Now that my research project ‘Digital technologies and public procurement. Gatekeeping and experimentation in digital public governance’ nears its end, some outputs start to emerge. In this post, I would like to highlight two policy briefings summarising some of my top-level policy recommendations, and providing links to more detailed analysis. All materials are available in the ‘Digital Procurement Governance’ tab.
External oversight and mandatory requirements for public sector digital technology adoption
© Mateo Mulder-Graells (2023).
I thought the time would never come, but the last piece of my book project puzzle is now more or less in place. After finding that procurement is not the right regulatory actor and does not have the best tools of ‘digital regulation by contract’, in this last draft chapter, I explore how to discharge procurement of the assigned digital regulation role to increase the likelihood of effective enforcement of desirable goals of public sector digital regulation.
I argue that this should be done through two inter-related regulatory interventions consisting of developing (1) a regulator tasked with the external oversight of the adoption of digital technologies by the public sector, as well as (2) a suite of mandatory requirements binding both public entities seeking to adopt digital technologies and technology providers, and both in relation to the digital technologies to be adopted by the public sector and the applicable governance framework.
Detailed analysis of these issues would require much more extensive treatment than this draft chapter can offer. The modest goal here is simply to stress the key attributes and functions that each of these two regulatory interventions should have to make a positive contribution to governing the transition towards a new model of public digital governance. In this blog post, I summarise the main arguments.
As ever, I would be most grateful for feedback: Especially as I will now turn my attention to seeing how the different pieces of the puzzle fit together, while I edit the manuscript for submission before end of July 2023.
Institutional deficit and risk of capture
In the absence of an alternative institutional architecture (or while it is put in place), procurement is expected to develop a regulatory gatekeeping role in relation to the adoption of digital technologies by the public sector, which is in turn expected to have norm-setting and market-shaping effects across the economy. This could be seen as a way of bypassing or postponing decisions on regulatory architecture.
However, earlier analysis has shown that the procurement function is not the right institution to which to assign a digital regulation role, as it cannot effectively discharge such a duty. This highlights the existence of an institutional deficit in the process of public sector digitalisation, as well as in relation to digital technology regulation more broadly. An alternative approach to institutional design is required, and it can be delivered through the creation of a notional ‘AI in Public Sector Authority’ (AIPSA).
Earlier analysis has also shown that there are pervasive risks of regulatory capture and commercial determination of the process of public sector digitalisation stemming from reliance on standards and benchmarks created by technology vendors or by bodies heavily influenced by the tech industry. AIPSA could safeguard against such risk through controls over the process of standard adoption. AIPSA could also guard against excessive experimentation with digital technologies by creating robust controls to counteract their policy irresistibility.
Overcoming the institutional deficit through AIPSA
The adoption of digital technologies in the process of public sector digitalisation creates regulatory challenges that require external oversight, as procurement is unable to effectively regulate this process. A particularly relevant issue concerns whether such oversight should be entrusted to a new regulator (broad approach), or whether it would suffice to assign new regulatory tasks to existing regulators (narrow approach).
I submit that the narrow approach is inadequate because it perpetuates regulatory fragmentation and can lead to undesirable spillovers or knock-on effects, whether the new regulatory tasks are assigned to data protection authorities, (quasi)regulators with a ‘sufficiently close’ regulatory remit in relation with information and communications technologies (ICT) (such as eg the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), or the Dutch Advisory Council on IT assessment (AcICT)), or newly created centres of expertise in algorithmic regulation (eg the French PEReN). Such ‘organic’ or ‘incremental’ approach to institutional development could overshadow important design considerations, as well embed biases due to the institutional drivers of the existing (quasi)regulators.
To avoid these issues, I advocate a broader or more joined up approach in the proposal for AIPSA. AIPSA would be an independent authority with the statutory function of promoting overarching goals of digital regulation, and specifically tasked with regulating the adoption and use of digital technologies by the public sector, whether through in-house development or procurement from technology providers. AIPSA would also absorb regulatory functions in cognate areas, such as the governance of public sector data, and integrate work in areas such as cyber security. It would also serve a coordinating function with the data protection authority.
In the draft chapter, I stress three fundamental aspects of AIPSA’s institutional design: regulatory coherence, independence and expertise. Independence and expertise would be the two most crucial factors. AIPSA would need to be designed in a way that ensured both political and industry independence, with the issue of political independence having particular salience and requiring countervailing accountability mechanisms. Relatedly, the importance of digital capabilities to effectively exercise a digital regulation role cannot be overemphasised. It is not only important in relation to the active aspects of the regulatory role—such as control of standard setting or permissioning or licencing of digital technology use (below)—but also in relation to the passive aspects of the regulatory role and, in particular, in relation to reactive engagement with industry. High levels of digital capability would be essential to allow AIPSA to effectively scrutinise claims from those that sought to influence its operation and decision-making, as well as reduce AIPSA’s dependence on industry-provided information.
safeguard against regulatory capture and policy irresistibility
Regulating the adoption of digital technologies in the process of public sector digitalisation requires establishing the substantive requirements that such technology needs to meet, as well as the governance requirements need to ensure its proper use. AIPSA’s role in setting mandatory requirements for public sector digitalisation would be twofold.
First, through an approval or certification mechanism, it would control the process of standardisation to neutralise risks of regulatory capture and commercial determination. Where no standards were susceptible of approval or certification, AIPSA would develop them.
Second, through a permissioning or licencing process, AIPSA would ensure that decisions on the adoption of digital technologies by the public sector are not driven by ‘policy irresistibility’, that they are supported by clear governance structures and draw on sufficient resources, and that adherence to the goals of digital regulation is sustained throughout the implementation and use of digital technologies by the public sector and subject to proactive transparency requirements.
The draft chapter provides more details on both issues.
If not AIPSA … then clearly not procurement
There can be many objections to the proposals developed in this draft chapter, which would still require further development. However, most of the objections would likely also apply to the use of procurement as a tool of digital regulation. The functions expected of AIPSA closely match those expected of the procurement function under the approach to ‘digital regulation by contract’. Challenges to AIPSA’s ability to discharge such functions would be applicable to any public buyer seeking to achieve the same goals. Similarly, challenges to the independence or need for accountability of AIPSA would be similarly applicable to atomised decision-making by public buyers.
While the proposal is necessarily imperfect, I submit that it would improve upon the emerging status quo and that, in discharging procurement of the digital regulation role, it would make a positive contribution to the governance of the transition to a new model of digital public governance.
The draft chapter is available via SSRN: Albert Sanchez-Graells, ‘Discharging procurement of the digital regulation role: external oversight and mandatory requirements for public sector digital technology adoption’.
Governing the Assessment and Taking of Risks in Digital Procurement Governance
In a previous blog post, I explored the main governance risks and legal obligations arising from the adoption of digital technologies, which revolve around data governance, algorithmic transparency, technological dependency, technical debt, cybersecurity threats, the risks stemming from the long-term erosion of the skills base in the public sector, and difficult trade-offs due to the uncertainty surrounding immature and still changing technologies within an also evolving regulatory framework. To address such risks and ensure compliance with the relevant governance obligations, I stressed the need to embed a comprehensive mechanism of risk assessment in the process of technological adoption.
In a new draft chapter (num 9) for my book project, I analyse how to embed risk assessments in the initial stages of decision-making processes leading to the adoption of digital solutions for procurement governance, and how to ensure that they are iterated throughout the lifecycle of use of digital technologies. To do so, I critically review the model of AI risk regulation that is emerging in the EU and the UK, which is based on self-regulation and self-assessment. I consider its shortcomings and how to strengthen the model, including the possibility of subjecting the process of technological adoption to external checks. The analysis converges with a broader proposal for institutionalised regulatory checks on the adoption of digital technologies by the public sector that I will develop more fully in another part of the book.
This post provides a summary of my main findings, on which I will welcome any comments: The full draft chapter is free to download: A Sanchez-Graells, ‘Governing the Assessment and Taking of Risks in Digital Procurement Governance’ to be included in A Sanchez-Graells, Digital Technologies and Public Procurement. Gatekeeping and experimentation in digital public governance (OUP, forthcoming), Available at SSRN:
AI Risk Regulation
The emerging (global) model of AI regulation is risk-based—as opposed to a strict precautionary approach. This implies an assumption that ‘a technology will be adopted despite its harms’. This primarily means accepting that technological solutions may (or will) generate (some) negative impacts on public and private interests, even if it is not known when or how those harms will arise, or how extensive they will be. AI are unique, as they are ‘long-term, low probability, systemic, and high impact’, and ‘AI both poses “aggregate risks” across systems and low probability but “catastrophic risks to society”’ [for discussion, see Margot E Kaminski, ‘Regulating the risks of AI’ (2023) 103 Boston University Law Review, forthcoming]
This should thus trigger careful consideration of the ultimate implications of AI risk regulation, and advocates in favour of taking a robust regulatory approach—including to the governance of the risk regulation mechanisms put in place, which may well require external controls, potentially by an independent authority. By contrast, the emerging model of AI risk regulation in the context of procurement digitalisation in the EU and the UK leaves the adoption of digital technologies by public buyers largely unregulated and only subject to voluntary measures, or to open-ended obligations in areas without clear impact assessment standards (which reduces the prospect of effective mandatory enforcement).
Governance of Procurement Digitalisation in the EU
Despite the emergence of a quickly expanding set of EU digital law instruments imposing a patchwork of governance obligations on public buyers, whether or not they adopt digital technologies (see here), the primary decision whether to adopt digital technologies is not subject to any specific constraints, and the substantive obligations that follow from the diverse EU law instruments tend to refer to open-ended standards that require advanced technical capabilities to operationalise them. This would not be altered by the proposed EU AI Act.
Procurement-related AI uses are classified as minimal risk under the EU AI Act, which leaves them subject only to voluntary self-regulation via codes of conduct—yet to be developed. Such codes of conduct should encourage voluntary compliance with the requirements applicable to high-risk AI uses—such as risk management systems, data and data governance requirements, technical documentation, record-keeping, transparency, or accuracy, robustness and cybersecurity requirements—‘on the basis of technical specifications and solutions that are appropriate means of ensuring compliance with such requirements in light of the intended purpose of the systems.’ This seems to introduce a further element of proportionality or ‘adaptability’ requirement that could well water down the requirements applicable to minimal risk AI uses.
Importantly, while it is possible for Member States to draw such codes of conduct, the EU AI Act would pre-empt Member States from going further and mandating compliance with specific obligations (eg by imposing a blanket extension of the governance requirements designed for high-risk AI uses) across their public administrations. The emergent EU model is thus clearly limited to the development of voluntary codes of conduct and their likely content, while yet unknown, seems unlikely to impose the same standards applicable to the adoption of high-risk AI uses.
Governance of Procurement Digitalisation in the UK
Despite its deliberate light-touch approach to AI regulation and actively seeking to deviate from the EU, the UK is relatively advanced in the formulation of voluntary standards to govern procurement digitalisation. Indeed, the UK has adopted guidance for the use of AI in the public sector, and for AI procurement, and is currently piloting an algorithmic transparency standard (see here). The UK has also adopted additional guidance in the Digital, Data and Technology Playbook and the Technology Code of Practice. Remarkably, despite acknowledging the need for risk assessments—and even linking their conduct to spend approvals required for the acquisition of digital technologies by central government organisations—none of these instruments provides clear standards on how to assess (and mitigate) risks related to the adoption of digital technologies.
Thus, despite the proliferation of guidance documents, the substantive assessment of governance risks in digital procurement remains insufficiently addressed and left to undefined risk assessment standards and practices. The only exception concerns cyber security assessments, given the consolidated approach and guidance of the National Cyber Security Centre. This lack of precision in the substantive requirements applicable to data and algorithmic impact assessments clearly constrains the likely effectiveness of the UK’s approach to embedding technology-related impact assessments in the process of adoption of digital technologies for procurement governance (and, more generally, for public governance). In the absence of clear standards, data and algorithmic impact assessments will lead to inconsistent approaches and varying levels of robustness. The absence of standards will also increase the need to access specialist expertise to design and carry out the assessments. Developing such standards and creating an effective institutional mechanism to ensure compliance therewith thus remain a challenge.
The Need for Strengthened Digital Procurement Governance
Both in the EU and the UK, the emerging model of AI risk regulation leaves digital procurement governance to compliance with voluntary measures such as (future) codes of conduct or transparency standards or impose open-ended obligations in areas without clear standards (which reduces the prospect of effective mandatory enforcement). This follows general trends of AI risk regulation and evidences the emergence of a (sub)model highly dependent on self-regulation and self-assessment. This approach is rather problematic.
Self-Regulation: Outsourcing Impact Assessment Regulation to the Private Sector
The absence of mandatory standards for data and algorithmic impact assessments, as well as the embedded flexibility in the standards for cyber security, are bound to outsource the setting of the substantive requirements for those impact assessments to private vendors offering solutions for digital procurement governance. With limited public sector digital capability preventing a detailed specification of the applicable requirements, it is likely that these will be limited to a general obligation for tenderers to provide an impact assessment plan, perhaps by reference to emerging (international private) standards. This would imply the outsourcing of standard setting for risk assessments to private standard-setting organisations and, in the absence of those standards, to the tenderers themselves. This generates a clear and problematic risk of regulatory capture. Moreover, this process of outsourcing or excessively reliance on private agents to commercially determine impact assessments requirements is not sufficiently exposed to scrutiny and contestation.
Self-Assessment: Inadequacy of Mechanisms for Contestability and Accountability
Public buyers will rarely develop the relevant technological solutions but rather acquire them from technological providers. In that case, the duty to carry out the self-assessment will (or should be) cascaded down to the technology provider through contractual obligations. This would place the technology provider as ‘first party’ and the public buyer as ‘second party’ in relation to assuring compliance with the applicable obligations. In a setting of limited public sector digital capability, and in part as a result of a lack of clear standards providing an applicable benchmark (as above), the self-assessment of compliance with risk management requirements will either be de facto outsourced to private vendors (through a lack of challenge of their practices), or carried out by public buyers with limited capabilities (eg during the oversight of contract implementation). Even where public buyers have the required digital capabilities to carry out a more thorough analysis, they lack independence. ‘Second party’ assurance models unavoidably raise questions about their integrity due to the conflicting interests of the assurance provider who wants to use the system (ie the public buyer).
This ‘second party’ assurance model does not include adequate challenge mechanisms despite efforts to disclose (parts of) the relevant self-assessments. Such disclosures are constrained by general problems with ‘comply or explain’ information-based governance mechanisms, with the emerging model showing design features that have proven problematic in other contexts (such as corporate governance and financial market regulation). Moreover, there is no clear mechanism to contest the decisions to adopt digital technologies revealed by the algorithmic disclosures. In many cases, shortcomings in the risk assessments and the related minimisation and mitigation measures will only become observable after the materialisation of the underlying harms. For example, the effects of the adoption of a defective digital solution for decision-making support (eg a recommender system) will only emerge in relation to challengeable decisions in subsequent procurement procedures that rely on such solution. At that point, undoing the effects of the use of the tool may be impossible or excessively costly. In this context, challenges based on procedure-specific harms, such as the possibility to challenge discrete procurement decisions under the general rules on procurement remedies, are inadequate. Not least, because there can be negative systemic harms that are very hard to capture in the challenge to discrete decisions, or for which no agent with active standing has adequate incentives. To avoid potential harms more effectively, ex ante external controls are needed instead.
Creating External Checks on Procurement Digitalisation
It is thus necessary to consider the creation of external ex ante controls applicable to these decisions, to ensure an adequate embedding of effective risk assessments to inform (and constrain) them. Two models are worth considering: certification schemes and independent oversight.
Certification or Conformity Assessments
While not applicable to procurement uses, the model of conformity assessment in the proposed EU AI Act offers a useful blueprint. The main potential shortcoming of conformity assessment systems is that they largely rely on self-assessments by the technology vendors, and thus on first party assurance. Third-party certification (or algorithmic audits) is possible, but voluntary. Whether there would be sufficient (market) incentives to generate a broad (voluntary) use of third-party conformity assessments remains to be seen. While it could be hoped that public buyers could impose the use of certification mechanisms as a condition for participation in tender procedures, this is a less than guaranteed governance strategy given the EU procurement rules’ functional approach to the use of labels and certificates—which systematically require public buyers to accept alternative means of proof of compliance. This thus seems to offer limited potential for (voluntary) certification schemes in this specific context.
Relatedly, the conformity assessment system foreseen in the EU AI Act is also weakened by its reliance on vague concepts with non-obvious translation into verifiable criteria in the context of a third-party assurance audit. This can generate significant limitations in the conformity assessment process. This difficulty is intended to be resolved through the development of harmonised standards by European standardisation organisations and, where those do not exist, through the approval by the European Commission of common specifications. However, such harmonised standards will largely create the same risks of commercial regulatory capture mentioned above.
Overall, the possibility of relying on ‘third-party’ certification schemes offers limited advantages over the self-regulatory approach.
Independent External Oversight
Moving beyond the governance limitations of voluntary third-party certification mechanisms and creating effective external checks on the adoption of digital technologies for procurement governance would require external oversight. An option would be to make the envisaged third-party conformity assessments mandatory, but that would perpetuate the risks of regulatory capture and the outsourcing of the assurance system to private parties. A different, preferable option would be to assign the approval of the decisions to adopt digital technologies and the verification of the relevant risks assessments to a centralised authority also tasked with setting the applicable requirements therefor. The regulator would thus be placed as gatekeeper of the process of transition to digital procurement governance, instead of the atomised imposition of this role on public buyers. This would be reflective of the general features of the system of external controls proposed in the US State of Washington’s Bill SB 5116 (for discussion, see here).
The main goal would be to introduce an element of external verification of the assessment of potential AI harms and the related taking of risks in the adoption of digital technologies. It is submitted that there is a need for the regulator to be independent, so that the system fully encapsulates the advantages of third-party assurance mechanisms. It is also submitted that the data protection regulator may not be best placed to take on the role as its expertise—even if advanced in some aspects of data-intensive digital technologies—primarily relates to issues concerning individual rights and their enforcement. The more diffuse collective interests at stake in the process of transition to a new model of public digital governance (not only in procurement) would require a different set of analyses. While reforming data protection regulators to become AI mega-regulators could be an option, that is not necessarily desirable and it seems that an easier to implement, incremental approach would involve the creation of a new independent authority to control the adoption of AI in the public sector, including in the specific context of procurement digitalisation.
An analysis of emerging regulatory approaches in the EU and the UK shows that the adoption of digital technologies by public buyers is largely unregulated and only subjected to voluntary measures, or to open-ended obligations in areas without clear standards (which reduces the prospect of effective mandatory enforcement). The emerging model of AI risk regulation in the EU and UK follows more general trends and points at the consolidation of a (sub)model of risk-based digital procurement governance that strongly relies on self-regulation and self-assessment.
However, given its limited digital capabilities, the public sector is not best placed to control or influence the process of self-regulation, which results in the outsourcing of crucial regulatory tasks to technology vendors and the consequent risk of regulatory capture and suboptimal design of commercially determined governance mechanisms. These risks are compounded by the emerging ‘second party assurance’ model, as self-assessments by technology vendors would not be adequately scrutinised by public buyers, either due to a lack of digital capabilities or the unavoidable structural conflicts of interest of assurance providers with an interest in the use of the technology, or both. This ‘second party’ assurance model does not include adequate challenge mechanisms despite efforts to disclose (parts of) the relevant self-assessments. Such disclosures are constrained by general problems with ‘comply or explain’ information-based governance mechanisms, with the emerging model showing design features that have proven problematic in other contexts (such as corporate governance and financial market regulation). Moreover, there is no clear mechanism to contest the decisions revealed by the disclosures, including in the context of (delayed) specific uses of the technological solutions.
The analysis also shows how a model of third-party assurance or certification would be affected by the same issues of outsourcing of regulatory decisions to private parties, and ultimately would largely replicate the shortcomings of the self-regulatory and self-assessed model. A certification model would thus only generate a marginal improvement over the emerging model—especially given the functional approach to the use of certification and labels in procurement.
Moving past these shortcomings requires assigning the approval of decisions whether to adopt digital technologies and the verification of the related impact assessments to an independent authority: the ‘AI in the Public Sector Authority’ (AIPSA). I will fully develop a proposal for such authority in coming months.