Anti-competitive, excessively broad, long-term service contracts as a substitute for legislated reform of the NHS in England? -- re manchester out of hospital care tender

In my previous post, I had tried to scope the potential impact of Brexit for NHS procurement in England. There, I stressed the peculiarities derived from the traditional purchaser-provider split that has characterised the activities of the English NHS since the 1990s. That split has evolved beyond a pure "public management" tool and, over the past 25 years or so, resulted in the emergence of mixed markets where public and private undertakings compete for the provision of certain services that are procured or commissioned by a different (buying) branch of the NHS. Those markets are controlled by competition and public procurement rules, which are in part of EU origin, and in part purely domestic instruments -- such as the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and the NHS (Procurement, Patient Choice & Competition) No 2 Regulations 2013.

I also stressed that this domestic policy aimed at creating an "NHS internal market" with clear elements of a mixed economy was (and is) not mandated by EU law. In my view, there is nothing in EU law that obliges member states to open up public healthcare services to competition (see Art 14 and Protocol (No 26) TFEU). EU law simply sets specific rules and constraints applicable to situations where member states independently decide to open up those markets to competition. My arguments for this are largely along the same lines of those maintained by Hervey & McHale (2015, see ch 9).

Therefore, if policy-makers identified the NHS purchaser-provider split as a problem for the introduction of reforms in the way NHS England operates, with or without Brexit, it would be possible to move back to a fully integrated public healthcare system without infringing EU law. Or, in other words, there is no reason why policy reform aimed at undoing the purchaser-provider split in the English NHS could not fit within the blueprint of EU law. 

However, the way in which such change of model can be legally delivered is not without constraints, both under UK and EU law. In my opinion, it is not possible for policy-makers to move away from the current "NHS internal market" without changing its basic regulatory framework (ie without legal reform), and decisions aimed at bringing the existing mixed markets under public control under an appearance of compliance with public procurement and competition law are highly problematic. An on-going project to alter the market for the provision of out of hospital care services in Manchester offers a clear example of this. Given that Manchester's is the first in a series of parallel on-going projects, this can well serve as a cautionary tale.

As part of the implementation of a sustainability and transformation plan (STP), Manchester authorities responsible for health and social care (including three Clinical Commissioning Groups, CCGs, and the Manchester City Council) tendered a contract for the creation of a ‘Local Care Organisation’ (LCO) for a range of out of hospital health and care services for Manchester. The LCO would aim to "deliver sustainable, high quality, safe and affordable prevention, primary, community, secondary health and social care services, through a blend of direct and sub-contracted provision." Furthermore, the contract notice also indicated that "Over time, some services currently provided in the acute sector may be transferred to the LCO; commissioning intentions may result in the transfer of some low acuity, non-surgical (or non-complex surgical) services, into the LCO from year 3 (2020/21) at the earliest, and possibly thereafter over the contract term." In short, this was a contract for the provision of virtually all health and social care services with the exception of in-hospital services. The tendered contract was for a duration of 10 years and an estimated value of £5.9 billion, and was designed as a single block, thus excluding the possibility of awarding it by lots. This was the biggest ever NHS tender at the time of being launched, but other similar contracts are already being sought by local NHS commissioners (see here).

It is worth stressing that the contract was advertised on 14 March 2017 and expressions of interest had to be submitted by 28 April 2017, which does not seem like a particularly long time frame, given the complexity and duration of the contract. The tender notice also explicitly indicated that "The contract will be awarded without further advertisement of this opportunity and there will be no further opportunity to express interest", which clearly created time pressure and possibly discouraged potentially interested tenderers that did not consider it possible to submit a competitive (or even a complete) qualification questionnaire within 6 weeks.

Unsurprisingly, it has now emerged that only one offer has been received fro this contract, and that this offer has been submitted by "the Manchester Provider Board, which is a consortium made up of Manchester City Council, local GP federations, the city's three acute trusts [ie hospitals], community service providers and the Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust". In my view, there are two plausible reasons for this less than competitive outcome: first, that the tendered contract exceeds the delivery capabilities of any given organisation (as demonstrated by the fact that the only offer comes from a collaborative effort that aggregates virtually the entirety of the public providers -- which probably also count on continued reliance on private providers); and, second, that the entities participating in the design of the Manchester STP had, at least, a clear time advantage to prepare their tender (if not also information not available to other potentially interested tenderers). On the whole, it seems that the advertising of the contract was never intended to create real competition, and is simply a formal step aimed at creating an appearance of legality of this strategy aimed at side-stepping the (NHS) market.

I am concerned about at least three dimensions or implications of the strategy followed in the (partial) delivery of the Manchester STP through the tendering of such excessively broad, long-term services contract in less than competitive conditions.

First, at the immediate level of the tender, I am concerned that its design is anti-competitive and potentially breaches the requirements of the principle of competition established in reg. 18(2) and (3) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (in transposition of Art 18(1) Dir 2014/24, on which see here), which requires contracting entities not to artificially narrow competition, in particular by favouring or disadvantaging certain economic operators. Similar issues of interpretation of the requirement of effective competition in the tendering of procurement contracts in the health sector has arisen in other jurisdictions and, in the specific case of Finland, there is an important precedent against the creation of exceedingly large contracts leading to a single potential supplier (for discussion, see here). If I am right and there is a breach of this principle, the whole procurement process should be quashed (although it also seems clear that litigation is unlikely at this stage).

Second, and at a more general level, I think that the effort behind the STP is not merely aimed at streamlining the functioning of the existing NHS market for the provision of out of hospital health and social care services, but rather at setting aside that market altogether. Rather than simply searching for better service delivery through aggregation in the patients' interest (within the limits of the NHS (Procurement, Patient Choice & Competition) No 2 Regulations 2013 -- for discussion, see here), this aims to deliver a change of model for the management of the NHS (and ancillary social services) and clearly exceeds the policy-making space of the procurement regime. If this is the case, I do not think that this can be done through the procurement of a massive umbrella contract capable of eating up the NHS market (while also indicating that there is space for subcontracting and for the future placement of additional services under that umbrella). Legal reform is necessary, in particular to ensure full debate in Parliament of the move away from the purchaser-provider split, as well as the broader implications of the (apparent) project of de-marketisation of the NHS. This is necessary because a change of model is not without consequences, in particular if (foreign) investors in private health care providers raised claims against the UK Government for what could amount to an expropriation in terms of international investment law, as well as a potentially disproportionate (ex post) restriction of EU fundamental freedoms of establishment and movement.

Third, and looking at the future, I am concerned that the delivery of this macro umbrella contract will be highly challenging and difficult to achieve within the terms of the original contract (although I have not seen them). It seems clear that such a long-term and broad contractual object will require permanent adjustments and modifications, which may trigger litigation down the line. The fact that a single contract has such a large scope creates legal risks of its own, in particular if it was to be set aside or terminated in the future. I am sure that there will be contractual provisions aiming to minimise disruption in the provision of such crucial health and social care services should contract execution run into serious difficulties, but it is hard to see that all contingencies can be covered.

Overall, I do not think that EU law (or domestic law) opposes or prevents the end result that the Manchester (and other) STPs aims to achieve. However, they do oppose and raise significant issues in the way that this very fundamental change (ie reversion) of the NHS internal market model is being delivered. Before the Manchester strategy is rolled over or mimicked in other areas, I would suggest that a deeper rethinking and a commensurate reform of the applicable legal framework is necessary. It is clear that the Government is not in the best position to undertake such a large scale project in the context of the Brexit negotiations and the aftermath of the June General Election, but allowing for such reform to be carried out under the radar of Parliamentary scrutiny seems to me both politically wrong and legally risky.


New Paper: A critical assessment of the new health care procurement rules in the UK

The recently adopted UK National Health Service (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) (No. 2) Regulations 2013 include an interesting (and somehow unsettling) provision authorising anti-competitive behaviour in the commissioning of health care services by the National Health Service (NHS), if that is in the (best) interest of health care users.
As briefly discussed here, generally, it seems that under the new public procurement and competition rules applicable to the NHS, whatever is considered in the “interest of patients” could trump pro-competitive requirements and allow the commissioning entity to engage in distortions of competition (either directly, or by facilitating anti-competitive behaviour by tenderers and service providers)—as long as a sort of qualitative cost-benefit analysis shows that net advantages derived from the anti-competitive procurement activity. The apparent oddity of such general “authorisation” for public buyers to engage in anti-competitive procurement of health care services deserves some careful analysis, which this new paper carries out.

paper assesses Regulation 10 of the NHS Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition Regulations 2013 and the substantive guidance published by the UK's health care sector regulator (Monitor) from the perspective of EU economic law (and, more specifically, in connection to public procurement and competition rules). The paper claims that there is a prima facie potential incompatibility between Regulation 10 of the 2013 NHS Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition Regulations and both EU competition law and public procurement law—which are, in principle, opposed to any anti-competitive or competition restrictive behaviour in the conduct of public procurement activities. Consequently, there is a need for an EU law compliant, restrictive interpretation and enforcement of the provision—at least where there is a cross border effect on competition and/or a cross border interest in tendering for the health care contracts, which triggers the application of both EU competition law and public procurement law.
Sánchez Graells, Albert, New Rules For Health Care Procurement in the UK. A Critical Assessment from the Perspective of EU Economic Law (February 2, 2014). University of Leicester School of Law Research Paper No. 14-03. Available at SSRN:

Anticompetitive behaviour in NHS #publicprocurement: Regulating distortions of competition?

The recently adopted National Health Service (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) (No. 2) Regulations 2013 include an interesting (highly unsettling) provision authorising the carrying out of anti-competitive behaviour in the commissioning of NHS services, as long as that is in the interest of health care users. 

The oddity of such 'authorisation' for public buyers to engage in anti-competitive procurement deserves some careful analysis. According to the Regulations:

10.—(1) When commissioning health care services for the purposes of the NHS, a relevant body must not engage in anti-competitive behaviour [i.e. behaviour which would (or would be likely to) prevent, restrict or distort competition], unless to do so is in the interests of people who use health care services for the purposes of the NHS which may include—
(a) by the services being provided in an integrated way (including with other health care services, health-related services, or social care services); or
(b) by co-operation between the persons who provide the services in order to improve the quality of the services.
(2) An arrangement for the provision of health care services for the purposes of the NHS must not include any term or condition restricting competition which is not necessary for the attainment of—
(a) intended outcomes which are beneficial for people who use such services; or
(b) the objective referred to in regulation 2.

The only explanation provided in the Explanatory Memoradum is that

The Regulations place further requirements on commissioners to ensure accountability and transparency in their expenditure. In particular: [...] not to engage in anti-competitive behaviour unless to do so is in the interest of patients. Regulation 10 makes clear that behaviour in the interests of patients may include services being provided in an integrated way or co-operation between providers in order to improve the quality of services. This reflects the Government’s firm view that competition is a means to improving services and not an end in itself.

Generally, then, it seems that under the new NHS public procurement rules, whatever is considered in the 'interest of patients' can trump pro-competitive requirements and allow the commissioning entity to engage in distortions of competition. Even if Regulation 10(2) sets a clear proportionality requirement, my general impression is that this is at odds with the general requirements of EU public procurement law and, more specifically, with the principle of competition embedded in the public procurement Directives--so that the application of Regulation 10(1) for contracts covered by EU law (ie when there is cross-border interest) may result in a breach of those Directives.

In that regard, the substantive guidance published by the UK's healthcare sector regulator Monitor for public consultation is particularly relevant. According to such draft substantive guidance, Monitor will assess the appropriateness of engaging in anti-competitive behaviour on the basis of a cost/benefit analysis. Indeed, it is explained that:

When will behaviour be anti-competitive and not in the interests of users of health care services?
Where a commissioner’s conduct is in the interests of patients its behaviour will not be inconsistent with the prohibition on anti-competitive behaviour in Regulation 10.
In assessing whether or not anti-competitive behaviour is in the interests of health care service users, Monitor will carry out a cost/benefit analysis. Monitor will consider whether by preventing, restricting or distorting competition behaviour gives rise to material adverse effects (costs) for health care service users.
If we find that behaviour gives rise to material costs, we will consider whether it also gives rise to benefits that could not be achieved without the restriction on competition.
Monitor will then weigh the benefits and costs against each other.

The methodology for the carrying out of that cost/benefit (both clinical and non-clinical) analysis is explained and, at the bottom line, when weighing their relevance, Monitor will take into consideration that

This is not a mathematical exercise, but rather a qualitative assessment. Relevant benefits might outweigh costs when, for example, as a result of a commissioner’s actions there is a reduction of competition between a small number of providers, but a significant number of other providers of the relevant services remain and the clinical benefits of the initiative are significant and well evidenced. 

Given the very open-ended methodology described in the document and this final consideration, my impression is that the analysis to be carried out by Monitor may err on the side of allowing for an excessive amount of anti-competitive behaviour--particularly in view of the potential relevance given to qualitative (and, hence, difficult to measure, benefits). 

However, such lenient approach is not exactly matched when Monitor indicates the type of factors it will take into consideration when assessing whether a commissioner has engaged in disproportionate or unjustified anti-competitive behaviour, which include examples such as whether the commissioner:

·               has limited the extent to which providers are able to compete to attract patients to their services, for example, by limiting the total number of patients a provider can treat or the income a provider can earn, or by restricting the providers to whom a provider can refer patients for further treatment, without objective justification;
·               has restricted the ability of providers to differentiate themselves to attract patients, such as, for example, by imposing minimum waiting times that providers must adhere to or restricting opening hours without objective justification; and
·               has reduced the incentives on providers to compete, such as, for example, by disclosing commercially sensitive information belonging to one provider to a different provider without objective justification.

Therefore, it seems that the substantive guidance is strict in terms of promoting (or not reducing) competition of providers in their interface with patients, unless the cost benefit/analysis indicates a (qualitative) advantage for patients that derives from any restriction of competition--such as vertical or horizontal integration of services, joint provision, or standardisation of conditions [as indicated by Regulation 10(1)].

After reading the substantive guidance, it is not clear to me whether the structurally strict approach of Regulation 10(2) will restrict the 'anti-competitive authorisation' of Regulation 10(1) or, on the contrary, if Regulation 10(2) will also be affected by the 'qualitative' approach of Regulation 10(1). In that regard, it would be desirable for Monitor to make it clearer if it intends to use Regulation 10(1) only exceptionally and in cases where the cost/benefit analysis is clearly positive, or if it envisages a more lenient approach. 

I would personally favour the first option, since the authorisation of anti-competitive behaviour in public procurement is prone to generate clear social losses derived from the direct and knock-on effects that non-competitive public procurement generates (see here and here), whereas the (qualitative) benefits sought are hard to measure and to realise. In any case, it will be interesting to see how the final guidance may be affected by the current consultation period, which will be open until the 15th of July 2013.