) in this context. Hopefully, there will be some interesting research findings to report by the summer. Stay tuned, and keep healthy!

Recent developments in UK procurement regulation -- consolidated overview

I have put together a consolidated review of recent developments in UK procurement regulation, to be included as a country report in a forthcoming issue of the European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review.

It brings together developments discussed in the blog in recent months. including the Post-Brexit rulebook reform, the proposal of special rules for healthcare services commissioning, the procurement chapter in the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement, and a recent decision in the PPE procurement litigation saga.

In case of interest, it can be downloaded from SSRN:

It contains nothing new, though, so assiduous readers may want to skip this one!

Procurement chapter in the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement -- GPA+ or GPA complex?

Both the UK and Australia are members of the World Trade Organisation Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). The GPA is a multilateral agreement and its members generally make commitments applicable to all other members, but the GPA’s operation is also largely bilateral in the sense that countries can tailor their coverage schedules to include specific rules or derogations of commitments vis-a-vis specific GPA members (either on the basis of expected reciprocity, or otherwise).

Given this possibility of differentiated bilateral treatment within the multilateral framework of the GPA, it could seem surprising that the recent bilateral UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement (UK-AUS FTA) includes a chapter on public procurement (chapter 16). However, this approach to the inclusion of procurement chapters that go beyond existing GPA commitments (GPA+) in bilateral FTAs rather than through the GPA is not new. Australia has long engaged with this approach [see eg D Collins, ‘Government Procurement with Strings Attached: The Uneven Control of Offsets by the World Trade Organization and Regional Trade Agreements’ (2018) 8(2) Asian Journal of International Law 301–321]. As has the UK, in a manner that carries on from the EU’s approach that bound the UK until it gained independent GPA membership on 1 January 2021 [see eg M Garcia, ‘Procurement Liberalization Diffusion in EU Agreements: Signalling Stewardship?’ (2014) 48(3) Journal of World Trade 481-500].

Ways of going GPA+ in bilateral FTAs

There are two primary approaches to the creation of bilateral GPA+ procurement regimes in FTAs. One is to simply incorporate the GPA and the relevant schedules of coverage into the bilateral FTA by reference, and then add whichever ‘plus’ elements are agreed in specific FTA provisions and/or expanded schedules of coverage. This is the approach followed in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (EU-UK TCA), which Art 277 incorporates certain provisions of the GPA and covered procurement, and Arts 278-286 establish additional rules for covered procurement—with additional requirements for not covered procurement also contained in the TCA (Art 287-288), as well as a specific set of rules on modification of coverage, dispute resolution and cooperation (Arts 289-294).

The alternative approach is to replicate the text of the GPA itself in the bilateral FTA and to include additional commitments either as part of those provisions (eg by reducing optionality and making specific requirements mandatory), or by adding additional provisions, as well as including expanded schedules of coverage. This is for example the approach followed in the EU-Singapore FTA (Chapter 9), or the EU-Canada FTA (CETA, Chapter 19). And this is also the approach followed by the UK-AUS FTA, which includes a significant number of variations on the GPA text worth assessing (below).

Complications of going GPA+ in bilateral FTAs

From a legal interpretation perspective, the first approach (incorporation by reference) is likely to minimise risks of inconsistency between the GPA and the FTA because, unless the additional obligations overlap (and contradict) the basic obligations in the GPA, it is more likely that the FTA really only deals with the ‘plus’ agreed between its parties. In contrast, the second approach (replication) creates significant scope for legal uncertainty where the text of the GPA is altered in the process of its inclusion into the FTA, as it will not always be clear whether the parties sought to deviate from GPA obligations and, in my view, establishing the purpose of a specific deviation is more difficult to do in the context of a provision that is mostly like the GPA’s, rather than in a self-standing provision.

Either way, under both approaches, where the bilateral FTA deviates from the GPA in a way that is not clearly adding obligations or expanding scope of coverage, but rather varying or reducing the parties’ obligations towards each other, the extent to which the inclusion of an incompatible clause in the FTA will generate a change in the legal position of the parties under the GPA or more generally is unclear as, more importantly, is unclear whether it will generate a practical effect.

This can be a rather tricky issue of treaty interpretation governed by the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of the Treaties (Art 30), on which I will have to defer to specialists. However, from a practical perspective, it seems to me that the GPA+ approach is incapable of generating practical effects concerning a reduction or variation of the requirements applicable to the tendering of public contracts where the specific procurement is subject to dual coverage. Given that GPA+ extensions of coverage are usually only incremental above the general coverage included in the GPA schedules for each of the parties, most of the procurement opportunities covered by the FTA will be subject to such dual regulation.

Imagine a bilateral FTA that excludes a specific obligation (eg concerning the need to mention in the notice of intended procurement that the procurement is covered by the FTA) while that obligation is, however, included in the GPA. If a procurement is covered both by the GPA and the FTA, the procuring Member State will have to comply with the most demanding legal regime between the GPA and the FTA (at least vis-a-vis the other GPA members; in the example, it will have to indicate that the procurement is covered by the GPA) and, in that scenario, the practical effects of the deviation in the FTA from the GPA regulatory benchmark will be nullified (eg because it will be possible for tenderers from the FTA jurisdiction to identify the opportunity as also open to them).

While there can be some marginal circumstances in which there can be a practical effect (eg reducing or excluding access to remedies vis-a-vis tenderers from the FTA jurisdiction), those are unlikely to go unchallenged (eg on the basis that more unfavourable treatment under the bilateral FTA is incompatible with the GPA commitments, subject to issue of treaty interpretation, as above).

All in all, it seems difficult to understand why countries would want to vary or reduce their obligations under the GPA in bilateral FTAs—given that, at the end of the day, those are regulatory constraints they had accepted in the context of the GPA that bound them (also bilaterally) prior to entering into the FTA. It could be that reduced procedural or substantive guarantees are a trade-off they are willing to make in exchange for increased economic coverage of their bilateral procurement trade. But this seems to unnecessarily overcomplicate the legal environment, potentially with unpredictable consequences. However, this is clearly the approach followed in the procurement chapter of the UK-AUS FTA, which is worth looking at closely. Some of the analysis of the UK-AUS FTA will be applicable to other GPA+ FTAs, to the extent that they include the same, or similar deviations from the GPA.

Selected complications in the GPA+ (or GPA-) approach of the UK-AUS FTA

The procurement chapter of the UK-AUS FTA includes relevant deviations from the GPA (a full list is available below, Appendix). Some of these variations raise interpretive and practical issues, such as the effect of a change in the national treatment clause (arguably the pillar of the GPA regime), or a change in the wording of the main clause on remedies (another of the crucial provisions in the GPA). I will now address these two issues in detail, as they seem to me to be indicative of a GPA- rather than a GPA+ approach in the UK-AUS FTA—and thus liable to the sort of complication laid out above.

Remit of the national treatment obligation

The GPA imposes national treatment and non-discrimination obligations as the foundation of its regulatory architecture. The GPA national treatment clause reads ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, each Party, including its procuring entities, shall accord immediately and unconditionally to the goods and services of any other Party and to the suppliers of any other Party offering the goods or services of any Party, treatment no less favourable than the treatment the Party, including its procuring entities, accords to: a) domestic goods, services and suppliers; and b) goods, services and suppliers of any other Party’ (Art IV(1) emphasis added). This creates a two-tier requirement of ‘most favoured treatment’, both between the goods, services and suppliers of two given GPA members (procuring and supplying) and across the goods, services and suppliers of all GPA parties other than the procuring party.

The underlined clause leaves the possibility open for differential treatment of suppliers of a GPA party offering goods or services of a non-GPA party. This is in line with the GPA non-discrimination clause, which reads: ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, a Party, including its procuring entities, shall not: a) treat a locally established supplier less favourably than another locally established supplier on the basis of the degree of foreign affiliation or ownership; or b) discriminate against a locally established supplier on the basis that the goods or services offered by that supplier for a particular procurement are goods or services of any other Party’ (Art IV(2) emphasis added). Again, the possibility is open for differential treatment of suppliers of a GPA party offering goods or services of a non-GPA party—on the implicit assumption that domestic suppliers offering goods or services of a non-GPA party are subjected to the same differential treatment.

The UK-AUS FTA replicates these two clauses in Art 16.4(1) and (2). However, Art 16.4(1) simply states that ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, each Party, including its procuring entities, shall accord immediately and unconditionally to the goods and services of the other Party and to the suppliers of the other Party, treatment no less favourable …’. Similarly, Art 16.4(2) establishes that ‘With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, neither Party, including its procuring entities, shall: … (b) discriminate against a locally established supplier on the basis that the good or service offered by that supplier for a particular procurement is a good or service of the other Party.

The deviation in the UK-AUS FTA from the GPA clause can raise interpretive issues concerning the possibility of differential treatment of UK or AUS suppliers offering the goods or services of a third party, which can lead to two views. One view, based on a literal interpretation of the clause, is that suppliers of either of the parties are protected under the national treatment regime, even if they offer goods or services from third parties (unless domestic suppliers offering goods or services from third parties are also subjected to specific differential treatment—eg exclusion). The other view, based on a functional/systematic interpretation that took account of the fact that Art 16.4(2)(b) only refers to locally established suppliers offering goods or services of the other party, would be that it is implicit in Art 16.4(1) that suppliers are only protected as long as they offer goods or services of one of the parties (ie UK or AUS goods or services).

The interpretation is not limited to the FTA itself, but needs to take into account the interplay with the GPA, given that the UK and AUS are bound by it in relation to the other GPA parties. In that regard, if a procurement is dually covered by the FTA and the GPA, the second interpretation in my view just does not hold water because eg a UK tenderer for an AUS contract covered by both the FTA and the GPA offering the goods of another GPA member (eg the EU) would necessarily be protected by the GPA national treatment clause in order for the EU goods not to be ultimately discriminated against in breach of the AUS-EU obligations under the GPA. And a similar effect would result from the triangular interaction between the UK-AUS FTA and other FTAs binding either of the parties.

If this is correct, it also seems difficult to argue that the interpretation of Art 16.4(1) in the FTA varies, depending on whether the third country goods or services for the purposes of the FTA being offered by a UK or AUS supplier, are (or not) also third country goods for the purposes of the GPA and/or other applicable FTAs. It should also be stressed that (pragmatically) not all third countries will be seen as deserving the same treatment (eg exclusion), so that there can be undesirable implications in eg applying differential treatment to both domestic and foreign (UK and AUS) suppliers offering third country goods or services, where the origin of those services is not the same.

Therefore, it would have been much preferable to include a specific clause in Art 16.4(1) establishing that national treatment needs to be granted to suppliers of either party offering goods or services covered by this or any other international agreements requiring equal treatment of goods or services of a specific origin — or something to that effect. An alternative would have been to change the drafting and adopt a broader clause, eg based on Art 25 of Directive 2014/24/EU [for analysis, see A La Chimia, ‘Art 25’ in R Caranta and A Sanchez-Graells, European Public Procurement. Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU (Edward Elgar, 2021) 274-286].

Overall, this will primarily be relevant in procurement covered by the UK-AUS FTA and not the GPA (either because of differential value thresholds, or differences in scope of coverage: notably, in the concessions sector). But some of these contracts can have very high values. Against that background, it seems that the uncertainty on the proper meaning of the (reduced) national treatment clause in the FTA generates an unnecessary complication.

Watering down of procedural guarantees and access to remedies?

The GPA develops a rather robust set of requirements for the design of domestic review procedures (Art XVIII GPA). The UK-AUS FTA deviates from the GPA benchmark in two important aspects.

First, the FTA limits the right to be heard in the context of a procurement challenge. While the GPA states that ‘the participants to the proceedings … shall have the right to be heard prior to a decision of the review body being made on the challenge’ (Art XVIII(6)(b)), the FTA provides instead that ‘a supplier that initiates a complaint shall be provided an opportunity to reply to the procuring entity’s response before the review authority takes a decision on the complaint’ (Art 16.19(6)(b)). Although the relevance of these differences in wording will depend on how the review bodies and courts interpret them, there seem to be two clear intended changes:

First, a reduction of the potential scope of beneficiaries of the right to be heard, which is constrained to the supplier that initiates a complaint. Whether other ‘challengers’ are allowed in a procurement review procedures will depend on the rules on active standing, but this is clearly more prescriptive than the broader term ‘participants’ used by the GPA. It is also interesting to note that the FTA uses the term ‘participants’ in the rest of Art 16.19(6), eg concerning the right to be represented and accompanied (c), or the right to access to all proceedings (d), or the right to request that the proceedings take place in public and that witnesses may be presented (e).

Second, there is a parallel reduction of the extent of the right to be heard, which is limited to replying to the procurement entity’s response to the initial complaint. The practical implications of these changes are difficult to understand in abstract terms—although they do seem to put significant pressure on the comprehensiveness of the initial complaint and perhaps seek to bar the addition of further grounds for challenge as discovery takes place—but there must be some reason behind this (eg seeking to reduce the cost of defending procurement challenges, perhaps especially in UK Courts?).

In a similarly restrictive fashion, the FTA also includes changes in the regulation of remedies. There are two issues.

The first one is an omission of the possibility to obtain a suspension of proceedings as an interim measure. While the GPA clearly indicates that the obligation to provide for rapid interim measures includes the possibility that ‘Such interim measures may result in suspension of the procurement process’ (Art XVIII(7)(a) GPA), the FTA omits that explicit reference (Art 16.19(7)(a) FTA). In general, the FTA would to me seem insufficient to exclude suspension as a potential interim measure if it is generally available under the applicable procedural rules, but this should perhaps be analysed with the second change in the regulation of remedies.

The second change is a relocation of the public interest clause allowing for the overriding adverse consequences of a procurement challenge to be taken into account, so that it not only applies to the possibility of seeking interim relief, but also to corrective action. In the GPA, the obligation to provide for rapid interim measures is caveated as follows: ‘The procedures may provide that overriding adverse consequences for the interests concerned, including the public interest, may be taken into account when deciding whether such measures should be applied. Just cause for not acting shall be provided in writing’ (Art XVIII(7)(a) GPA). This clearly is meant to allow a review body not to adopt interim measures, but without prejudice of an eventual decision on corrective action or financial compensation, which are separately regulated (Art XVIII(7)(b) GPA).

Conversely, in the FTA, the public interest clause is placed at the end of the relevant provision (Art 16.19(7)) and covers both the obligation to adopt or maintain procedures that provide for (a) prompt interim measures to preserve the supplier's opportunity to participate in the procurement; and (b) corrective action that may include compensation. This can hardly be seen as a clerical error, but the likely intended effect of excluding financial compensation on grounds of an overriding public interest is, in my view, unlikely to be upheld in case of challenge, especially bearing in mind that the FTA has already significantly limited the scope for financial compensation in establishing that ‘If the review authority has determined that there has been a breach or a failure [of the claimant’s rights under the FTA or the domestic rules implementing it] a Party may limit compensation for the loss or damages suffered to either the costs reasonably incurred in the preparation of the tender or in bringing the complaint, or both’ (Art 16.19(5)).

The possibility to completely exclude financial compensation for breach of the FTA obligations would render the system toothless. Moreover, this is clearly a deviation that would be disputed in terms of legal interpretation (eg in relation to dual coverage procurements under the GPA and the FTA). Once again, it seems that the uncertainty on the proper meaning of the watered down procedural guarantees and access to remedies in the FTA generate an unnecessary complication.

Some final thoughts on increased coverage, and its bilateral nature

A final issue worth considering is the technical complexity (and tediousness) of identifying the economic coverage gains expected of a GPA+ procurement chapter in an FTA. While this is probably abundantly clear to negotiating teams, it is quite difficult to assess on the basis of the written agreement, even carefully combing through the schedules of coverage of the GPA and the FTA. In that regard, it would be helpful if those assessments were published, or for the relevant publications to include more detail.

The Impact Assessment of the UK-AUS FTA published by the Department for International Trade (DIT) solely contains a brief paragraph (and a complicated footnote) to support rather large headline claims:

‘Australia has offered the UK more legally guaranteed procurement market access than it has offered in any other FTA, amounting to approximately £10 billion of new legally guaranteed market access for UK businesses per year.[34] In return, the UK has offered to build on the legally guaranteed market access offered to Australia in the GPA by offering additional sub-central entities and coverage of additional services’ (Impact assessment, at 21).

[34] This estimate has been derived using a combination of publicly available contract award notices (AusTender, 2018-2019). Where data is missing or unavailable, individual expenditure reports for relevant entities have been sourced. Certain assumptions have then been applied using published OECD statistics (OECD Government at a Glance, 2019). Australia provided estimates for the value of their services offer. Detailed UNSPSC-CPC matching was undertaken, with the help of Australia, to determine which exact services would come into scope of their offer. This estimate was then verifed by DIT analysts.

As things stand, the only other way of getting a sense of how much more procurement volume is susceptible of trade liberalisation and in which sectors is by looking into the documents published to ‘sell’ the conclusion of the FTA. In the specific case of the UK-AUS FTA, this other DIT document on ‘UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement: Benefits for the UK’ is illustrative. However, there are a couple of points to note about the way the ‘trade gains’ are presented.

One point is that these documents would be more useful (and credible) if they made it very clear that most of the additional opening in procurement is either reciprocal (in strict terms) or based on mutual concessions. For the agreement to be balanced, both parties need to see a similar volume of benefits and, while it is possible to compensate for net gains in one chapter (eg procurement) against another (eg financial or digital services), it would seem odd if one of the parties was clearly massively better off than the other in any given chapter, or at least in the procurement chapter, given that FTA concessions build on already existing GPA concessions and a very unbalanced FTA chapter on procurement could put pressure on the relevant party to review its GPA schedules more generally).

This is important eg in the context of the inclusion of public works concession contracts under the UK-AUS FTA because the DIT document makes significant emphasis on the opportunities for UK companies to bid for opportunities in Australia, especially in the rail sector, but this perhaps is slightly dampened by the fact that this opening up is reciprocal, as well as by the fact that some of the largest operators of rail franchises in the UK already are not ‘British’ (see eg here), which raises some questions on the extent to which there are direct advantages to UK companies commensurate to the economic claims in the impact assessment or the more accessible document on benefits for the UK.

The other point is that these documents need to be precise as to the incremental opening of procurement specifically brought by the FTA. In the second DIT document, there is eg a rather broad claim that 'UK companies will have a legally guaranteed right to bid for all contracts for financial and business services procured by Australian government bodies covered by this deal. For example, UK businesses will now have a right to bid for financial and business service contracts procured by the Australian Financial Security Authority and other federal and state-level finance departments. This will help UK businesses compete on an equal footing with Australian companies’ (emphasis added).

This is, well ... at least imprecise. The Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) is already covered in the GPA (AUS Annex 3), so its procurement of services is already covered (AUS Annex 5, and thanks to reciprocity of coverage of financial and related services in the UK's own Annex 5), as long as the value threshold of SDR 400,000 is crossed. What the UK-AUS FTA does is changing AFSA's classification as a Section A entity (equivalent to AUS Annex 1 in the GPA) and this reduces the value threshold for services to SDR 130,000. So, while there is clearly an incremental change, it is also clear that UK businesses already had a right to bid for AFSA contracts for financial services (just not the right to bid for those between SDR 400k and 130k). In my view, avoiding potentially misleading simplifications of the complex and incremental ways in which a GPA+ FTA extends procurement liberalisation would be desirable.


Until now, I had never really looked in detail at GPA+ procurement chapters in FTAs, but it does seem like there is plenty to reflect upon and perhaps even a research project hidden somewhere. If anyone has any useful suggestions, or if anyone can point me to existing research on this topic that I may have overlooked, I would be most grateful:

Appendix: The procurement chapter in the UK-AUS FTA in detail

Comparing the text of the procurement chapter in the UK-AUS FTA with the GPA, I have identified the differences below (I may have overlooked some, but hopefully not):

Art 16.1 Definitions - two seemingly technical differences:

  • it includes a definition of ‘build-operate-transfer contract’ / ‘public works concession contract’ to reflect the expanded coverage (below, 16.2).

  • it also includes a modification in the definition of ‘technical specifications’ as applicable to ‘services’, which adds ‘applicable administrative provisions’ as part of the definition.

Art 16.2 Scope

Scope of application reflects an extension of scope (GPA+), including:

  • there is no exclusion of procurement ‘with a view to commercial sale or resale, or for use in the production or supply of goods or services for commercial sale or resale’ (cfr Art II(2)(a)(ii) GPA).

  • coverage is extended to include procurement by means of ‘build-operate-transfer contracts and public works concessions contracts’, which brings concessions (especially in transport) under the scope of the FTA.

Given the bilateral nature of the FTA, the Schedules are required to regulate issues included in the core text of the GPA (a threshold adjustment formula and information on the procurement system).

Excludes the rule on delegated procurement in Art II(5) GPA.

A new section on Compliance includes:

  • a general ‘good faith’ obligation (16.2(5))

  • a varied non-circumvention clause (16.2(6)) that excludes the intentional element of the GPA equivalent (Art II(6)(a))

  • a clause explicitly allowing both parties and their contracting authorities to develop ‘developing new procurement policies, procedures or contractual means, provided that they are not inconsistent with this Chapter’ (16.2(7)) — which I read as an (unnecessary) hint to the ongoing process of reform of the UK’s procurement rulebook following the Transforming Public Procurement green paper consultation.

The section on Valuation includes

  • a specific addition in the rules on the calculation of contract value to capture any ‘other revenue stream that may be provided for under the contract’, which will be particularly relevant for concessions;

  • a looser regulation of the rule on recurring contracts than in the GPA (cfr Art II(7)); and

  • a streamlined and seemingly stricter approach to the coverage of contracts with unknown total value (cfr Art II(8) GPA), which will also be particularly relevant for concessions.

Art 16.3 General exceptions

  • does not include the defence exception in Art III(1) GPA.

  • creates a new clarification seemingly tailored to the climate crisis, whereby it is stressed that the possibility of adopting or maintaining measures ‘necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health’ ‘includes environmental measures’.

Art 16.4 General principles

In regulating the general principle of National Treatment and Non-Discrimination, the FTA introduces two variations on the GPA:

  • the wording of the national treatment requirement excludes an important element of the GPA’s clause concerning ‘suppliers of any other Party offering the goods or services of any Party’ (Art IV(1) emphasis added). See analysis above.

  • there is a specific clause clarifying that ‘All orders under contracts awarded for covered procurement shall be subject’ to the national treatment and non-discrimination obligations (Art 16.4(3)), which will be particularly relevant in the context of framework agreements and similar procurement vehicles.

The FTA makes the Use of Electronic Means mandatory beyond GPA requirements.

The FTA also seems to strengthen the prohibition of Offsets by stressing that they cannot take place ‘at any stage of a procurement’ (Art 16.4(8)). However, given eg the general notes of the Australian schedule (Section G 1(c) and 1(d)), the practical effectiveness of this remains to be seen.

Art 16.6 Notices

The FTA imposes the Electronic Publication of Notices, also at sub-central level (Art 16.6(1)).

There are some changes concerning the content of the Notice of Intended Procurement:

  • there is no reference to the ‘cost and terms of payment, if any’ related to access to procurement documents, which could suggest that charges are forbidden;

  • there is no reference to an obligation to include ‘a description of any options’ (which would seem like an unwanted omission);

  • there is no obligation to include ‘an indication that the procurement is covered by this Agreement’ (but see above re interplay with that requirement in Art VII(2)(l) GPA);

  • there are no references to the publication of summary notices - which are a language-based specific requirement of the GPA that is probably irrelevant in the context of an FTA between two English-speaking countries;

  • there is no option for the use of a Notice of Planned Procurement as a Notice of Intended Procurement for sub-central and other procuring entities ex Art VII(5) GPA.

Art 16.7 Conditions for participation

Art 16.7(2)(a) extends the prohibition on requirements for local experience, forbidding not only requirements that ‘the supplier has previously been awarded one or more contracts by a procuring entity of a Party’ (as in the GPA), but also requirements that ‘the supplier has prior work experience in the territory of that Party’.

Art 16.8 Qualification of suppliers

There are some precisions concerning Registration Systems and Qualification Procedures, including:

  • an explicit (if unnecessary?) prohibition on using registration systems or qualification procedures to delay or bar consideration of specific suppliers (Art 16.8(3)(b) FTA, cfr Art IX(3) GPA);

  • a new set of rules concerning supplier registration systems (Art 16.8(4));

  • mandatory electronic publication of multi-use lists requiring continuous availability (which makes part of GPA requirements for paper-based or time-limited lists redundant; cfr Art IX(8) and (9));

  • suppression of the requirement for notices of multi-use lists to include ‘an indication that the list may be used for procurement covered by this Agreement’ (cfr Art IX(8)(e); see also above Art 16.6).

There are some implicit changes regarding Information on Procuring Entity Decisions indicating the possibility to delegate the management of procurement procedures (see Art 16.8(14) and (15), referring to ‘a procuring entity or other entity of a Party’).

Art 16.9 Technical Specifications and Tender Documentation

There is a clause that goes beyond the text of the GPA on Technical Specifications, for data governance concerning ‘sensitive government information’ (Art 16.9(7), which can in part mitigate for the omission of the exception in Art III(1) GPA, as above Art 16.3 FTA);

There are some differences on Tender Documentation requirements:

  • small technical change concerning the description of the conditions for participation (Art 16.9(8)(b));

  • omission of the possibility of running procurements where price is the sole award criterion (Art 16.9(8)(c), although this is foreseen in Art 16.14(5)(b), so it looks like an unwanted omission).

There is a new clause on Preliminary Market Research and Engagement (Art 16.9(13).

Article 16.10 Time-Periods

The requirement for time periods and any extensions thereof to apply equally to all interested or participating suppliers is relocated (see Art 16.10(7) cfr Art XI(1) in fine GPA).

Given the obligation to publish notices of intended procurement by electronic means (Art 16.4(4)(a) and 16.6(1)), the possibility to shorten time periods for the submission of tenders on that basis makes little sense (Art 16.10(5)(a)), other than as a hangover rule meant to maintain alignment with the GPA (Art XI(5)(a)).

Art 16.12 Limited Tendering

The FTA modifies the grounds allowing for limited tendering to acquire ‘a prototype or a first good or service that is developed at its request’ (Art XIII(1)(f) GPA) to cover ‘a prototype or a first good or service that is intended for limited trial or that is developed at its request’ (Art 16.12(1)(e) emphasis added), with the remit of such limited trial remaining undefined. The same provision adds clarification that subsequent procurement of such goods or services are fully covered.

16.15 Transparency of Procurement Information

The FTA makes the Publication of Award Information mandatorily electronic (Art 16.15(2)).

The FTA omits the GPA rules on the Collection and Reporting of Statistics (Art XVI(4) and (5) GPA).

Article 16.17 Environmental, Social and Labour Considerations - entirely new.

Article 16.18 Ensuring Integrity in the Procurement Process - entirely new.

Article 16.19 Domestic Review Procedures

The FTA reorders part of the content of Art XVIII GPA, and introduces two relevant changes (analysed above):

  • limitation of the right to be heard: instead of following the GPA clause stating that ‘the participants to the proceedings … shall have the right to be heard prior to a decision of the review body being made on the challenge’ (Art XVIII(6)(b)), the FTA provides instead that ‘a supplier that initiates a complaint shall be provided an opportunity to reply to the procuring entity’s response before the review authority takes a decision on the complaint’ (Art 16.19(6)(b)); and

  • change in the regulation of remedies, including: (1) an omission of the possibility to obtain a suspension of proceedings as an interim measure (Art 16.19(7)(a) FTA cfr Art XVIII(7)(a) GPA); and (2) a relocation of the public interest clause allowing for the overriding adverse consequences of a procurement challenge to be taken into account, so that it not only applies to the possibility of seeking interim relief, but also to corrective action (Art 16.19(7) cfr Art XVIII(7)(a) GPA).

Article 16.20 Modifications and Rectifications to Annex - introduces changes to reflect bilateral nature of FTA.

Article 16.21 Facilitation of Participation by SMEs - entirely new (although practical effect may be doubtful, given that SME preferences are allowed).

Article 16.22 Cooperation - entirely new. interestingly, it includes cooperation on ‘exchanging government procurement statistics and data’ despite the suppression of the requirements concerning collection and reporting of statistics as per the GPA (Art XVI(4) and (5), above).

Third nomination to the 2022 Antitrust Writing Awards -- please vote

Dear HTCaN friends,

If you follow the blog, you will know that I run it out of interest and passion for procurement, competition and digital governance topics. If you follow, you probably share those interests and hopefully find something interesting here every now and then. I am very glad that we can share this space.

However, being an academic subject to quite a few pressures (publish or perish, etc), it is sometimes difficult to justify the effort and time that goes into it—as opposed to, say, ‘writing proper papers’. This is why nominations to the Antitrust Writing Awards for content published in this blog are always a boost for me — and a useful way to show the powers to be that legal blogging has practical value!

It was good to be nominated in 2015 and 2016, and it is now also great to be nominated again for the 2022 awards for the entry on the European Commission’s bid rigging exclusion guidance of March 2021.

Now in their 11th year, the Antitrust Writing Awards are the field’s largest awards for written thought. For this 11th edition, the Editorial Committee received a record-breaking 1,200+ submissions and, for the category for which the blog is nominated (business article on concerted practices), the Committee selected 29 nominees out of 630 submissions.

As a reader, you can vote online for your favourite writings until March 25, 2022. I would sincerely appreciate it if you considered voting for my entry, which you can do following this link.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support for the blog.

All the best,

Interesting twist on the interpretation of extremely urgent procurement rules -- re [2022] EWHC 46 (TCC)

One of the most awaited court decisions in the PPE procurement litigation saga in the UK was handed down yesterday—see R (Good Law Project and EveryDoctor) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2022] EWHC 46 (TCC). The case concerned, among other things, the interpretation of the authorisation to use a negotiated procedure without prior publication on grounds of extreme urgency, and its limits, under reg.32(2)(c) and 32(4) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (‘PCR2015’), which transpose Art 32(2)(c) of Directive 2014/14/EU verbatim.

The case required an EU law conforming interpretation due to the procurement predating the end of the Brexit transition period (see para [308]). The High Court thus engaged in an analysis of CJEU case law and a functional interpretation of reg.32(2)(c) and 32(4) PCR2015 that is directly of interest regarding the interpretation of Art 32(2)(c) Dir 2014/14/EU (on which see P Bogdanowicz, ‘Article 32’ in R Caranta and A Sanchez-Graells, European Public Procurement. Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU (Edward Elgar, 2021) 350-362]. There are two points worth highlighting in the Judgment (see also Pedro Telles’ hot take yesterday).

First, the High Court confirmed the ‘blanket approach’ interpretation that the pandemic, in its early stages, was itself sufficient justification to ‘deactivate’ procurement rules through the exception to competitive requirements in reg.32(2)(c) and 32(4) PCR2015 / Art 32(2)(c) Dir 2014/24’EU (paras [329]-[331]). This has been the position of the UK Cabinet Office and the European Commission in their ‘pandemic procurement’ guidelines of March and April 2020, respectively, and one that I share (see A Sanchez-Graells, ‘Procurement in the time of Covid-19’ (2020) 71(1) NILQ 81-87, at 83; see also Bogdanowicz, above, at 32.23, contra Telles, above).

Second, and more interesting, the High Court considered whether the authorisation to carry out a negotiated procedure without prior publication is still subject to some of the requirements of the PCR2015 (and, by analogy, Directive 2014/24/EU). The High Court found that, under certain circumstances, extremely urgent procurement is still bound to respect the equal treatment requirement of reg.18 PCR2015 / Art 18 Dir 2014/24/EU. The High Court’s reasoning was that

It is … necessary to consider whether there are any constraints on the permissible approach by a contracting authority when acting under regulation 32; in particular, whether there is an irreducible minimum standard of objective fairness that applies to such procurements, even in the absence of open competition (at [334], emphasis added).

and that

Regulation 18 provides that contracting authorities shall treat economic operators equally and without discrimination and shall act in a transparent and proportionate manner. Regulation 32 does not expressly disapply the obligations set out in regulation 18. … the question that arises is whether there is any implicit exclusion, or modification, of this provision arising from operation of the negotiated procedure without notice (at [340], emphasis added).

Within this framework, and taking into account the peculiar circumstances of the case — ie the fact that the UK Government ‘operated a high priority lane (“the High Priority Lane”, also referred to as … “the VIP Lane”), whereby suppliers who had been referred by Ministers, [Members of Parliament] and senior officials were afforded more favourable treatment, significantly increasing their prospects of being awarded a contract or contracts’ (at [4]) — the High Court established that

It is reasonably clear that where there is only one economic operator who can provide the works, supplies or services, the principle of equal treatment can have no application. Where there is no alternative source, there will be no comparative exercise carried out and no question of any discrimination arises. However, where the contracting authority considers bids from more than one economic operator, whether at the same or at different times, there is no obvious rationale for disregarding the principle of equal treatment in terms of the criteria used to decide which bidders should be awarded a contract. Dispensing with a competition does not justify arbitrary or unfair selection criteria where more than one economic operator could satisfy the demand (at [341]).

I have two comments here. The first one is that the analysis at para [341] is partially flawed when it initially refers to the existence of a single supply source, as that is covered by the grounds in reg.32(2)(b) PCR2015 / Art 32(2)(b) Dir 2014/24/EU. A proper analysis under ground (c) on extreme urgency should have triggered a different logic, as the presence of extreme urgency allows contracting authorities to simply choose a provider regardless of the existence of alternative providers, precisely because the supply, works or services are so urgent that there is no time to consider alternatives. The choice of the specific supplier to which the contract will be awarded is discretionary, and subject only to documentary requirements primarily concerned with the concurrence of the circumstances justifying the use of the negotiated procedure without prior publication (see Sanchez-Graells, above, 83).

If this premise is correct, on the basis of a maiore ad minus logic, the argument is difficult to extend to a situation where the contracting authority makes repeated choices for the direct award of contracts. That does not mean that unequal treatment is allowed, but rather that the source of the requirement for equal treatment can hardly be found in reg.18 PCR2015 / Art 18 Dir 2014/24/EU in relation to reg.32(2)(c) PCR2015 / Art 32(2)(c) Dir 2014/24/EU because its exclusion is implicit in the authorisation to directly and discretionarily choose the economic operator to be tasked with the extremely urgent supply, service provision or works—regardless of whether there is only one possible source or not, as that is covered in ground (b) of those rules instead.

The High Court dismissed this argument as follows:

The Defendant submits that, as he was not constrained to implement any competitive tender process, it was lawful for the Defendant to elect to approach an economic operator of his choice and negotiate directly with such economic operator for the purposes of awarding any individual public contract. In those circumstances, it is submitted, the principle of equal treatment did not apply. In my judgment that submission goes too far. It would be open to the Defendant to justify the selection of one economic operator but only: (i) where he could bring himself within the conditions set out in regulation 32(2)(b), for example where only one economic operator could source the required PPE; or (ii) where he could justify the extent of such derogation from the principles in regulation 18 under regulation 32(2)(c), for example where only one economic operator could source the PPE within the required timescale. That interpretation is consistent with the guidance issued by the European Commission on 1 April 2020 [at [346]).

I submit that the legal analysis of the High Court in this point is incorrect, simply because there is no single source requirement in reg.32(2)(c) PCR2015 (or in Art 32(2)(c) Dir 2014/24), even if this can be a matter of policy, as reflected in the European Commission’s guidance (at 1 and 2.3). And the absence of a sole source requirement is entirely justified on operational grounds. Imagine a situation where the contracting authority with the extremely urgent need identifies a potential provider and successfully and quickly reaches an agreement to get its urgent need satisfied. It would defy all logic to require the contracting authority to then check whether ‘only [that] undertaking is able to deliver within the technical and time constraints imposed by the extreme urgency‘ (in terms of the Commission’s guidance) and, if not, then engage with additional negotiations with the other/s, which would only generate further delay in getting the extremely urgent (public) need satisfied. Sole source requirements simply make no sense in this setting. In fact, the Commission’s guidance was (contradictorily?) clear that ‘as set out in Art. 32 of Directive 2014/24/EU (the ‘Directive’), public buyers may negotiate directly with potential contractor(s) and there are no publication requirements, no time limits, no minimum number of candidates to be consulted, or other procedural requirements. No procedural steps are regulated at EU level. In practice, this means that authorities can act as quickly as is technically/physically feasible – and the procedure may constitute a de facto direct award only subject to physical/technical constraints related to the actual availability and speed of delivery‘ (emphasis added), with this requirement logically only meaning that the awardee of the contract needs to be able to actually deliver at speed (which was the flaw with eg the ventilator challenge, see here).

Conflating both requirements constitutes an improper interpretation that runs contrary to the CJEU case law on extreme urgency grounds for the use of the negotiated procedure without prior publication. This may seem like a technical point, but I think it is important. It is also a rather unnecessary point for the High Court to have made, as the Judgment does not rest on it. At paras [348] and [350], the Court is clear that the equal treatment requirement emerged from the way in which the discretion was exercised, because the VIP Lane created a procedure that was structurally and unavoidably discriminatory.

Linked to that, my second comment is that the exclusion of reg.18 by reg.32(2)(c) PCR2015 (and EU equivalents) should not have pre-empted the finding of an ‘irreducible minimum standard of objective fairness’ in the organisation of a system to make repeated or multiple direct awards in the context of an extremely urgent need (the VIP Lane). However, such requirements should derive from general administrative law rules or principles and, in particular in the context of procurement covered (and authorised to be carried out via a negotiated procedure without prior publication) by EU law, from the duty of good administration in Article 41 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (‘Charter’) — although, admittedly, the relevance of Art 41 Charter to procurement carried out by the Member States is controversial (in favour, AG Sharpston, Opinion in Varec, C-450/06, EU:C:2007:643, at 43; cfr. AG Bobek, Opinion in HUNGEOD, C‑496/18 and C‑497/18, EU:C:2019:1002, at 50).

And, although I am not an expert in UK public law, I would also have thought that general requirements of administrative decision-making should apply to that effect, such as the requirement for decision-makers to consider all issues which are relevant to a decision and not to consider any issues which are not [for discussion in the context of automated decision-making, and with references to case law, see J Cobbe, ‘Administrative law and the machines of government: judicial review of automated public-sector decision-making’ (2019) 39 Legal Studies 636-655, at 650]. However, the High Court also dismissed this argument, although seemingly on the specific factual circumstances of the case (at [456]-[459]).

So it could be that the stringency of the English case law’s approach to the control of objectivity in administrative decision-making provides an explanation for the, in my view, improper interpretation of the requirements that can be attached to procurement via a negotiated procedure without prior publication on grounds of extreme urgency. Whether the CJEU is likely to follow a similar approach to the imposition of equal treatment requirements in the interpretation of Art 32(2)(c) Dir 2014/24/EU in the future is thus difficult to assess.

What's in a consultation? -- comments on the UK Government's Transforming Public Procurement response

On 6 December 2021, almost a year after launching the public consultation on Transforming Public Procurement in the UK post-Brexit, the Cabinet Office published its long-awaited Government response (the response). This now moves the process of reform of the UK procurement rulebook to the pre-legislative stage, with a Procurement Bill expected to be introduced in Parliament in the relatively near future and changes entering into force not earlier than 2023 — and, in any case, with a planned six months’ notice of “go-live”, once the legislation has been concluded.

The response has been published a few months later than initially expected (due to the high level of interest it attracted, see below) and legislation is likely to be introduced to Parliament with a significant delay as well. The legislative reform process is unlikely to generate practical results much earlier than 2024. This can only be an indication (if any was needed) of the complexity and the difficulty of significantly changing the procurement rulebook, which the consultation and now the response largely gloss over. For comparison, it is worth recalling that the process of reform of the EU procurement rules spanned a period of roughly three years (2011-2014), which the UK’s reform (despite not requiring complex inter-governmental and inter-institutional discussions and negotiations, or does it?) is unlikely to beat by much.

The response is meant to reflect on the 629 (unpublished) submissions to the public consultation and, in itself, the way the analysis of the responses has been carried out deserves some comment. The content of the response, perhaps less so, as it largely leaves the proposals unchanged and is thus liable to the same criticisms the original proposals attracted (in addition to my own comments here, here and here, see eg those of Pedro Telles, or the Local Government Association).

Consultation process: all submissions are equal, or are they?

Shortly after the response was published, it became apparent that the Cabinet Office had dealt with the feedback it received in the same ‘consultation by numbers’ approach that has characterised recent consultations on the reform of other aspects of UK procurement regulation, such as the rules applicable to the commissioning of healthcare services for the English National Health Service (NHS, see comment here) that seek to implement the NHS Long-Term Plan. This is not unique to the UK and, in fact, EU-level consultations on procurement reform broadly followed the same method.

Under this approach, the response provides limited or no engagement with specific submissions or arguments, and simply discloses statistical information on the level of support for each of the different parts of the consultation (as per the government’s own coding of the responses, that is). As the response makes explicit, ‘Throughout this document ‘[clear] majority’ means more than [70%] 50% of respondents, ‘about half’ means 50% ± a few percentage points, ‘some’ means 30-50%, ‘a few’ means 10-30% and ‘a small number’ means less than 10%’ (page 10, fn 1).

This is far from unproblematic, given the diversity of backgrounds and positions of those making submissions to the public consultation. While this was half-jokingly but well encapsulated by Peter Smith on twitter (see image), it is a serious flaw in the approach to public consultations for two reasons. The first and rather obvious is that not all submissions should carry the same weight because the institution or person making the submission and their expertise (own agenda, etc) matter, especially in fields of technical regulation where there is limited scope for canvassing general support for policy direction and the consultation is rather focused on complex legislative changes. While such a ‘referendum-like’ approach to public consultation may suit yes/no policy questions (eg should the UK de-legalise a specific substance?), it can hardly work for more complex proposals. If nothing else, the limited suitability of the approach is implicitly recognised in the response and its frequent indication that a significant number of submissions stressed the need for much more detail on the proposals before passing judgement on them.

The second problem is that such a bunching of responses and presentation of proposals as being supported by the majority can make the relevance of the changes introduced in view of the ‘minority’ opinion of respondents difficult to understand, as well as hide the origin of those changes. This is important from the perspective of accountability in the policy formulation process, but also more prosaically in terms of crediting good ideas and suggestions where credit is due.

Taking Q1 on principles of procurement as an example, the response indicates that ‘a clear majority of respondents (92% of the 477 responses to this question) were in favour of the principles [of public procurement: the public good, value for money, transparency, integrity, fair treatment of suppliers and non-discrimination]’ (at [28]). The rest of the summary of submissions indicates some concerns with the removal of proportionality (20%), and some issues around labelling of the principle of ‘fair treatment’, or how they can be implemented in practice. There is no reference to calls for maintaining the principle of competition, which were quite forcefully made by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), or myself if I can say so.

Given that the criticism of an absence of a competition principle is not reflected in the summary of submissions, it is probably difficult to understand (for anyone not having made that point themselves, or having read the very few submissions that are publicly available) why, in the response — seemingly out of the blue — the government indicates that ‘We will introduce an additional objective of promoting the importance of open and fair competition that will draw together a number of different threads in the Green Paper that encourage competitive procurement’ (at [39]). It is also unclear whether this will be narrowly understood as an anti-collusion goal/principle seeking to focus contracting authorities’ attention in the reduction of the risk of illegal bid-rigging cartels, as proposed by the CMA (at [3.3]), or a broader goal/principle in line with my own proposals (at pp 11-12) (or someone else’s).

Of course, it would be difficult and tedious (and probably not very useful) to provide a comprehensive discussion of all submissions received, but the response should be expected to provide much better reasons for changes on the initial proposals, as well as some traceability of the origin of those counter-proposals. In their absence, it is difficult to assess whether the changes are properly justified, or rather reflect some sort of ‘mob rule’ (where a ‘majority’ supported the change) or, conversely, an instance of regulatory capture by a special interest (where a change is untraceable, but likely to have originated from a (super)minority, or perhaps a single or limited number of submissions).

In any case, the response makes it clear that there are limited changes resulting from the public consultation process and that the Procurement Bill will be largely based on the initial consultation proposals. The rest of this post highlights some of the (few) notable changes.

What will change after the consultation?

It would take long to stress what has not changed in the Cabinet Office’s approach to procurement reform after the public consultation, but a couple of unchanged elements of the overall strategy merit some highlight.

The first one is the continuation of the claim that the process will simplify the procurement regulatory framework, while it is clear that this is not a true simplification exercise, but rather one of legislative offloading that will complicate enforcement. This is, in my view, obvious in the response’s proposed next steps, which include the ‘plan to produce a detailed and comprehensive package of published resources (statutory and non-statutory guidance on the key elements of the regulatory framework, templates, model procedures and case studies)’ (at [24]). Post-reform, procurement practitioners will have to fully understand not only the new legislation (primary and secondary), but also the entirety of that ‘comprehensive package’ and the interaction between the different documents. This is not a scenario I would be looking forward to if I hoped for a simpler rulebook post-reform.

The second one is the continued lack of commitment of funding for the training programme (and additional recruitment?) required to deliver the gains expected of the reform. The response continues to indicate that ‘subject to future funding decisions, we intend to roll out a programme of learning and development to meet the varying needs of stakeholders’ (at [24]). This perpetuates the uncertainty on whether the rollout of the new regulatory package will be properly supported and it is difficult to understand why the commitment to fully fund this transformation programme has not yet been made (not even at a political level, unless I missed something). Given the state of UK finances in the foreseeable future, this is a major implementation risk that should have required a different approach.

Moving on to the changes in the original proposals, the following is a non-exhaustive list of the primary changes and some short comments relating to a few of them.

  • The response announces the introduction of a distinction between objectives and principles of procurement, ‘so that the obligations on contracting authorities are clearer’ (at [34]). Further, some ‘other concepts set out in the Green Paper will be established as statutory “objectives”, ensuring that they will influence decision-making in the procurement process. With some limited exceptions these objectives will apply throughout the procurement lifecycle (at [38]).
    Quite how this will provide clarity is anybody’s guess, or at least it escapes me (and it has since 2009, as I already struggled with distinguishing between a goal and a principle of competition in my PhD thesis…).
    It is also not clear which will be the statutory objectives, but it seems that ‘public good’ (framed as maximising ‘public benefit’), ‘value for money’ and ‘integrity’ will be statutory objectives (at [40]). This would leave the principles of transparency, fair treatment of suppliers and non-discrimination as the only procurement principles (stricto sensu) and would, in the end, solely imply a repeal of the principle of proportionality (or, rather, its relabelling as ‘fair treatment’), largely neutralised (confusingly) by an atomisation of proportionality requirements throughout the new regulations (at [42], eg in relation to award criteria at [128]). It is hard to see much of a (substantive) change compared to the current regulation of procurement principles in reg.18 PCR2015. Plus ça change …

  • Introduction of ‘an additional objective of promoting the importance of open and fair competition’ (at [39]). This is a welcome development, but the devil will be in the detail (see above).

  • Revision of the proposal for the creation of a new Procurement Review Unit (PRU) (at [46]), supported by a non-statutory panel of subject-matter experts (at [49], and see also [61-3]), tasked with delivering the same service as the Public Procurement Review Service (at [47]) but with a main focus on ‘on addressing systemic or institutional breaches of the procurement regulations’ (at [48]). Legislation will provide the PRU with new powers (at [52]). PRU will be able to issue mandatory recommendations to address legal compliance (at [53-4]), but not in relation to specific procurement decisions (at [53], ie it will not act as a review body). PRU will also be able to issue statutory guidance if it identifies common patterns of non-compliance (at [56]).

  • The response maintains the goal of creating a single rulebook combining the existing four sets of regulations, but there will be exceptions for utilities (see also [78-85]), defence & security procurement (see also [87-91]), and a completely separate regime for healthcare services commissioning (at [69-72]). There will also be some specific rules concerning concessions (at [86]).
    The extent to which there will be a single rulebook other than in name will depend on the scope and number of such special rules, but I have my doubts that there will be much of a practical change other than (harmless) duplication of (mostly identical) provisions across the existing sets of regulations.

  • The response proposes to abandon the regulation of a new regime of ‘crisis procurement’ and to instead ‘include a limited tendering ground, in the form of a new power for a Minister of the Crown (via statutory instrument) to “declare when action is necessary to protect life” and allow contracting authorities to procure within specific parameters without having to meet all the tests of the current extreme urgency ground’. This would be based on Article III of the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) and only be used extremely rarely and subject to parliamentary scrutiny (at [102]).

  • Re-introduction, with some (unspecified) modifications of the light-touch regime for social and special services, including the possibility to exempt from competition those services where service user choice is important (at [118-121]).
    Here, the response seems to fail to recognise that user-choice systems are not covered by the PCR2015 (as interpreted in line with CJEU case law such as Falk Pharma and Tirkkonen).

  • Creation of a new exclusions framework going beyond the more limited original proposals (at [151-8]), including abandoning the proposal to include Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) as discretionary exclusion grounds (at [161-165]).
    Much detail is still to be published in the draft Procurement Bill and secondary legislation, guidance, etc, but the retention of the distinction between mandatory and discretionary exclusion grounds, as well as the classification of some of them (eg ‘risk to national security’ being a discretionary ground) raise quite a few questions. If a complete overhaul of the system is planned, would it not be better to have a single category of exclusion grounds and a clear set of requirements for their disapplication (eg due to self-cleaning, or in the public interest)? Here, it seems that UK policymakers have been unable to break away of the EU legislative design, even in an area where there are clear practical problems in the EU Directives.

  • The response proposes to retain the creation of a DPS+ mechanism, but relabelling it as Dynamic Market, which will be available not only for common purchases, but for all types of procurement (at 198-203]).

  • The response proposes some limited changes to the transparency requirements included in the original consultation (at [220-8]), including: not requiring disclosure of tenders submitted in a procurement (at [221], a good development); introducing a value threshold of £2 million for the requirement to publish redacted contract documents (at [222], which however means that large parts of eg services procurement could remain below the threshold. Should transparency thresholds relative to coverage thresholds be considered instead?); introducing a restricted disclosure of evaluation documents implying ‘sharing with all participants certain redacted evaluation documents (on the winning bid only) and sending the unsuccessful bidders their own documents privately’ (at [223], also a welcome development, but one that makes the changes regarding debriefing letters rather unclear, see [263-6]); and changes to some of the proposed transparency notices, in particular concerning beneficial ownership (at [224]).

  • The response abandons the process of independent contracting authority review proposed in addition to the review system (at [241-2]).

  • The proposal abandons the possibility of using an existing tribunal to deal with low value claims and issues relating to ongoing competitions (at 246-7]).
    This is perhaps one of the most regrettable changes in the response, as the creation of a review tribunal (not in the terms of the original proposal, but still) is very much needed, especially in a context of more regulatory complexity and increased discretion.

  • Significant changes in remedies, including abandoning specific proposals on pre-contractual remedies (at [249}), and abandoning the cap on the level of damages available to aggrieved bidders (at [254-5]), as well as the proposal to cap profits on contract extensions where the incumbent supplier challenges a new contract award (at [294-5]). However, the proposed new test concerning lifting of automatic suspensions remains on the table (at [251-2]).

  • Increased scope for the (de)regulation of contract modifications, including specific rules for the modification of complex contracts (at [281]), flexibility for uncapped modifications in utilities contracts (at [282]), and minimisation of constraints in the modification of defence & security contracts (at 283]).

Final thoughts

In my view, the outcome of the consultation is mostly unsatisfactory in its limited effect on the initial proposals (other than some very high level issues regarding the principles of the system), its introduction of further sources of complexity through an increased number of exceptions (eg for utilities and defence), but also for social and special services, and its abandonment of the few procedural and remedy-related innovations (ie the creation of a new tribunal) that could have made a practical difference.

Linked to the criticism of the way in which the consultation was carried out (above), it seems like a significant number of these changes could be the result of regulatory capture by specific groups (utilities, MOD, third sector providers of care services) and the reasons for abandoning proposed changes are not always very clear.

All in all, however, the post-consultation Transforming Public Procurement agenda remains largely intact and, as above, liable of the same criticism already raised in relation to the original proposals. Not much more can be said until a Procurement Bill is made public and, then, it will be interesting to see to which extent it can survive the legislative process without suffering a Frankenstein-like deformation in the hands of special interest groups and other agents with specific agendas. The seeming ease with which some interest-specific changes have cropped up after the consultation does not, in my view, bode well for the new UK procurement rulebook.

Essay competition 'If I could change one thing in public procurement regulation' -- results

The essay competition ‘If I could change one thing in public procurement regulation, I would …’ may have come at the wrong time, or perhaps the topic was more difficult than it first seemed … or perhaps the prize was not as much of an incentive as I thought. There were not very many submissions. In fact, the standard track for practitioners and academics ended up deserted. Conversely, the student track attracted some interesting thoughts and I am delighted to publish today the winning essay by Džeina Gaile.*

The essay reflects the complexity of practically implementing principles-based approaches to procurement regulation, as well as the not smaller difficulties in providing statutory rules or detailed guidance to flesh out those principles. The balance between generality and actionability of procurement rules is a constant challenge for regulators, and one at the forefront of the UK’s reform of its procurement rulebook, which moved on to the next stage after the Government’s response to the Green Paper consultation in December 2021 (on which I hope to comment before too long). So hopefully you will agree that the essay is timely and interesting. Happy reading.

If I could change one thing in public procurement regulation, I would …

…provide the contracting authorities with a more detailed regulation on how the principle of equal treatment of tenderers should be applied in case of tender deficiencies and errors.

The public procurement process involves many stages and one of them is the tender evaluation. As in every process driven by human action, errors can be found in the documents made by both the contracting authorities and tenderers. The regulation of Article 56(3) of the Directive 2014/24/EU aims to help the contracting authorities to deal with errors that are found in the information submitted by the economic operators, allowing for additional regulation by the Member States. However, the Directive’s regulation is quite general, and many aspects remain unclear.

Of course, tender clarification could be regarded as a purely practical problem that is not important enough to be dealt with in the procurement legal regulation.

However, one should not forget that as a result of the clarification the tender is either rejected or clarified (and the tenderer may further win the procurement). This decision has a direct effect on the results of the procurement. From this point of view, it should be clear that the result of a more or less strict approach regarding clarification of tenders impacts the whole procurement system.

There is also a line of the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the issue, showing that it can be complex - ‘Storebaelt’ (C-243/89), ‘Slovensko’ (C-599/10), ‘Manova’ (C-336/12), ‘Esaprojekt’ (C-387/14), ‘Klaipėdos regiono atliekų tvarkymo centras’ (C‑927/19) and others. Since “the scope of the contracting authority’s power to allow the successful tenderer subsequently to supplement or clarify its initial tender depends on compliance with the provisions of Article 56(3) of Directive 2014/24, having regard, in particular, to the requirements of the principle of equal treatment” (C‑927/19, para 94), and equal treatment is a general principle of law, there should not be many differences in its application in case of different contracting authorities or EU Member States.

Nevertheless, if there are no specific guidelines on how to proceed with the errors, it is almost impossible to ensure that in practice these situations are dealt with similarly. Many factors are contributing to such differences.

For example, each procurement procedure contains different regulations and consequently each tender contains a lot of information on many aspects. And errors can be found almost anywhere, from how the information is stored in the electronic purchasing system to what type of product will be delivered and what is the name and qualification of the proposed expert. The contracting authority must consider, for example, whether the procurement requirements were clear, what type of information is missing, what is the “essence of the tender”, does the contracting authority has discretion or duty to ask for additional information, what shall be done with the answer, etc.

Additionally, every day many procurement procedures are organized by procurement experts and other persons, each having a different experience and qualification. For example, in Latvia at the beginning of the year 2021 there were 1,621 registered users of the procurement publication system, and 3,677 open procedures in the “classic procurement sector” were organized in the first nine months of the year 2021 (data from webpage of the Procurement Monitoring Bureau of Latvia). Presuming that in each of those open procedures at least one tender contained an error that would require an evaluation of the case-law for at least one hour to understand whether it is allowed to clarify this error, there were 3,677 hours or 459 working days spent trying to solve an issue that is quite vaguely regulated in the procurement directives.

And, even after years of studies and work as a procurement practitioner, the author herself cannot with a high level of confidence say that she would always be able to conclude whether it is allowed to correct the specific error. Although one could argue that there is an easy, comprehensive, and understandable system of criteria to apply, based on the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, just not fully discovered by the author, the procurement process is performed by many thousand people in the whole EU. It would be quite optimistic to say that all persons dealing with these situations are able or qualified to perform a legal analysis to conclude how the principle of equal treatment should be applied in each specific situation. And it also impacts the effectiveness of the procedures, if each found error requires an in-depth legal analysis.

Overall, this leads to a conclusion that there could be an important, common, and challenging aspect of a procurement process that has a significant effect on its results. However, many persons that must solve this issue on an everyday basis are not always equipped with the needed guidance on how to solve it and just try to do their best with different results. Therefore, additional regulation on this aspect maybe could improve the situation.

Džeina Gaile

My name is Džeina Gaile and I am a doctoral student at the University of Latvia. My research focuses on clarification of a submitted tender, but I am interested in many aspects of public procurement. Therefore, I am supplementing my knowledge as often as I can and have a Master of Laws in Public Procurement Law and Policy with Distinction from the University of Nottingham. I also have been practicing procurement and am working as a lawyer for a contracting authority. In a few words, a bit of a “procurement geek”. In my free time, I enjoy walks with my dog, concerts, and social dancing.

Recording of webinar on 'Digitalization and AI decision-making in administrative law proceedings'

The Centre for Global Law and Innovation of the University of Bristol Law School and the Faculty of Law at Universidade Católica Portuguesa co-organised an online workshop to discuss emerging issues in digitalization and AI decision-making in administrative law proceedings. I had the great pleasure of chairing it and I think quite a few important issues for further discussion and research were identified. The speakers kindly agreed to share a recording of the session (available here), of which details follow:

Digitalization and AI decision-making in administrative law proceedings

This is a hot area of legal and policy development that has seen an acceleration in the context of the covid-19 pandemic. Emerging research finds points of friction in the simple transposition of administrative law and existing procedures to the AI context, as well as challenges and shortcomings in the judicial review of decisions supported (or delegated) to an AI.

While more and more attention is paid to the use of AI by the public sector, key regulatory proposals such as the European Commission’s Proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act would largely leave this area to (self)regulation via codes of practice, with the exception of public assistance benefits and services. Self-regulation is also largely the approach taken by the UK in its Guide to using artificial intelligence in the public sector, and the UK courts seem reluctant to engage with the technology underpinning automated decision-making. It is thus arguable that a regulatory gap is increasingly visible and that new solutions and regulatory approaches are required.

The panellists in this workshop covered a range of topics concerning transparency, data protection, automation of decision-making, and judicial review. The panel included (in order of participation):

• Dr Marta Vaz Canavarro Portocarrero de Carvalho, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, specialising in administrative law, and member of the Centro de Arbitragem Administrativa (Portuguese Administrative Law Arbitration Centre).

• Dr Filipa Calvão, President of the Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (Portuguese Data Protection Authority) since 2012, and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

• Dr Pedro Cerqueira Gomes, Assistant Professor at Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Lawyer at Cerqueira Gomes & Associados, RL, specialising in administrative law and public procurement, and author of EU Public Procurement and Innovation - the innovation partnership procedure and harmonization challenges (Edward Elgar 2021).

• Mr Kit Fotheringham, Teaching Associate and postgraduate research student at the University of Bristol Law School. His doctoral thesis is on administrative law, specifically relating to the use of algorithms, machine learning and other artificial intelligence technologies by public bodies in automated decision-making procedures.

Essay competition. Enter to win a copy of the Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU

I have two spare copies of the hot off the press Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU I co-edited with Roberto Caranta. So I thought I would put them to good use through an essay competition. Here are the details on how to enter to win a copy (shipped for free to an address of your choice). I hope many of you will be tempted to enter!

Essay competition: ‘If I could change one thing in public procurement regulation, I would …’

Essays of up to 1,000 words are invited on the topic above. Essays must be written in English, sent as body text in an email to, and be received by Monday 20 December 2021 9am GMT.

Entries can be submitted to the standard track (for practitioners and academics), or the student track (for those currently enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate programmes, including PhD programmes). Submissions need to indicate which track they relate to. Otherwise, they will be entered to the standard track.

Co-authored entries are permitted, provided the authors understand that only one copy of the Commentary will be awarded per winning essay (standard and student track). Where essays are co-authored by students and non-students, they will be entered to the standard track.

The essays will be judged on the basis of the procurement insight they show, the persuasiveness of the argument and their academic quality, in particular regarding engagement with existing law, case law and scholarship. I will judge the essays personally and my decision will be final. Entrants in the student track will be provided with written feedback on request. No feedback will be available for standard track submissions. I reserve the possibility of declaring one or both tracks deserted (but certainly hope this will not be the case!).

Each of the two winning essays (standard and student track) will be awarded a copy of the Commentary and will be published in the blog. All entrants authorise their publication when they submit their essays as a condition for participation. Runner-ups can be published in the blog with express agreement of the author/s.

I look forward to reading the essays. For any queries, please email me: Good luck!

New paper on procurement corruption and AI

I have just uploaded a new paper on SSRN: ‘Procurement corruption and artificial intelligence: between the potential of enabling data architectures and the constraints of due process requirements’, to be published in S. Williams-Elegbe & J. Tillipman (eds), Routledge Handbook of Public Procurement Corruption (forthcoming). In this paper, I reflect on the potential improvements that using AI for anti-corruption purposes can practically have in the current (and foreseeable) context of AI development, (lack of) procurement and other data, and existing due process constraints on the automation or AI-support of corruption-related procurement decision-making (such as eg debarment/exclusion or the imposition of fines). The abstract is as follows:

This contribution argues that the expectations around the deployment of AI as an anti-corruption tool in procurement need to be tamed. It explores how the potential applications of AI replicate anti-corruption interventions by human officials and, as such, can only provide incremental improvements but not a significant transformation of anti-corruption oversight and enforcement architectures. It also stresses the constraints resulting from existing procurement data and the difficulties in creating better, unbiased datasets and algorithms in the future, which would also generate their own corruption risks. The contribution complements this technology-centred analysis with a critical assessment of the legal constraints based on due process rights applicable even when AI supports continued human intervention. This in turn requires a close consideration of the AI-human interaction, as well as a continuation of the controls applicable to human decision-making in corruption-prone activities. The contribution concludes, first, that prioritising improvements in procurement data capture, curation and interconnection is a necessary but insufficient step; and second, that investments in AI-based anti-corruption tools cannot substitute, but only complement, current anti-corruption approaches to procurement.

As always, feedback more than welcome. Not least, because I somehow managed to write this ahead of the submission deadline, so I would have time to adjust things ahead of publication. Thanks in advance: